Umm...I quit smoking about a month and a half now...most of the cravings are gone. But I get so bored now. What do normal people do when they are driving, drinking, and stressed? I feel like I'm missing something in my life.
OK once you get through 2 months it does get easier - this is the hardest bit so stick in there! Distraction is the key. Also look at all the total idiots who manage to do life without smoking - surely you can do it if they can!!
driving - chew gum, play stupid games like I-spy if someone is in the car with you, make up words from the number plate (do yours have letters on them?) see how quickly you can add up numbers on number plates? etc. Listen to talk radio rather than music as it might engage your rage lol.
Drinking - try using worry beads or something, or chew straws or matshsticks. Enlist your friends to support you. Use thought stopping - basically every time you have a craving just say 'stop' really loudly (inside your head) or count to 10 - chances are the craving will fade. Go outside and breathe in and out really quickly through your nose.
Stressed - use some kind of relaxation technique, distract yourself with something, work on resolving whatever is stressing you - you might need to get help if it's something you have to *do* such as sorting out bills to counteract the INTP procrastination. Think 'what would a non-smoker do now?', run round the block, do some voluntary work with people worse off than you.
And remember - INTPs - we hate anyone controlling us so why would you let yourself be controlled by a cigarette and the tobacco industry??