Emotions are the cause
emotions have never been and can never be "beyond logic"
Emotions are many things, depends on what functional utility they have.
the only "problem" here is that people fail to recognize their own AXIOMS
axiom is a premise that is absolutely demonstrably true.
For instance people who are depressed can barely get out of bed.
People remember things better if there is emotion.
Children learn faster and grown ups to with play.
Women can make a man do things he would otherwise never do.
A cute puppy will make us take care of it and angry dog snapping at us will make us kick it.
A drowning child will make us jump into freezing water and save it.
A car that drops on a man will make a woman lift a car.
Emotions are very powerful things.
If they can do so many things, what makes us think they do not influence our thinking and logic?
Sure if axioms.
it doesn't matter how "logical" two people are, if they hold different AXIOMS
they will never "make any progress" until they expose their AXIOMS
Yes and no, we can start at different axioms and arrive at same conclusions. Convergence principal.
Experimentally Da Vinci and Wright brothers arrived at the same solutions, but started with different ideas. One worked the other did not or maybe partially it did.
Because reality.