Shorter alone works because huge intensity is a form of variety, it's fun. So how about a day or two?
It's a technique I came up with as a kid and I still use it all the time. By nature, I'm a perfectionist but easily bored at the same time, which results in dropping my work all the time. So when I notice that, I decide to do the bare minimum in a minimal amount of time and that changes everything for me!
They say action is the saving grace of the INTP. I agree, if that action is really
But tell us, what exactly are the steps left to take before it can be published? And how much time does each of them take, if done really really quickly?
Yes, this is excellent advise Brain. I have actually done this. Not with writing, but I've had alot of success completing other things this way, so I can attest to how well it does work. So many people on this forum are very good at spelling out their processes, methods, and reasons. It's impressive, because I have such a difficult time finding language for how and what I do.
Now that we're on this track, something else that I've done, which is similar, but I think a little different, is name a specific goal with a deadline and I'll break that goal down into smaller goals or tasks. For example, "I will have such an such done by the end of the day, or within one hour (whatever). In order to get that accomplished, I'll have to do a, b, and c." This way I can sometimes choose between a "first thing's first" attitude or a method that allows me to do a little within a,b,and c, until one or more get done. I find the later more fun, as I like to switch up what I'm focusing on when I'm actually DOING something. Plotting or spelling out the goals and mini-goals help me to put on a "keep stepping" attitude once I've gotten a little closer to the ultimate goal for that deadline, because I tend to lose focus and start wandering mentally, recreating, or brainstorming, and then there's too much to do, again. Writing down the goals and mini-goals in an outlined format help me perservere. This is a blend of my Mom's list making method (she is ISTJ) and my preference for an outline as a guide.
I use to laugh at my Mom because she'd cross each item off of the list as she completed things. And, she would roll her eyes at me, because I'd just lose my list. I have found, though, that when the task has become an elephant in the room and it must be broken into bite size pieces, crossing it off or checking it off of a page can be encouraging. Also, the outline allows me to note any creative ideas I have, and keep a more realistic sense of how the creative adds and changes will affect my deadline and/or goal meeting. If I don't reach the ultimate goal within the time I've set for myself, then I can at least remain encouraged by all the mini-goals I did reach. I am still closer than I once was. Next day, new list/outline.
I had not thought to employ this for my own writing. How silly, since that was the original purpose of the outline when it was first introduced to me, forever ago. It could work. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. The tool you use ultimately doesn't matter as long as it works, right? I happen to use a fork more easily, so that makes sense for me when it's crunch time. (hehe "crunch time").
Good Luck, Brain. Hope you get some info that you can use to help you meet your goal(s). Oh, someone once told me, too, that for them, it worked to offer themselves incentives for each goal they met. You know, do a little something for themselves (their self?) after each mile stone, or put off something they want until they've reached that mile stone. I'd start really small, though, if you've never done it. I have a tendency to "self-punish" and ask a little more of myself than what may be healthy. If you are at all like that, then maybe a candy bar, or a favorite game or something is sacrifice/prize enough to start.