The vortex of the NP trajectories.
Did you make this image?
I can only really speak to INTJ mostly that Se ends up mattering even though I wish it did not. So maybe Se neing included would create a better picture for INTJ.
At least for me (INTJ) Se is like in dots everywhere and the other functions try to minimize the Se negative effects.
There is not helpful Se and helpful Se.
The same applies to Fi, Te, Ni where they can also be helpful or not helpful and that will affect the flow of the lines.
But it is really interesting to see that that is what it looks like from others’ observation. I wish it looked that easy but it is still a wild jungle in this brain… haha.
Actually for me the self and goal can be flipped depending on the circumstances.
I spend so much time trying to not let Se things distract me like things on my desk or dessert foods or people who might be very unpredictable or chaotic. Only once I get past those barriers can I then even know what my own thoughts are. This is why I don’t understand Se-doms because I can’t see how you can let yourself be swayed by Se things because they can easily control your life. But there is good Se, for example taking a walk in a nice place.
Yes, I created the image.
I would say that because Te is inductive and forms a synthesis of things, the dots you describe are relatable. Ti breaks things apart so it works with Se in the way Iron Man views things in his holograms. Ni is in a background sense like as I would describe it is convergent because it is dom with tertiary in INTJ which means Fi gets feels of the preminitions of bad and good in all directions. But most of all in what happens, it is an anticipatory function. So motions are involved. All of a sudden something happens and you know it will happen. So Te means if you build something it will make other things happen. Se is pure in that it has traction to reality, an energy to reality. Fe and Se have phantasms, pressures, or forces, mystic, ghosts. Fi Se gets you attached or detached where you draw in or move away or feel nothing.
Si and Fi get into the body where it has a creep factor or pure pleasure chills, but it is more that Si is in tandem with sounds. But overall it is a reaction. Good or bad you react internally. There is a vibration in the spine, guts, and bones. Good or bad. Se will hate the color red or love it. Si will make you salivate or tingle or hunger/thirst. Anything physiological because of noises or texture. Se has in it sensuality because it craves more resolution of stimuli. Se wants to see more and more. Si and Ne get you into the realm of "what if". What if alien spaceships use magnets in a different way than normally perceived by our sciences? How can we manipulate magnetism to propel things? Si will tell you the right direction because Si will tingle because the idea is novel enough to possibly be correct. Ne craves novelty.
Ni this will happen -> Te synthesize a solution to change the future -> Fi Is this good or bad in what I want to be in the future -> Se is what you see in relation to expectations
Fi I have a firm understanding of good and bad for me -> Ne I find things novel in relation to what is good and bad -> Si I get tingles of what is out of the ordinary, can tell when things are not normal -> Te synthesize what will be novel and good
Ni this will happen -> Fe this is a good or bad outside force they must act for or against -> Ti break everything down in what this force contains -> Se see what this force is like component by component.
Ti breaks everything into principle components -> Ne sees all novel possibilities and breaks down each thing further -> Si detects when anything is not normal in that breakdown -> Fe sees what forces are at play and whether to act on them via the construct or analyze further this force.