Emotions aren't good or bad. I'm oversimplifying, but if you regard them as simply something you're not wise to depend upon for decision-making, it gets easier.
An analogy might be baseball, or even cricket for the Brits and Commonwealth folks. Some people have the physical skills and mental ability to play baseball well. Others put their hands up to defend themselves if the ball is hit to them, can't see the pitch, can't run and, importantly enough, don't see the point of the game. They simply don't do well in baseball. That's us, often, with emotions. We tend to fend them off rather than make the play with them, we don't see them coming much of the time, we can't run with them, and, importantly enough, we really and truly don't see the point. That doesn't mean they are unimportant or even useful to and valid for other people. It just means we often don't do well with emotions. Even applying our strong suit to them doesn't work, because thinking about emotions while ambivalent (sometimes that's a really good alternative description of "perceptive") just doesn't seem to do the job in terms of reaching a successful analysis of what's going on.
Hope that helps. There's nothing wrong with emotions per se, but don't decide on a career or anything of major importance in your life based just on emotions.