For instance I have genuine ADD (I think I really do fulfill the symptoms for it and I can easily relate to stories from others with it), I only get the basic meds for it, ie metylphenidate in the form of concerta with ritalin (same substance different release mechanism available) available as an alternative. It does help, but it gives everything a sense of urgency and there are physical drawbacks and a noticeable comedown even on my reasonably low daily dosage. I am 100% certain that a combination of modafinil+ small amount of metamina for daily routine dosage would allow me to focus better than concerta does, without the sense of urgency and with barely noticeable drawbacks compared to concerta. My doctor did not know what modafinil was however, and neither do I reckon I will get any metamina prescribed because it's "more addictive, more of a real drug".
And now I'm taking a big test soon and I need to study, if I use concerta I will suffer pain in the ass comedowns and physical symptoms such as sweating, heightened pulse, tremors, and headache. I am allowed to take concerta to help me focus on the test as well because of my ADD diagnosis, if I did that I would totally double my dose for maximum focus and efficiency and then just deal with the pain in the ass which will follow. But that's not what I'm doing, I got metamina illegally instead, and it really does work much better, makes me calmer but focused as opposed to inclined to act due to a sense of urgency resulting in a focus centered around the one thing I'm doing because it make me want to do stuff, I may still be oblivious about other things. I don't use them to get high because I really want to know that I would be right in pushing for my doctor to prescribe me the stuff because if I am going to be on medication long term its so worth it that it would be moronic not to push for it.
They don't know I use drugs recreationally sometimes, despite this the superior medication offered in the form of metamina is not available for me, even in a small amount unless I make one hell of a verbal case for it over time.
If I get the score I need on this test (something like a Swedish version of the SAT) I can start studying to become a psychologist, most psychologists are not very good, they lack even wikipedia level knowledge of basic stuff, many are terribly naive and easily manipulated meaning they dont help you so much as you help them to help you. Practically all of them ovverestimate the dangers of marijuana so that it becomes ridiculous, I go to a pre 25 young adolescent place for my treatment. Of course probably 40% of their patients have done or are smoking weed, because young adolescents with issues of a mental nature have a strong tendency to end up trying weed. Of course in the eyes of the doctors and psychologists what is happening is that every goddamn patient who smokes weed has been destroyed by the drug, it being the main cause of the patients problem. Immediate cessation of smoking is urged, the patient has to regularly come by and provide urine samples, any ongoing investigation into a possible formal diagnosis must be stopped and its conclusions discarded since the weed could've been the cause of it. OFC when you drink you do it cause you got the blues not the other way around, but when it comes to weed thats not how it works.
With weed it is assumed both that the young troubled adolescents make up the majority of weed smokers (no normal person ever would try it bo able to function in life or at work while using it in their spare time <- but in fact plenty do) that they got their troubles by smoking weed alone and that it is at the heart of any issue brought forth by any patient who happens to smoke.
Does a baker assume that because people come to him and buy bread that they are the only kind of people who buy bread? Does he also assume that because some people who buy his bread eat it in copious amounts with unhealthy spreads and toppings and random unhealthy stuff you can add to bread: peanut butter and jelly, mapple syryp; plus bacon and lots of butter.. end up in the local papers following their deaths caused by heart attacks, that his bread on its own is causing these heart attacks and that any of his customers might suffer a heart attack from it because of the cases in the newspapers?
Not saying Weed is harmless. But the enourmous stigma against it completely overshadows what are typically the dangers involved with it, that it makes you lazy but comfortable which combined with it necessitating some degree of social isolation in order for you not to get caught by the cops or others you dont want to know. People are not at risk of going psychotic following weed intake, those that do are very rare exceptions. But a lot more people can end up losing their direction in life sitting in a room smoking weed all day with the same people who also smoke weed everyday. Lose a couple of years of learning about life and finding a direction and you will be behind everyone else if you break that habit you've got a big gap in your curriculum vitae where you've done nothing at all. That's the real friggin danger.
But the psychologists.. the ones who prescribe medication, they dont even know the basics of either except in rare cases. They don't know so they can't act rationally. ADHD, ADD and Aspergers are the holy trinity of disorders, these are the ones the psychs know how to treat and the ones they something about. The effect? Blame as much as possible on ADHD, ADD and Aspergers because how the fuck do you treat... say... schizophrenic symptoms for instance! Man that shit is complicated.. lets just give this schizo dude aspergers syndrome then at least he can get some monthly welfare checks and we have cured his mental illness... sort of! I also forgot about borderline and the bipolar versions, borderline is diagnosed like ADHD except for girls, it isn't used as a cover up disorder apart from that I think. When it comes to those who suffer bipolarity there are meds and support available too. But apart from those, nah, hope, you better pray to god or hope you get lucky with your appointed doctor or psych, damn lucky.
Now I want to be a psychologist because I think I am a lot more insightful than most out there, that with training I would easily be able to offer the right help to the right patients rather than some forms of help to all patients? That the job would be perfect for me because I find it easy to remain calm and invite trust; I'm interested in people, troubled ones in particular, I would not be satisfied with not knowing my own field properly, because my goal is to help as much as possible.
But to become one I must pass dat there test. I done it once before, got a decent but not good enough score. I was crap at the math subsection, ie one which has 0 relevance in the field I aim to pursue. Is it then wrong of me to get all jacked up on Metamina to study hard and then use that when taking the test itself instead of Concerta in order to give myself enough of an unfair advantage to nullify the math dragging me down?
I think not, I think the system is stupid and everyone suck and I'm gonna get to where I want however I want so that I can start doing something meaningful.
Any other student reasoning like this is exempt from critique by me. If its a known issue and psychologist still can't get their diagnoses done right then that is what the newspaper article should be about. It's easy to fake it for a little while with the help of some people close to you, but as a psychologist you really should be able to spot a genuine from a faker with ease assuming the investigation preceding diagnosis is fully done and the psychologist makes the right inquiries.