Bwahaha, looks like the banned - sinny and themanbeyond - are joining their ranks against us.
It sounds more like INTPComplex is simply INTPForum's afterlife AKA Hell.
Before this degenerates into flaming and trolling might I suggest we decide the outcome of this conflict by a contest of wit, charisma and wisdom, in short I propose a debate.
The topic should be something stupid that nobody cares about, a question with no right or wrong answer, something like "Which is better Star Trek or Star Wars?"
Contenders from each side put their names forward, the host of each forum picks three people for their team, somehow we decide who goes first, each person gets to make one post (taking turns) and the winning team is judged by voting on who was funniest, who was most convincing and whose answer was the most INTP, one point for each category.
You are such a starry-eyed idealist.
The rest of us fight so that your children might live to make jokes in a funnier world.
As your president I say with a heavy heart that we are at war, I expect us to all unite to either not care or randomly care far too much and destroy the opposition in true INTP style. Alternatively you can start to care but get bored and do something else. Either way I expect nothing to be done by the time I wake up so I'll hand it over to our military leaders. Use RB as a last resort, we may be able to salvage some of their members from the rubble. Turn them into dis-respectable folk.
What Mister Gopher means to say is that INTPForum is locked and loaded with fire, fury, and the powerful mystique of farfegnugen to take down any echoes of the thoughts of Little Rocket Man. Their site has disrespected our site greatly and said many things that are horrific, and with them, they're not getting away with it! They got away with it for a long time, between them and their inbred family, and they're not getting away with it here, it's a completely new ball game, our era of strategeric patience with the INTPComplex regime has failed, they're all bad dudes, and no one should have a problem with this because it's just called opening a demagogue, this is a 4 year wack job and we will have to get very tough-blatant threats as we negotiate like crazy to ....
.... uh, wait, sorry, guys. Wrong Twitter feed.