So, what kind of music do you ladies listen to. Many of the guys seem to be into heavy metal, what about us?
I like almost everything, really. I tend to get obsessed with a particular genre for awhile and then move on ...
I'm 26 now so I've accepted a lot of things about myself. I don't relate to most women, when I do find a woman that I truly understand we can click instantly and are pretty much inseperable from that point on. What I struggle with most is loneliness because this rarely happens.
I have a much easier time forming friendships with men. This is nice but it's also a downfall because I've gotten romantically involved in varying degrees with most of them men I've gotten very close to, and when the sexual relationship is over (none of them have ended well) I'm not even left with a friend, and I'm back at square one.
I don't have a terrible time making friends and being sociable once I get past the initial anxiety but I do have an awful time finding people that I find truly interesting and as arrogant as that sounds, it's only becoming more true as I get older.
My interests are neither feminine nor masculine, for the most part. I'm interested in thought and ideas, theories and gaining knowledge. I spend much of my time alone but I'm definitely being truthful when I say that I prefer to do that and gain knowledge as opposed to hanging around with people I find vacuous.
I just googled "INTP female" because recently I've been having trouble making sense of being analytical, logical, introverted - and female. Yes, we are very rare. Right now my main struggle is trying to relate to other women, and deal with ego-centric men. I'm extremely stubborn; if I know that I'm right, I'm right. I'm also extremely messy - I constantly annoy my detail oriented and very extroverted room mates. I HATE sappy chick flicks. I HATE gossip. I HATE drama. I find that men are intimidated by me - I come across as pretty serious and intense, and so they generally ditch me for the bubbly chicks. Pretty much, being an INTP girl sucks.
Here's my INTP secret: I started university at a school in Texas, and I actually pledged a sorority there. You know how you're supposed to expand your horizons in college, ha ha! Well, it didn't work out so great. I was pretty much on probation for all the social events, too. I eventually transferred away from that school, back to Colorado.
So, it turns out I was definitely not cut out for Texas sorority life. But I met some great individuals there ... only a few, but who woulda thought it? Smart, interesting, all that. (Some more cut out for the collective environment of a sorority than I, though.)
Anyway, not sure what I'm trying to say here. I guess I've lowered my standards at times just to get through certain experiences. It hasn't been all bad, and it doesn't mean they are always lowered -- or maybe I'm just a sellout -- but in some ways, people can surprise you. I like that kind of friend the best, you know? Not always the one who you bond with on first impression (those have always been guys, for me, anyway), but the ones who reveal things over time, underneath whatever exterior they show. And it may not be that they mind-meld with you; one of my favorite discoveries is that people very different from me still can kind of get me ... or at least notice and appreciate the fact that I am who I am without judging. They even find it interesting, or use me as a resource. If they need to cry on someone's shoulder, no, I'm not the one, but if they want a clear eye on something, they'll lay it out for me to analyze. That's affirming. But if I restricted myself to people who were just like me, it wouldn't happen.
The problem I've had recently is that it's hard to fit everything in: doing my parenting and household roles as well as getting enough alone time, plus seeing those valued friends. I don't even have a job (and that's pretty much why ... a job would have to be alone time, for me, right now, as all the stimulation of other activities makes me want to retreat when I'm not doing them).
(On a side note, that's kind of why I've been on this self-evaluation kick recently, because I see when my youngest graduates high school in 5-ish years, I need to have some groundwork laid for a job or something. Or running off to the mountains by myself.Maybe it's the same thing...)
Again, though, it can be tiring sometimes. And at times I do crave my old geeky philosophy major friends, and the engineers and editors at the research board where I worked...
I don't know if I ever have kids but this is definetely BY FAR NOT my purpose in life and will never be. If they come it's alright but there must be someone around to be the "woman-mother" and all that this role includes. I want to see things as they are. This role hasn't be engraved on me you know and I'm more than happy with it because otherwise I wouldn't be who I am.
So, what kind of music do you ladies listen to. Many of the guys seem to be into heavy metal, what about us?
Also into metal, particularly Metallica, progressive metal, and industrial/experimental metal. Not too into screaming vocals, though there are exceptions. ... I also like classical (particularly romantic and modern), indie pop (the likes of Regina Spector, Imogen Heap, etc), classic rock, experimental, some ethnic music (middle eastern and celtic particularly), alternative rock when I'm in the right mood, vocal and piano jazz... I'm all over the place.
Jenny, yes it is freeing in a way when you stop thinking things to death and just dive in. It is scary too. I also wish I didn't waste so many years holding myself back. I still have a ways to go, but I am really proud of myself thus far.
I'm glad you said that you feel sadness for your kids growing up. It reminds me to enjoy my kids while they are young. Secretly, I thought I couldn't wait for them to become teenagers so they would have their own lives and I could get back to mine. But you are right, I should relish this because it doesn't last long. I think the 2 year old is the one. By us being the only girls in the house, she thinks I'm her playmate and should engage her 100% of the time. It's exhausting, but it is fun.
I think at 26, I probably sounded alot like you do, but I was lonely and didn't like lonely so resolved to change. All that being said, I prefer to be alone. But I would like to have people that I enjoy to turn to when I want company. I don't have much of a problem being sociable enough these days, but I certainly continue to find it hard to make real friends.
I find I have their weird push-pull with other people. I love and hate being alone; I hate and love being around others. Sometimes life gets me down and I just want out. Last week I was obsessing longingly about just disappearing to a cabin in the northern woods, where I could live by myself, with a nice fire in the fireplace, writing and reading and doing chores to take care of myself, and not have to be bothered with human culture and modern pressures at all. Just getting back to living simply and without having to navigate all these crazy relational waters anymore. But I know I'd also eventually feel alone, even if I enjoy it in a lot of ways. There's always been this intense desire to find at least one person who truly understands and who I could be with without things being so difficult.
I don't know.
I think women are naturally more relational by nature AND nurture in Western culture. I mean, like it or not, bio-females run on a hormonal and physical makeup designed to nurture offspring, even if there is a wide variation in personality among all females (where some might not nearly be as nurturing as others in the overt senses).
I think it's why we see those older, single "cat ladies" and "dog ladies" too. There's this desire that seems to be in women to have a companion to connect with or dote on, and if they can't find a human to share their lives with, they'll get an animal to fill that role; single guys are far more likely to live alone, from observation, I think.
I do see a bunch of younger INTP males over at INTPc complain about being alone in the world, but I can't tell if it is the same. They badly just want a girlfriend, and that's something a lot of guys complain about it regardless of type. I mean, I'm fully capable of living alone... but it would just be really nice to have someone there who I could depend on and relate too... if it was someone I could trust to be myself around rather than just playing more roles.
I think that I am truly like a man, then.
I honestly don't crave companionship. I go selectively mute at times when I want to focus on my interests and I actually enjoy not speaking and feeling no real emotions, just taking in a constant flow of information.
The only time I start to feel like I really SHOULD talk to people is when I know that I need them around for affection/sex, but I just don't want a relationship, I can't pay that much attention to people.
I know that sounds incredibly arrogant but I really do wonder how many other women feel this way.
I don't know.
I think women are naturally more relational by nature AND nurture in Western culture. I mean, like it or not, bio-females run on a hormonal and physical makeup designed to nurture offspring, even if there is a wide variation in personality among all females (where some might not nearly be as nurturing as others in the overt senses).
Hmmm, I don't see this, in my experience ... but because I've been in the married world since I was 24, I realize my experiences are narrowed. But many women I know who have either divorced or been widowed do continue to live alone (by choice), whereas it seems the men can't bear to be alone and will remarry (or find some sort of companionship) immediately. Maybe an older generation of men just wasn't accustomed to having to take care of themselves, whereas today's more equitable distribution of work makes it easier for the younger generation of guys to survive on their own. But so many women ... they've done it already -- raised the family, taken care of the guy -- and they are ready to be alone.I think it's why we see those older, single "cat ladies" and "dog ladies" too. There's this desire that seems to be in women to have a companion to connect with or dote on, and if they can't find a human to share their lives with, they'll get an animal to fill that role; single guys are far more likely to live alone, from observation, I think.
Yeah, and that's the key. I can pretty much be myself, but I still feel guilty about it at times.I do see a bunch of younger INTP males over at INTPc complain about being alone in the world, but I can't tell if it is the same. They badly just want a girlfriend, and that's something a lot of guys complain about it regardless of type. I mean, I'm fully capable of living alone... but it would just be really nice to have someone there who I could depend on and relate too... if it was someone I could trust to be myself around rather than just playing more roles.
Hmmm, I don't see this, in my experience ... but because I've been in the married world since I was 24, I realize my experiences are narrowed. But many women I know who have either divorced or been widowed do continue to live alone (by choice), whereas it seems the men can't bear to be alone and will remarry (or find some sort of companionship) immediately. Maybe an older generation of men just wasn't accustomed to having to take care of themselves, whereas today's more equitable distribution of work makes it easier for the younger generation of guys to survive on their own. But so many women ... they've done it already -- raised the family, taken care of the guy -- and they are ready to be alone.
I honestly don't crave companionship. I go selectively mute at times when I want to focus on my interests and I actually enjoy not speaking and feeling no real emotions, just taking in a constant flow of information.
The only time I start to feel like I really SHOULD talk to people is when I know that I need them around for affection/sex, but I just don't want a relationship, I can't pay that much attention to people.
I know that sounds incredibly arrogant but I really do wonder how many other women feel this way.
You know Uptown, I have to say that I actually feel this same way sometimes. It sounds so bad the way you say it, but I feel like this sometimes. I don't get the feeling that I should talk to people though, I find that I actually want to talk to people more and more these days. Other people and the way they view the world is quite interesting actually and as you grow to know someone, it is kind of like reading a good book that keeps going and going. I have alot of interest in others and how they get through this life....
... I have never placed myself in a position where I was constantly in the company of women, but this job forces this situation upon me and I have to say, I like it. Surprisingly we get along and, boy, do they have some great stories to tell. Granted, none of these women are super feminine, bubble gummy types. I get them and am finding that some other women aren't so bad after all.
I think I could be extremely solitary if allowed to because I enjoy me. People can never understand this about me. But having children and a partner forces me not to indulge in this feeling and I am not totally unhappy about this. I feel like I am living -for real. Not just sitting back observing and being selfishly consumed with me and my wants.
I once was chameleon like, but I am learning this is a waste of time and energy. I try to be me all the time now. If folks like me then good, if not, whatever -next. It is extremely satisfying to live this way. Every one won't like you and that is okay. I have learned that some "friends are for seasons, and others (few) are for lifetimes and I continue on not looking for either and just letting them present themselves however they may.
I am rambling here. Sorry I have been gone so long. I have it bad where I jump from interest to interest and kind of neglect somethings for awhile, even when I enjoy them, to briefly pursue something else.
I actually started working in a new area about 4 years ago that is all women, all of which are older than me. I have never placed myself in a position where I was constantly in the company of women, but this job forces this situation upon me and I have to say, I like it. Surprisingly we get along and, boy, do they have some great stories to tell. Granted, none of these women are super feminine, bubble gummy types. I get them and am finding that some other women aren't so bad after all.
I never felt like I could truly relate to most females. Of the female friends I have made, most of them were very short-lived, almost superficial, relationships. In this way, most of my friends have been male.
Welcome to the forum. Helluva first post. Do you think maybe people give you too much love, and you are spoiled by your beauty? Maybe you would be more appreciative of blunt straight talk?I never felt like I could truly relate to most females. Of the female friends I have made, most of them were very short-lived, almost superficial, relationships. In this way, most of my friends have been male. This I believe is (in part) due to harboring "so-called" daddy issues that quite recently surfaced in my conscious mind. However, I think being able to relate to men is MOSTLY due to being an INTP. This entry doesn't really have a purpose. I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts, arguments, annoyances, etc with my fellow personality types. Responses and feedback are warmly invited because most of this post will most likely come off as pretty cold :-p
I think being a female INTP gives you the greatest strength. A lot of you mentioned not taking kindly to people that entertain in mindless small talk and babble. That is at the top of my list of pet peeves. I can't stand when you start a new job or try to mind your own business while having a drink or eating a meal, and someone INSISTS on playing 20 questions and trying to get your life story. This is why I find this to be a problem and my thoughts go a little something like this: We are perfect strangers. I have no idea who the hell you are. So on what planet do you think I'm going to openly share my story and thoughts with you? Their use of small talk reveals to me that they are incapable of being able to sit comfortably in their own minds. I feel like a lot of people are leeches, incapable of creating their own energy so they have to feed off of others. I value silence.
To take an example from one of my favorite films, Pulp Fiction. I think Uma Thurman's character (Mia Wallace) is an INTP. When she and John Travolta are eating dinner, she looks at him after a long silence and says, "Don't you just love when two adults can comfortably share silence? People just don't know when to shut the f*&% up." That is very profound in my opinion. If you're going to talk, spew something out that isn't bullshit and actually worth my time. Because if you're not gonna have the audacity to say something interesting or thought-provoking, then I will not lend you my ears or attention. After all, what's the point in talking to someone that isn't listening?
Another thing I hate is when people become obsessed with trying to squeeze (or even manipulate) a certain reaction out of you. It's like feeding off of other people's emotions or reactions gives them some sort of sick satisfaction. Does that resonate with any of you? Quick example, when people draw unnecessary attention to themselves or fish for compliments out of pure narcissism. And guys, you are JUST as guilty of doing this as girls are, just in a more subtle and masculine way :-p
So, I guess my biggest obstacle in dealing with my INTP nature is learning how to deal with people's bullshit in a more kind and productive way. Bleh. I guess when I see people reveling in the meaningless, I don't see them as supremely happy. And I believe just about everyone can be truly happy as long as you master your own mind.
Okay, enough smack talking. Now don't get me wrong, I am likely one of the most sarcastic people you will ever know, haha, and I take great joy in goofing around and being silly with people (usually those i'm close to, but also those I don't know very well). The key in my mind is to never take yourself too seriously. I can't relate to people that create their own drama because they have misconceived expectations of themselves and their surroundings.
I can't stand when you start a new job or try to mind your own business while having a drink or eating a meal, and someone INSISTS on playing 20 questions and trying to get your life story. This is why I find this to be a problem and my thoughts go a little something like this: We are perfect strangers. I have no idea who the hell you are. So on what planet do you think I'm going to openly share my story and thoughts with you? Their use of small talk reveals to me that they are incapable of being able to sit comfortably in their own minds. I feel like a lot of people are leeches, incapable of creating their own energy so they have to feed off of others. I value silence.
To take an example from one of my favorite films, Pulp Fiction. I think Uma Thurman's character (Mia Wallace) is an INTP. When she and John Travolta are eating dinner, she looks at him after a long silence and says, "Don't you just love when two adults can comfortably share silence? People just don't know when to shut the f*&% up." That is very profound in my opinion.
So, I guess my biggest obstacle in dealing with my INTP nature is learning how to deal with people's bullshit in a more kind and productive way. Bleh.
The key in my mind is to never take yourself too seriously. I can't relate to people that create their own drama because they have misconceived expectations of themselves and their surroundings.