Hate to seem rude but there is not XXXX types, your either one or the other. And so im not off topic, i have had to explain math to my mother who im sure is an ISTJ, we were working on adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying fractions. I tried teaching her by compareing the numbers to simple things that literally had nothing in common with the fraction or what you would have to think about to complete the problem, just so i could keep her attention and make her feel like she understood what was going on instead of getting frustrated and giving up. For example, i wrote up a paper with 10 fractions that i wanted her to simplify. i made it so that the answer to every question was 1/2 other then the last 3 so i i could tell if she saw a pattern and jumped ahead and put 1/2 for them all. She got them all wrong until i went back and applied a second meaning to the fractions for her like i said, which just happened to be mental patients, which she worked with for 20 years. Once i said imagine if the 26 out of 13/26 was the number of patients that you have and the 13 is the amount that you have to feed. then i asked her how many of the patients she would have to feed and she said half, it was that simple comparison that made it clear to her.