I fail to see how being 'green' can be cool or uncool. How can not sawing the branch off on which you sit anything but rational? Cool and uncool, good and evil - those are just labels people put on things to not bother with them anymore. Who can explain why something is good or why something is evil? They can't. It's just a measure to push their pathetic agendas while they hoist a white flag to logic and rationality. They know nothing but they want everything. Agendas do not belong into the hands of corrupt individuals. If they want to die, let them die, I say, but don't let them take away anything of value from those who wish to live. This life, these few years of existence might be all I'll ever have and every second of it is much to valuable as if I could sacrifice it to these people. They, and not the people who read Nietzsche or Kierkegaard, are the true nihilists.
I never claimed there was any logic to it, but people are willing to do things that are "cool" no matter how detrimental they are. People pay thousands for plastic surgery, women destroy their joints by wearing high heels or plaster themselves with makeup just to be "in fashion". People will pump themselves full of steroids just to make themselves bigger.
In the same way, they will laugh off environmentalism of any kind because we sound like a liberal hippy douche talking about saving plants and animals. It's cool to drive hummers and be apathetic about things that aren't shallow and pointless, since that's the realm of stuck up intellectuals and idealistic nerds. It often makes me wonder whether whether people truly don't care, or if they are in denial.
By god it is your economic right to do so but for many they are not so fortunate.
--- Rant Warning ---
It would seem that the new green movement encapsulates the class struggle. It is mandated to the working class that they must sacrifice their standard of living, while the more affluent, the rich and those who own the means of production are not negatively impacted on. The only thing that has ever increased the standards of living of the poorest has been technology. However, when looking at the system as a whole one find that the greatest environmental degradation is caused by the poor. Whether that be in affluent society or third world countries. The poor do not have the means or ability to efficiently produce and manage the waste of their production and consumption. Raising the living standards of the poorest will inevitably reduce the impact that the anthroposphere has in the biosphere at large. Yet, there are those in society which do not want this. Be it those who own the means of production or the environmentalist who is against any form of development. Thus we know when a family is affluent; it is when their child comes home proclaiming they are an environmentalist.
I completely agree. I am not the environmentalist that idealizes nature and thinks we'd be better off living like chimps - I would be more than willing to give up some of my own hard earned money for "green technology" research and development.
When it comes right down to it, I would consider myself a transhumanist and a futurist. The problem is, our economic system isn't based on innovation, it's based on profit margins. New technology is developed if it can make money, and research grants are given to projects that are financially promising in the short term.
There's shit loads of money in marketing cheap plastic crap and environmentally toxic products to the poor, which in turn makes it very profitable for the poor to continue existing. This entrenched system is the result of humans myopic thinking. Human civilization isn't going to go out with bang, but by slowly bleeding itself like a wounded hemophiliac.
What I see here is that they exaggerated the single individual's consumption.
Compared to the total of 6 billion+, mine food is so minuscule.
How did they exaggerate it? Because people don't consume all of that at once, but instead over 80 years? Of course your consumption is minuscule
compared to 6+ billion other people - that's the point. The show was talking about americans only, and they said at one point that if all 6+ billion people consumed as much as americans (which I think has about 300,000 people), we would require 4 planet earths just go supply all the raw materials and store our waste. The magnitude of people does not diminish the fact that westerners, and americans especially, consume copious amounts of crap.
I disagree. The tendency for the average is to be skeptical of the other citizen. It's simply a natural reaction. The order must come from an outside powerful source, one preferably in control of military. Yes, forceful tyrannical discipline.
Still, the problem I perceive worthwhile isn't this. I feel no need to help a world that doesn't help it's neighbors(poverty in several regions)with enough support. Think about the lifestyle comparison between the average american and the average ethiopian. There is not enough to say...progress is only for the united, no to the "one".
In the end, people are responsible only for themselves.