I'm fortyish, and fully cognizant of the fact that I dress exactly as I did in my late 20's...But, isn't 40 just an aged version of your late 20's self?...You've fully matured and ripened in your physical and mental attributes by the time your late 20's hits, and whoever you find yourself to be at that particular age is who you'll be for the remainder of middle age...Or, perhaps it is possible that this particular INTP is just emotionally stunted somewhere around 28 years of age...Seriously possible.
I found my personal style back during the grunge era...Barring any impending court date or funeral, my daily uniform consists of a pair of knee-length shorts and some type of torso-snugging tee-shirt...Kohl's brand (Apt. 9) makes a form-fitting shirt that accentuates my broad, muscular shoulders and rippling bis and tris...Gotta flaunt what momma nature and the local gym has imbued ya with, right?...Colors are always of the 'muted' variety...Mostly sticking with what the ladies call, 'earth tones'...Lots of greys, dark greens, brown, etc...Never a united-colors-of-Benetton dude. Bright colors hurt my eyes and offend my senses...
Lost around 55 pounds over the last year or so, feeling much healthier and looking loads better for the effort, and this apparently naturally lends itself to a more positive and adventurous outlook...I just scored myself a light purple and light blue shirt, courtesty of the Marc Anthony company...Sharp...And, in turn, because of my conscientous effort to dress better, I've started to garner the attention of young, vivacious, fertile women...After a false start with one fellow gym attendee, I've started a budding romance with yet another...She's twelve years younger...We'll see.