I can't recall anything specifically, as I do tend to be a decent person. However, I can certainly share some dick moves.
When I was but a young lad (24ish) I took a girl to a New Year party who, in retrospect, was very clearly an ESFJ. Now, me being me and therefore entirely oblivious to 'the games' which potential mates play (I was always very matter of fact about these things) I was misinterpreting her wanting to be with me and / or trying to make a move on me as clinginess... which - me being me - infuriated the shit out of me. People kept telling me to go be with her, but I was like "Nah, she's fucking irritating man". She wanted me to escort her to the kitchen for food, to the bathroom so she 'wouldn't get lost' - just really pathetic shit.
After an hour or so of enduring her irritating ways, I told her I was taking her home because she was being an irritating cunt. She (apparently) was upset about this but... me being me... I bundled her into the car and drove her back to her house.
Upon arrival, she was really whiny: "But I'll be on my own for NY! I'll have nobody to be with!" to which I replied, "You'll get over it" / hoofed her out of the car, closed the door and drove back to the party.
Doing 120mph.
Stoned off my fucking tits.
I was fine with it all, but my mates thought I was a cunt.
Meh. Spent the rest of the night chatting with an army girl. Fun as fuck.