What is your interpretation of the conscious mind and subconscious mind?
What is your interpretation of the conscious mind and subconscious mind?
Tentative:To put it into simple terms, the unconscious is formed as the continuous result of inattention, incomprehension, and neglect, while consciousness is the reality of awareness, understanding and concentration. They're mirror worlds, inversely affecting each other.
The conscious creates, and the subconscious remembers. You don't think about breathing, or digesting, or blinking, because the behaviors warrant so little thought that they've receded "beneath" the consciousness. Spontaneous thought, however, occurs in the forefront.
To put it into simple terms, the unconscious is formed as the continuous result of inattention, incomprehension, and neglect, while consciousness is the reality of awareness, understanding and concentration. They're mirror worlds, inversely affecting each other.
I don't know what you mean by the terms, so I don't know how to respond. It's not unlike someone asking me "Do you believe in God?" My best response is usually something like "I have no idea, because I don't know what you mean by your use of the word 'God'."What is your interpretation of the conscious mind and subconscious mind?
That's a special specialty.So how is it possible to be conscious of consciousness?
I don't know. If one is isolated, there aren't too many other consciousnesses around. If one interacts, the behavior of other life is suspiciously like one's own. One can put out some scientific inquiries to other suspected consciousnesses and see how they respond.Is not the great trap of egocentric solipsism, being unconscious of other consciousness?
Well other egos while objectively like one's own and very different when it comes to controlling them. One does seem to have superior control.Again, to label consciousness other than one's own ego as being inferior or non existent is a great error, especially because it discounts the possibility of communication/communing between conscious entities.Don't understand that one.The ego does not like to share...
Right. If one stares as you say, one can control the direction and see her reverse. I haven't stopped to think what makes this work, but I'm sure the aim of the focus is what sets it off. Consciousness depends on the kind of focus.It goes counter-clockwise for me, but then if I stare at the center foot, it goes clockwise.It's cool because consciousness is so focused on what it sees, it's hard to let the unconscious allow it to focus on seeing something else. I feel like this would relate.
My cat has the theory that around 8:15 am or pm I will feed it. It checks out this theory by letting out non-stop meows. The cat is much smarter than I am and usually its theory bears out in practice, but not always.The unconscious can also be about the nature of a living creature. Like how when we call a cat a cat, what is it exactly that makes it a cat? Taxonomy is ultimately subjective in its categorizations, but yet we recognize that there are/is some unique nature behind a cat that makes it obvious to us. And that nature will have an unconscious influence over everything that cat experiences with the world. It has a way of life that its genes/mind-body/whatever imposes on it, outside of awareness. A cat will probably never devise theories on something like physics like a human might, but it is still alive, and will do other things because it feels compelled to materialize them.
I guess if someone was going to make a good definition and argument for psychological types, they would have to play on such an idea, explain things that way, abstractly and illuminated as a continuous expression of that unconscious ... idea ... or archetype, instead of making generalizations like taxonomy does, which can almost always be refuted, since only one exception must exist to do so. It's a bad faith ultimately to rely on taxonomic classifications for truth, rather than for seeking order.
My cat has the theory that around 8:15 am or pm I will feed it. It checks out this theory by letting out non-stop meows. The cat is much smarter than I am and usually its theory bears out in practice, but not always.
That's a special specialty.
True but necessary for cognitive development as a generalization that can develop into a specialty
I don't know. If one is isolated, there aren't too many other consciousnesses around.
How is this determined?
If one interacts, the behavior of other life is suspiciously like one's own. One can put out some scientific inquiries to other suspected consciousnesses and see how they respond.
Well this only applies to consciousnesses that use abstractions and symbols to communicate, which pretty much discounts all intuitive consciousness.
Well other egos while objectively like one's own and very different when it comes to controlling them. One does seem to have superior control.
Don't understand that one.
EGO, It is all about control or the illusion thereof.
Is it possible to think through you're subconscious?
This is not a finished thought, but one may consciously make suggestions to oneself to be on the alert for things. Meanwhile let the rest of your mind do it's thing, simmer, change, reorient over time to something ... anything else. Now your initial suggestion has a fresh orientation and will come up with something fresh, maybe productive.In the Creative Problem Solving process there is a stage called incubation. One mixes a recipe of information as ingredients and lets it simmer in the subconscious for a period of time. Sometimes this produces an epiphany without conscious effort...
There is also the question of how much a role the 'sub' conscious plays in the mental processing of information that we have labeled Intuition.
This is not a finished thought, but one may consciously make suggestions to oneself to be on the alert for things. Meanwhile let the rest of your mind do it's thing, simmer, change, reorient over time to something ... anything else. Now your initial suggestion has a fresh orientation and will come up with something fresh, maybe productive.
Reminds me of binocular vision over monocular vision ... how about multi-ocular vision?
Revealtions 4: 6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
Kind of like this?
It goes counter-clockwise for me, but then if I stare at the center foot, it goes clockwise.It's cool because consciousness is so focused on what it sees, it's hard to let the unconscious allow it to focus on seeing something else. I feel like this would relate.
I like the picture, who's the artist?
Account looks private... I'm not on FB, but thanks.
While you are 'daydreaming' (while communicating with people) do you slip into your sub conscious? Are you conscious of slipping into your sub conscious? Sometimes I blank out, and something strange goes on. It's not Thinking, it feels very... void - or perhaps it's imagination going haywire.
There really is no objective justification to categorize consciousnesses into categories, with the arbitrary labels - sub, higher, un, altered, ego, id, super ego, super id, etc.
I think the idea of intentional consciousness is a valid category to explore though, that is, if one can be conscious of one's own intentions. Can we choose what we focus upon?
As far as the state of mind that one describes, the void is like a silent confusion, like consciousness slipping from one gear to another due to a bad clutch (?)
Do animals (excluding humans) experience a collective consciousness? - Cows on a field look to me as if they are on the same 'wave', it seems they react very similarly to stimuli when grouped together.
Mob Mentality does seem to be a very real phenomena amongst social animals. I think some have suggested that the role of mirror neurons is the source for individuals organisms behaving as one organism when in a group.
Can we experience a state similar to an animals perception?
Yes! Some prize that state of consciousness as an escape from Self via an escape from Self awareness. It is better than drugs for some...
Is it possible that humans experience a collective intangible sub-consciousness?
re: nonverbal communication?
What is being 'individual' and does true actual 'individuality' exist among humans?
Yes and no...
individuality is a quantitative state, while humanity is a qualitative state. There is also this quandary, objective science can not deal with quantity of one, it is all about the comparisons/statistical analysis of large groups, yet humanity, as such a group, is defined by subjective qualities and experiences at the level of the individual.
One could almost make a religious statement about the boundary of One...
Are animals essentially: not self-aware, not conscious of being conscious, do not have a Judging component (or perhaps also extremely primitive), posses a powerful Perception (and thus living totally in the present) and Feel on a very primal level?
Again yes and no, there are at least 5 other species on this planet that we share a sense of self with. Those that do not have a sense of self have a systematic stress response system for adapting to changes in the environment. This is indeed much of what classical conditioning is all about, a primitive system of adaption (learning) based upon stimulus and response.
*sneeze* Share your wisdom *sneeze*
Unfortunately, for the human race, it seems to be impossible to share wisdom. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why generation after generation makes the same foolish mistakes.
An observer seems to be limited to sharing 'wise' observations, and the quality of wisdom of those observations seem to exist like attachments to the messages of observation, that have to be opened, but often are not.
There are at least 5 other species on this planet that we share a sense of self with.
Unfortunately, for the human race, it seems to be impossible to share wisdom. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why generation after generation makes the same foolish mistakes.
I been playing with the idea that consciousness is a quantitative function. Allowing us to say one species is more conscious than another species. Humans possess a far superior level of consciousness than any other species. The fully awake and alert human would perceive the world with a high level of consciousness as well as incorporating less conscious functions that have been instilled over a greater period of time. It's these less conscious functions that would include Jung's theory of the "Collective Unconscious". The idea being our "least" conscious functions were developed before man was evolved, and resembled a more reptilian form. Does this sound ridiculous?