I'd say yes. I care in that I like being viewed as intelligent. However I also try to avoid only caring about "Social reality." If I could choose how I was viewed I'd like to be viewed as an Obi-Wan type person.
So as a result my withdrawing looks a lot like laziness so instead of being the "wise hermit" I end up looking like a slacker and very few people actually recognize my intelligence. I would say that I'm as smart (maybe even smarter) as most of the people at my school but no one really recognizes it. It annoys me and pleases me at the same time.
No because I always thought I had a slight mental problem. I probably do.
we'll good for you maniac (btw the name suits your disorder), don't come here enforcing your manipulative shit on me, because as poorly as i put it before, the fact is your not "communicating" your ideas which would be appreciated, you're trying to manipulate my ideas to bend them in a way that they match your own, and as for as im concerned, communication is not synonmouus to manipulations.
so take them crocodile tears, and put on your manipulative act somewhere else, because their transparent as glass in these realms. I'm not trying to be "evil", rather i'm stating a perspective which is different from your own, but whatever that perspective is, if its not your own then its stupid and you just dismiss people as crazy. takes jabs at their imagined weakness, ridicule, whatever means to crush that person before you can feed them more of you ideas to swallow. of course this must all be done in a machiavellian manner, appealing to their bondage, that its for their growth. wtf this maybe intelligent, but it's real evil force your ideas on other people by degrading theirs and swaying them with the drama classes you've been taking.
I know that below all your nonsense your good, but your approach is wrong.
I don't care to any significant degree, but I don't like when people think I'm dumb. I also don't like hearing when someone thinks I'm the "wise one of our group", either, though. Not because I deny that I'm fairly wise, but because then everyone's going to turn to me for advice, and I don't tend to have the same values as other people and I've never thought of it as my place to interfere in the lives of others.Well, do you? Social reality seems to be the only reality most people care about, after all.
Speaking of intelligence, anyone know how to get to pages 2 thru 15? When I display "New Posts", I am intelligent enough to note 1 of 15, but not the ones thereafter! I feel so stupid and I care a lot about pages 2 thru 15, lol.
Not really, or well, sort of. I kind of accepted I'm considered a little weird, but I wish it wasn't so, of course.
I would seek professional help, see a therapist then maybe there could be some hope.
Wish you all the best.