Prolific Member
I have a friend from back home who I frequently discuss the most recent antics of my D&D group with. I figure we wouldn't be the only people who would find it fun or funny, so here's a copy of last night's IM exchange, edited to protect identities and with irrelevant things edited out.
Before you read "Shazaar" are a homebrew race that serve the purpose of innocent people for the heroes to save in this particular campaign. The campaign worl is a a bunch of floating islands over a vast ocean (I got the idea from Spyro, bot Avatar), and "The Angers" is a group of NPC adventurers I sort of resurrected in this campaign, so this guy knows who they are from that, plus I told him about their soon to occure resurrection in this campaign.
Okay, so here it is;
SpaceYeti: D&D was fucking hilarious tonight!
Him: sweet, what happened?
SpaceYeti: Last time, we stopped half-way through the dungeon, so we picked up from there. Sparrow continued to have good luck with the attacks made against him, and it seemed like the intended difficulty in the encounters was actually how difficult the encounters really were.
However, remember how I told you about the elevator in the back of the cave the goblins were in, which lead down to the slave pens and the mine?
Him: yeah
SpaceYeti: It could hold two people at a time.
There were four people around tonight. Cataclysm the Spirit-Person Paladin, Sparrow the Elf Ranger, Arowen the Tiefling Wizard, And Shardon the Halfling Sorcerer.
chaos sorcerer?
SpaceYeti: Storm Sorcerer.
The two married people who play, their 9 year old son was playing him.
Him: i think storm sorcerer is cool
SpaceYeti: He did decently considering his age.
Him: i mean mechanically it's probably the worst? but its still cool
SpaceYeti: I like the flavor.
Him: right, i agree
my favorite flavor of sorcerer is the one who goes through the phases
that MAY be worse than storm
i feel like the complete mag sorcerer builds were fuckin cooler than dragondick or chaos sorcerer, flavor wise
SpaceYeti: Anyway, so they go at this elevator board rig-up in the back of the cave. Sparrow and Cata are on it, and Sparrow figures out how to make it work, so they lower about 15 feet, to the slave pen.
They were, but they weren't as mechanically good.
But oh fucking well.
I rarely play a class based on mechanical efficiency anyhow.
Him: i almost never do
i do it on pure flavor, which is why i am so in favor of reskinning for flavor
SpaceYeti: Agreed.
Anyhow, so the two magicies are at the top of the 15 foot hole, and the two on the board that lowered see a group of goblins just at the edge of their light source. A fight takes off ALMOST immediately.
Just before the goblins close in or the two dudes have time to get off the board and out of the way for the casties to get down, Arowen decides to slide down on one of the ropes.
K, whatever, a wall and a rope, I figure DC 10.
She rolls a 2.
Fails by five or more, and falls.
Him: haha
SpaceYeti: Onto Sparrow.
Him: in your face, wizard! and ranger!
SpaceYeti: He decides to catch her, and succeeds the athletics check to negate the damage.
But he decides that was stupid and immediately drops her to be helpless in his square as he fights off a bunch of goblins.
Him: hahaha
SpaceYeti: The new guy seems smarter than the wizard, and doesn't jump down right away.
Him: whaaat, the ranger will catch you, why not ruin everyones turn
damn you new guy, not being a dick!
SpaceYeti: Haha.
So they're doing alright, I'm rolling between average and low, so it's easy pickings for them.
Guess what Shardon decides to do?!
Him: jump down the hole?
SpaceYeti: He tried to ride a rope down to help!
Him: fuck yeah
SpaceYeti: Not a big deal.
He had slightly more than a 50% chance of success, and they needed help, so why not?!
Well, they hadn't made room for him yet!
And he ALSO rolled a 2!
Him: that's why you were supposed to jump down the hole immediately!
no room, prone people, take away the rangers actions
SpaceYeti: He fell, also into Sparrow's square.
Him: hahaha, awesome
SpaceYeti: So the ranger is fighting off the goblins with two prone casties at his feat, and he decides to take yet more for the team and have an opportunity attack almost hit him as he makes room for one of them to stand up.
By the time the second prone casty gets to stand up, the fight is in the bag and he never even got to make an attack roll.
Him: doh
why didn't they just cast from the top of the hole?
that seems better?
SpaceYeti: They couldn't hit any goblins without them getting cover... which is crippling, apparently.
Him: i guess
SpaceYeti: I'm also curious why Sparrow didn't just make the elevator go back up and announce "They know we're here", or something.
Him: that is also an option
everyone being stuck in the hole is the worst option, i think
SpaceYeti: Definitely, but it's the one they went with!
Him: did it seem like they regretted that in any way?
SpaceYeti: They thought it was hilarious, and so did I, and Sparrow especially regretted it, and they all knew it was dumb (e3xcept maybe the 9 year old), but oh well, that's what happened.
Him: haah right
SpaceYeti: The best part is when the second casty fell down, Sparrow didn't even bother catching him.
Him: seems awesome
hey fucker, charity ran out
SpaceYeti: So then they're in the main slave p[en area looking at the slaves in the giant cage, trying to see how to get it open (it looked like just bars that ran from the ceiling to the floor).
So then they ask the two goblins they captured to open it, and they said only "Master" could open it.
Him: master goblin?
SpaceYeti: They asked where Master was, and they pointed down the cave, then at a door the opposite direction, and said "Either in the mine or in that room".
So they decide to bust down the door and raid the room.
The wizard casting thunder wave tipped off the goblins in the room that invaders were around, so they were ready.
Him: it was hilarious how anfro imprinted on that spell
SpaceYeti: However, they also thunder-waved the door into the room, killing a minion and kounking a Skullcleaver in the face with door.
Haha, yes.
The classic control striking maneuver!
Him: that sounds awesome
thunderwave IS a good spell
but anfros obsession with it was weird
the best wizard at-will is gates of pain
i forget the real name of it
SpaceYeti: Dagger square?
Him: that spell that has the persistent zone that i was blasting guys through with the dwarven mordenkraad wizard
no, cloud of daggers is good too
SpaceYeti: Yes, that spell rules.
Him: the gates of pain!
its in the complete mag.
SpaceYeti: The one that attacks everyone that comes near it.
Him: yes
pillars of fuck you
SpaceYeti: Yeah, that's easily the best.
Him: i'm awesome at naming spells
SpaceYeti: You should work for Wizards.
Him: i'm not groggy enough
SpaceYeti: Anyway, this fight goes mostly smoothly for the PCs, though it's drawn out with the goblin area of fuck PCs Darkness.
Him: oh yeah
i fucking hate that goblin man
that thing is a dick, the zone is too good
between -2 to hit and +2 to defense it's just a big fuck you.
SpaceYeti: I just figure the -2 it tells you to give people IS the -2 from hitting things in cover, and it's not as bad.
Him: that makes it better, yes
not giving effectively +4 to defense makes it probably fine
SpaceYeti: Yes.
Him: the BIG problem, in my experience using it, is when you use the bonebreakers with that leader
SpaceYeti: They still miss more anyhow.
Him: because some bad rolls once the bonebreakers are bloodied makes the encounter brutal and unfair
SpaceYeti: Right.
Him: they can be raging around with huge damage for way too long, and usually are.
SpaceYeti: There was only one Skullcleaver.
Him: right
SpaceYeti: And I think he missed every attack he made after he got bloodied, which was one.
Anyway, they kill every goblin in there except the boss, who they make open the cage and they get the slaves out and then replace them with him. I dunno why they put him in the cage only he can open, but whatever.
Then they rest.
Him: haha wait
SpaceYeti: Oh, did I mention the goblin minions that ran away down the tunnel?!
Him: they put him in the cage only he can open?
SpaceYeti: Yes.
Him: whats to stop him from opening it in their plan?
the honor system?
actually, why did they not kill him?
SpaceYeti: In their plan? Maybe they assume he can't reach the level that's directly outside the bars?
Him: i mean what's the premise, like, shittier goblins are dicks who should die, but the leader can live because he'll stay in a cage for no reason?
SpaceYeti: So that he could open the cage... but they could have totally killed him then!
Anyway, so the goblin slavers down the cave (A warrior, a skullcleaver, and a handful of minions) make their way back to the main area there, and the boss is left alive to cast his hexes and area of fuck PCs from behind bars the PCs can't get behind themselves!
Him: hahahaha
SpaceYeti: However, they have two ranged DPR plus a wizard, so as soon as the skullcleaver gets killed, the boss was next, and it was easy pickings from there. brb, thirsty.
Him: man i am kinda bummed
SpaceYeti: With all but two insignificant goblins dead and all the slaves freed (including down the mine where the other goblins came from), the PCs escort the slaves back to their village a few miles away (but it takes them a bunch of days because they have to take a long time getting from island to island.
SpaceYeti: Okay, so the group goes to the Shazaar village and meet the Angers, who have already saved most of the other people in the village, and are glad to see another group of heroes.
They have a pickle.
There's this dungeon thingy that requires two groups to go in, because certain things need to be done at the same time in different paths.
And some of the Shazaar slaves were taken there by the goblin slavers.
In fact, some of the goblins did go there, but the slavers took the slaves somewhere else.
But they don't know that.
The island they're going to is named Tegosh, a name that Arowen rolled a history check to know the story behind, as it's kind of a big one.
There were once two dragon brothers who were fighting over territory.
Long story short, one brother was caged in Tegosh, the other running rampant in that floating island area for centuries.
Nobody knows what happened to the one who won the fight, but for some reason you need two groups to go into two different doors and do things at the same time in order to get inside.
Him: how did the group take that news?
SpaceYeti: So after getting the village High Priest to upgrade their armor or weapon (one thing each), they rested a night and left in the morning.
They thought it sounded exciting and interesting.
They get to meet a dragon or find ancient dragon magic, or something!
Him: both awesome things if you ask me!
SpaceYeti: When they get there, they discover a sort of dungeony idiom thing, which is red orbs stuck into the two doors.
Investigating shows there to be no way to open the doors physically.
Arcane investigation reveals that touching the two robs simultaneously opens the doors.
These orbs are found in different rooms along each path, an obstacle needing overcome and they still need to be touched simultaneously.
Oh, did I mention that when they made characters, I suggested investing in athletics and acrobatics, because the floating island may require jumping and climbing, and stuff?
Him: no you didn’t, but that makes sense
SpaceYeti: Guess how many characters are good at those things in the party.
or one
SpaceYeti: Sparrow trained in Acrobatics and athletics, has a +5 Dex modifier, but no Str mod, and nobody else trained either.
Him: that was who i assumed would take it, in the "one" case
as that guy seems to be your best player
SpaceYeti: He is.
So the first room is basically just a hallway that widens then shortens before another door with an orb.
Sparrow passively sees the lines in the floor of the trap door.
Guess how they dealt with the trap door!
Him: they set it off!
SpaceYeti: Sparrow AND Cata stepped on it!
Him: haha WHY?
Sparrow saw the trap!
SpaceYeti: I don't know!
So Sparrow, with his higher Reflex, stopped himself from falling in, but the Paladin wasn't so fortunate. He took the 20 foot spill like a champ.
SpaceYeti: Anyway, they use their rope and get up the hole, and Sparrow does a jump from the hallway to the ledge where the hallway widens, and gets ready to touch the orb. Tiny Jim tells them to yell when they're ready, as they have been ready, and they get to the next room.
The next room had some traps with plates in the ground to activate, but Sparrow saw the plates and showed the group how to avoid them.
The next room was the best.
It was simply a hallway that immediately had a 90 degree turn, another turn 40 feet later, another turn, and then another, so it was shaped like a U... the angle was down, though.
So a 40 foot drop, hallway, and a 40 foot climb to the next door.
Good thing the group trained athletics!
Him: haha right
my favorite part of this story so far is how they just go ahead and activate the pit trap the ranger spots
not out of any particular reason either
SpaceYeti: Nope.
With TWO people!
Why did they need to risk two people?!
Him: why did they need to risk any?
SpaceYeti: I dunno!
Him: this wasnt even a retarded "MAYBE THERE'S TREASURE IN THE TRAP" thing either
which i can KIND OF see
i mean, people die in pit traps
SpaceYeti: Nope, just a straight "Let's step on it together!"
Him: in that case you set it off with, i dunno, not your feet though
SpaceYeti: Right.
So the first one down is the one who's best at climbing, Cata and Shardon holding the rope for him to climb down.
Oh, I forgot to mention something important. In the last room, they found 8 dead goblins.
At the bottom of this pit, there are two dead goblins.
Sparrow goes down the hallway and sees the next climb.
The DCs aren't too high, so the real trick is figuring out how to keep the rope up so they could climb it down.
Guess what resource they've found and they decide to use to hold the rope up!]
Him: pit spikes?
SpaceYeti: There were not spikes in the pit.
Him: goblin corpses?
SpaceYeti: YES!
Him: thats a classic dumb retard move
SpaceYeti: They tie the rope to a goblin, and stack them squared of.
Him: thats a horrible idea
what makes them think goblin corpses are a good anchor?
SpaceYeti: It's a lot of weight there, and holds up under the weight of the Tiefling and the Halfling, who make it safely to the bottom.
Him: i foresee the paladin having a problem
SpaceYeti: Ten corpses, all at least 30 pounds, 300 pounds of resistance... it's all they could think of.
I would have used a GRAPPLING HOOK, but whatever.
Him: yeah.
me too
grappling hook plus rope
bring rope with you
don't fall down with no way back up
SpaceYeti: They have a shit ton of rope.
Him: how many dungeons has this group delved over their short career?
SpaceYeti: And Sparrow specifically has not only grappling hooks, but special grappling hook arrows.
Him: i dont just mean in this campaign
SpaceYeti: This is the second, at second level.
Him: hahaha, grappling hook arrows are WAY less cool than uh, smelly goblin corpses
SpaceYeti: Oh... a bunch. At least 20.
Him: so they have literally no excuse for this dungeon dumbness
SpaceYeti: Right, but it's hilarious anyhow.
So Cata gets over the goblins, grabs the rope, lowers himself slowly down the lip of the pit, puts his weight on the rope, and immediately falls down, bringing the rope and half the corpses with him.
He rolled a 1, right off the bat.
Him: hahaha
maybe he should have taken athletics
SpaceYeti: Sparrow, ever the team player, catches him, taking half the damage. He also rolled to reduce the fall by 10 feet, so he's Mr. Team Player VIP of this session by far.
Him: right
other than his initial pit trap choice
SpaceYeti: Other than that, yeah!
So now they spend a good half hour trying to figure out how to get up the other side.
Sparrow, for some reason, doesn't think his grappling arrows will work here. I dunno why.
Him: i hesitate to wonder what exactly he thinks they are for
SpaceYeti: So he uses a normal arrow and shoots a rope into the ceiling with a nat 20.
Wait for it!
He climbs part way up, and the arrow breaks, and he falls, and Cata catches him for half the damage.
Him: hahaha what
SpaceYeti: So he tries the same thing AGAIN, and it works again!
Him: why would he think the arrow would hold his weight??
why not the grappling arrows?
SpaceYeti: Wait for it!
He climbs this rope before the arrow could break, making it to the top!
Him: hooray!
SpaceYeti: And uses his grappling hook to toss at the hanging rope to retrieve the rope!
Him: hahahaha
well, at least he used it for something
SpaceYeti: I almost face-palmed.
He's inventive, even if he can't see the obvious answers.
Him: yeah, i'll give him that
SpaceYeti: This next door has handles, so he ties the rope to them and Arowen is the first to climb up.
Him: why not just use a piton and anchor the rope to like, the ground
SpaceYeti: Oh, did I mention she fell the last ten feet on her way down?
Him: instead of a thing that may swing open
SpaceYeti: He tied the door handles so that if they came open, it wouldn't open much, and it would still support the climber.
So Arowen climbs most of the way up... then rolls one of her famous falling twos.
Him: haha
SpaceYeti: Cata catches her for half the damage, and she tries again. And falls again!
Him: can i ask you
why didn't sparrow pull her up?
SpaceYeti: After this second fall, Sparrow pulls Cata up!
And they work as a team to pull the other two up.
Him: well, at least they eventually got it
SpaceYeti: Yes, that was my favorite room.
Oh, all the time, Tiny Jim was hollering down the hall for them to hurry up, because his team was already a room ahead and they needed them to touch another orb thingy at the right time.
Him: haha, awesome
SpaceYeti: The next room is simple. A circular room with a five foot ledge and a 20 foot pit with an orb in the bottom... the pit was filled with water.
Cata says he can just sink down there and hit it, and they can pull him back to the surface with rope. No biggy.
Did I mention if they touch the orb at a different time than the other group, they take a d6 lightning damage?
Him: hahahaha
oh man, awesome
SpaceYeti: So they shout back at Jim "Now!", and Cata jumps in and touches the orb... ignoring the fact that Jim has to run out however far he had to come in their hallway to be able to shout at them, then into his just as far before his team could hear him.
So a few minutes later Jim shouts at them angry for getting the wizardess of his group shocked again.
Him: haha, yes
SpaceYeti: He asks who can keep a beat, tells them to keep it for a count of twenty, and then Cata should hit it.
Both Jim and they keep the rhythm, and they open the next door.
Him: see that was my immediate plan
count to some number.
SpaceYeti: The next door leads to the room the Goblins got to. The goblins can't figure out how to keep going, as there's no obvious door or anything, just a room roughly shaped like an L.\
So the goblins immediately attack, for some reason, and it's basically just a fight, except the group didn't react quickly enough and the fight took place on the ledge around the pool.
This means Cata can only tank one end, the other skullcleaver having his way with Sparrow.
Him: man, these guys are like a fuckin tragedy
SpaceYeti: Agreedo.
Ironically, Cata got hit twice while his skullcleaver was bloodied, and Sparrow was untouched.
Still, that downed Cata, since he had already taken a bunch of damage and only healed most of it, and I rolled pretty high.
Him: that sounds bad
SpaceYeti: They were the only goblins left at that point, though, and each hovering around ten HPs.
They got downed, Cata got up, and they spent some healing surges to get back to Go-mode.
That's when we called it a night.
Before you read "Shazaar" are a homebrew race that serve the purpose of innocent people for the heroes to save in this particular campaign. The campaign worl is a a bunch of floating islands over a vast ocean (I got the idea from Spyro, bot Avatar), and "The Angers" is a group of NPC adventurers I sort of resurrected in this campaign, so this guy knows who they are from that, plus I told him about their soon to occure resurrection in this campaign.
Okay, so here it is;
SpaceYeti: D&D was fucking hilarious tonight!
Him: sweet, what happened?
SpaceYeti: Last time, we stopped half-way through the dungeon, so we picked up from there. Sparrow continued to have good luck with the attacks made against him, and it seemed like the intended difficulty in the encounters was actually how difficult the encounters really were.
However, remember how I told you about the elevator in the back of the cave the goblins were in, which lead down to the slave pens and the mine?
Him: yeah
SpaceYeti: It could hold two people at a time.
There were four people around tonight. Cataclysm the Spirit-Person Paladin, Sparrow the Elf Ranger, Arowen the Tiefling Wizard, And Shardon the Halfling Sorcerer.
chaos sorcerer?
SpaceYeti: Storm Sorcerer.
The two married people who play, their 9 year old son was playing him.
Him: i think storm sorcerer is cool
SpaceYeti: He did decently considering his age.
Him: i mean mechanically it's probably the worst? but its still cool
SpaceYeti: I like the flavor.
Him: right, i agree
my favorite flavor of sorcerer is the one who goes through the phases
that MAY be worse than storm
i feel like the complete mag sorcerer builds were fuckin cooler than dragondick or chaos sorcerer, flavor wise
SpaceYeti: Anyway, so they go at this elevator board rig-up in the back of the cave. Sparrow and Cata are on it, and Sparrow figures out how to make it work, so they lower about 15 feet, to the slave pen.
They were, but they weren't as mechanically good.
But oh fucking well.
I rarely play a class based on mechanical efficiency anyhow.
Him: i almost never do
i do it on pure flavor, which is why i am so in favor of reskinning for flavor
SpaceYeti: Agreed.
Anyhow, so the two magicies are at the top of the 15 foot hole, and the two on the board that lowered see a group of goblins just at the edge of their light source. A fight takes off ALMOST immediately.
Just before the goblins close in or the two dudes have time to get off the board and out of the way for the casties to get down, Arowen decides to slide down on one of the ropes.
K, whatever, a wall and a rope, I figure DC 10.
She rolls a 2.
Fails by five or more, and falls.
Him: haha
SpaceYeti: Onto Sparrow.
Him: in your face, wizard! and ranger!
SpaceYeti: He decides to catch her, and succeeds the athletics check to negate the damage.
But he decides that was stupid and immediately drops her to be helpless in his square as he fights off a bunch of goblins.
Him: hahaha
SpaceYeti: The new guy seems smarter than the wizard, and doesn't jump down right away.
Him: whaaat, the ranger will catch you, why not ruin everyones turn
damn you new guy, not being a dick!
SpaceYeti: Haha.
So they're doing alright, I'm rolling between average and low, so it's easy pickings for them.
Guess what Shardon decides to do?!
Him: jump down the hole?
SpaceYeti: He tried to ride a rope down to help!
Him: fuck yeah
SpaceYeti: Not a big deal.
He had slightly more than a 50% chance of success, and they needed help, so why not?!
Well, they hadn't made room for him yet!
And he ALSO rolled a 2!
Him: that's why you were supposed to jump down the hole immediately!
no room, prone people, take away the rangers actions
SpaceYeti: He fell, also into Sparrow's square.
Him: hahaha, awesome
SpaceYeti: So the ranger is fighting off the goblins with two prone casties at his feat, and he decides to take yet more for the team and have an opportunity attack almost hit him as he makes room for one of them to stand up.
By the time the second prone casty gets to stand up, the fight is in the bag and he never even got to make an attack roll.
Him: doh
why didn't they just cast from the top of the hole?
that seems better?
SpaceYeti: They couldn't hit any goblins without them getting cover... which is crippling, apparently.
Him: i guess
SpaceYeti: I'm also curious why Sparrow didn't just make the elevator go back up and announce "They know we're here", or something.
Him: that is also an option
everyone being stuck in the hole is the worst option, i think
SpaceYeti: Definitely, but it's the one they went with!
Him: did it seem like they regretted that in any way?
SpaceYeti: They thought it was hilarious, and so did I, and Sparrow especially regretted it, and they all knew it was dumb (e3xcept maybe the 9 year old), but oh well, that's what happened.
Him: haah right
SpaceYeti: The best part is when the second casty fell down, Sparrow didn't even bother catching him.
Him: seems awesome
hey fucker, charity ran out
SpaceYeti: So then they're in the main slave p[en area looking at the slaves in the giant cage, trying to see how to get it open (it looked like just bars that ran from the ceiling to the floor).
So then they ask the two goblins they captured to open it, and they said only "Master" could open it.
Him: master goblin?
SpaceYeti: They asked where Master was, and they pointed down the cave, then at a door the opposite direction, and said "Either in the mine or in that room".
So they decide to bust down the door and raid the room.
The wizard casting thunder wave tipped off the goblins in the room that invaders were around, so they were ready.
Him: it was hilarious how anfro imprinted on that spell
SpaceYeti: However, they also thunder-waved the door into the room, killing a minion and kounking a Skullcleaver in the face with door.
Haha, yes.
The classic control striking maneuver!
Him: that sounds awesome
thunderwave IS a good spell
but anfros obsession with it was weird
the best wizard at-will is gates of pain
i forget the real name of it
SpaceYeti: Dagger square?
Him: that spell that has the persistent zone that i was blasting guys through with the dwarven mordenkraad wizard
no, cloud of daggers is good too
SpaceYeti: Yes, that spell rules.
Him: the gates of pain!
its in the complete mag.
SpaceYeti: The one that attacks everyone that comes near it.
Him: yes
pillars of fuck you
SpaceYeti: Yeah, that's easily the best.
Him: i'm awesome at naming spells
SpaceYeti: You should work for Wizards.
Him: i'm not groggy enough
SpaceYeti: Anyway, this fight goes mostly smoothly for the PCs, though it's drawn out with the goblin area of fuck PCs Darkness.
Him: oh yeah
i fucking hate that goblin man
that thing is a dick, the zone is too good
between -2 to hit and +2 to defense it's just a big fuck you.
SpaceYeti: I just figure the -2 it tells you to give people IS the -2 from hitting things in cover, and it's not as bad.
Him: that makes it better, yes
not giving effectively +4 to defense makes it probably fine
SpaceYeti: Yes.
Him: the BIG problem, in my experience using it, is when you use the bonebreakers with that leader
SpaceYeti: They still miss more anyhow.
Him: because some bad rolls once the bonebreakers are bloodied makes the encounter brutal and unfair
SpaceYeti: Right.
Him: they can be raging around with huge damage for way too long, and usually are.
SpaceYeti: There was only one Skullcleaver.
Him: right
SpaceYeti: And I think he missed every attack he made after he got bloodied, which was one.
Anyway, they kill every goblin in there except the boss, who they make open the cage and they get the slaves out and then replace them with him. I dunno why they put him in the cage only he can open, but whatever.
Then they rest.
Him: haha wait
SpaceYeti: Oh, did I mention the goblin minions that ran away down the tunnel?!
Him: they put him in the cage only he can open?
SpaceYeti: Yes.
Him: whats to stop him from opening it in their plan?
the honor system?
actually, why did they not kill him?
SpaceYeti: In their plan? Maybe they assume he can't reach the level that's directly outside the bars?
Him: i mean what's the premise, like, shittier goblins are dicks who should die, but the leader can live because he'll stay in a cage for no reason?
SpaceYeti: So that he could open the cage... but they could have totally killed him then!
Anyway, so the goblin slavers down the cave (A warrior, a skullcleaver, and a handful of minions) make their way back to the main area there, and the boss is left alive to cast his hexes and area of fuck PCs from behind bars the PCs can't get behind themselves!
Him: hahahaha
SpaceYeti: However, they have two ranged DPR plus a wizard, so as soon as the skullcleaver gets killed, the boss was next, and it was easy pickings from there. brb, thirsty.
Him: man i am kinda bummed
SpaceYeti: With all but two insignificant goblins dead and all the slaves freed (including down the mine where the other goblins came from), the PCs escort the slaves back to their village a few miles away (but it takes them a bunch of days because they have to take a long time getting from island to island.
SpaceYeti: Okay, so the group goes to the Shazaar village and meet the Angers, who have already saved most of the other people in the village, and are glad to see another group of heroes.
They have a pickle.
There's this dungeon thingy that requires two groups to go in, because certain things need to be done at the same time in different paths.
And some of the Shazaar slaves were taken there by the goblin slavers.
In fact, some of the goblins did go there, but the slavers took the slaves somewhere else.
But they don't know that.
The island they're going to is named Tegosh, a name that Arowen rolled a history check to know the story behind, as it's kind of a big one.
There were once two dragon brothers who were fighting over territory.
Long story short, one brother was caged in Tegosh, the other running rampant in that floating island area for centuries.
Nobody knows what happened to the one who won the fight, but for some reason you need two groups to go into two different doors and do things at the same time in order to get inside.
Him: how did the group take that news?
SpaceYeti: So after getting the village High Priest to upgrade their armor or weapon (one thing each), they rested a night and left in the morning.
They thought it sounded exciting and interesting.
They get to meet a dragon or find ancient dragon magic, or something!
Him: both awesome things if you ask me!
SpaceYeti: When they get there, they discover a sort of dungeony idiom thing, which is red orbs stuck into the two doors.
Investigating shows there to be no way to open the doors physically.
Arcane investigation reveals that touching the two robs simultaneously opens the doors.
These orbs are found in different rooms along each path, an obstacle needing overcome and they still need to be touched simultaneously.
Oh, did I mention that when they made characters, I suggested investing in athletics and acrobatics, because the floating island may require jumping and climbing, and stuff?
Him: no you didn’t, but that makes sense
SpaceYeti: Guess how many characters are good at those things in the party.
or one
SpaceYeti: Sparrow trained in Acrobatics and athletics, has a +5 Dex modifier, but no Str mod, and nobody else trained either.
Him: that was who i assumed would take it, in the "one" case
as that guy seems to be your best player
SpaceYeti: He is.
So the first room is basically just a hallway that widens then shortens before another door with an orb.
Sparrow passively sees the lines in the floor of the trap door.
Guess how they dealt with the trap door!
Him: they set it off!
SpaceYeti: Sparrow AND Cata stepped on it!
Him: haha WHY?
Sparrow saw the trap!
SpaceYeti: I don't know!
So Sparrow, with his higher Reflex, stopped himself from falling in, but the Paladin wasn't so fortunate. He took the 20 foot spill like a champ.
SpaceYeti: Anyway, they use their rope and get up the hole, and Sparrow does a jump from the hallway to the ledge where the hallway widens, and gets ready to touch the orb. Tiny Jim tells them to yell when they're ready, as they have been ready, and they get to the next room.
The next room had some traps with plates in the ground to activate, but Sparrow saw the plates and showed the group how to avoid them.
The next room was the best.
It was simply a hallway that immediately had a 90 degree turn, another turn 40 feet later, another turn, and then another, so it was shaped like a U... the angle was down, though.
So a 40 foot drop, hallway, and a 40 foot climb to the next door.
Good thing the group trained athletics!
Him: haha right
my favorite part of this story so far is how they just go ahead and activate the pit trap the ranger spots
not out of any particular reason either
SpaceYeti: Nope.
With TWO people!
Why did they need to risk two people?!
Him: why did they need to risk any?
SpaceYeti: I dunno!
Him: this wasnt even a retarded "MAYBE THERE'S TREASURE IN THE TRAP" thing either
which i can KIND OF see
i mean, people die in pit traps
SpaceYeti: Nope, just a straight "Let's step on it together!"
Him: in that case you set it off with, i dunno, not your feet though
SpaceYeti: Right.
So the first one down is the one who's best at climbing, Cata and Shardon holding the rope for him to climb down.
Oh, I forgot to mention something important. In the last room, they found 8 dead goblins.
At the bottom of this pit, there are two dead goblins.
Sparrow goes down the hallway and sees the next climb.
The DCs aren't too high, so the real trick is figuring out how to keep the rope up so they could climb it down.
Guess what resource they've found and they decide to use to hold the rope up!]
Him: pit spikes?
SpaceYeti: There were not spikes in the pit.
Him: goblin corpses?
SpaceYeti: YES!
Him: thats a classic dumb retard move
SpaceYeti: They tie the rope to a goblin, and stack them squared of.
Him: thats a horrible idea
what makes them think goblin corpses are a good anchor?
SpaceYeti: It's a lot of weight there, and holds up under the weight of the Tiefling and the Halfling, who make it safely to the bottom.
Him: i foresee the paladin having a problem
SpaceYeti: Ten corpses, all at least 30 pounds, 300 pounds of resistance... it's all they could think of.
I would have used a GRAPPLING HOOK, but whatever.
Him: yeah.
me too
grappling hook plus rope
bring rope with you
don't fall down with no way back up
SpaceYeti: They have a shit ton of rope.
Him: how many dungeons has this group delved over their short career?
SpaceYeti: And Sparrow specifically has not only grappling hooks, but special grappling hook arrows.
Him: i dont just mean in this campaign
SpaceYeti: This is the second, at second level.
Him: hahaha, grappling hook arrows are WAY less cool than uh, smelly goblin corpses
SpaceYeti: Oh... a bunch. At least 20.
Him: so they have literally no excuse for this dungeon dumbness
SpaceYeti: Right, but it's hilarious anyhow.
So Cata gets over the goblins, grabs the rope, lowers himself slowly down the lip of the pit, puts his weight on the rope, and immediately falls down, bringing the rope and half the corpses with him.
He rolled a 1, right off the bat.
Him: hahaha
maybe he should have taken athletics
SpaceYeti: Sparrow, ever the team player, catches him, taking half the damage. He also rolled to reduce the fall by 10 feet, so he's Mr. Team Player VIP of this session by far.
Him: right
other than his initial pit trap choice
SpaceYeti: Other than that, yeah!
So now they spend a good half hour trying to figure out how to get up the other side.
Sparrow, for some reason, doesn't think his grappling arrows will work here. I dunno why.
Him: i hesitate to wonder what exactly he thinks they are for
SpaceYeti: So he uses a normal arrow and shoots a rope into the ceiling with a nat 20.
Wait for it!
He climbs part way up, and the arrow breaks, and he falls, and Cata catches him for half the damage.
Him: hahaha what
SpaceYeti: So he tries the same thing AGAIN, and it works again!
Him: why would he think the arrow would hold his weight??
why not the grappling arrows?
SpaceYeti: Wait for it!
He climbs this rope before the arrow could break, making it to the top!
Him: hooray!
SpaceYeti: And uses his grappling hook to toss at the hanging rope to retrieve the rope!
Him: hahahaha
well, at least he used it for something
SpaceYeti: I almost face-palmed.
He's inventive, even if he can't see the obvious answers.
Him: yeah, i'll give him that
SpaceYeti: This next door has handles, so he ties the rope to them and Arowen is the first to climb up.
Him: why not just use a piton and anchor the rope to like, the ground
SpaceYeti: Oh, did I mention she fell the last ten feet on her way down?
Him: instead of a thing that may swing open
SpaceYeti: He tied the door handles so that if they came open, it wouldn't open much, and it would still support the climber.
So Arowen climbs most of the way up... then rolls one of her famous falling twos.
Him: haha
SpaceYeti: Cata catches her for half the damage, and she tries again. And falls again!
Him: can i ask you
why didn't sparrow pull her up?
SpaceYeti: After this second fall, Sparrow pulls Cata up!
And they work as a team to pull the other two up.
Him: well, at least they eventually got it
SpaceYeti: Yes, that was my favorite room.
Oh, all the time, Tiny Jim was hollering down the hall for them to hurry up, because his team was already a room ahead and they needed them to touch another orb thingy at the right time.
Him: haha, awesome
SpaceYeti: The next room is simple. A circular room with a five foot ledge and a 20 foot pit with an orb in the bottom... the pit was filled with water.
Cata says he can just sink down there and hit it, and they can pull him back to the surface with rope. No biggy.
Did I mention if they touch the orb at a different time than the other group, they take a d6 lightning damage?
Him: hahahaha
oh man, awesome
SpaceYeti: So they shout back at Jim "Now!", and Cata jumps in and touches the orb... ignoring the fact that Jim has to run out however far he had to come in their hallway to be able to shout at them, then into his just as far before his team could hear him.
So a few minutes later Jim shouts at them angry for getting the wizardess of his group shocked again.
Him: haha, yes
SpaceYeti: He asks who can keep a beat, tells them to keep it for a count of twenty, and then Cata should hit it.
Both Jim and they keep the rhythm, and they open the next door.
Him: see that was my immediate plan
count to some number.
SpaceYeti: The next door leads to the room the Goblins got to. The goblins can't figure out how to keep going, as there's no obvious door or anything, just a room roughly shaped like an L.\
So the goblins immediately attack, for some reason, and it's basically just a fight, except the group didn't react quickly enough and the fight took place on the ledge around the pool.
This means Cata can only tank one end, the other skullcleaver having his way with Sparrow.
Him: man, these guys are like a fuckin tragedy
SpaceYeti: Agreedo.
Ironically, Cata got hit twice while his skullcleaver was bloodied, and Sparrow was untouched.
Still, that downed Cata, since he had already taken a bunch of damage and only healed most of it, and I rolled pretty high.
Him: that sounds bad
SpaceYeti: They were the only goblins left at that point, though, and each hovering around ten HPs.
They got downed, Cata got up, and they spent some healing surges to get back to Go-mode.
That's when we called it a night.