Have you considered the idea that type could be arguably more genetic for some people and more experience for others?
This actually hits the precise mark of where I am hinging/debating with myself at the moment. =) Um.. I'll answer it further down.
What you seem to be arguing is that their exists static qualities that have more influence over dynamic ones; and this is greatly debated, whether or not such forms even exist outside the interpretation that consciousness brings. I guess you've made up your mind on the matter, but what reason(s) do you base your conclusion on?
Once again, well spoken. Yesh, I think that static qualities (nature) are more potent than dynamic ones (nurture) though both play a key role. The basis I used for this deduction is the observation of impulses. That is to say, as I watch people of different personalities I notice that they can't help
not act in accordance to it..
To use a few (real) stereotypical examples I've come across personally:
- The Ne dominant child who simply cannot sit still even if he is aware that he cannot sit still ("I can't stop moving and jittering, I'm sooo bored")
- The Fe dominant sister who tries desperately to not 'care' what others think of her but utterly fails and falls to self-consciousness.
- The Se dominant that cannot resist his draw toward the sensual, exciting, even if it isn't the right thing to do.
- The Te dominant who earnestly tries to understand why people act so irrational and struggles to find a grain of empathy
- The Ti dominant who can't help but (nit)pick up on contradictions in speech and logic.
I have interacted with several self-aware individuals of different personalities who were able to hold a birds-eyes view of their psyche; see what was causing them to think the way they do - and although they could see it, they cannot alter it. The same reality holds true for me. Although I am a Ti dominant and I can see just how my brain picks at a situation and decides how to move in it -- i simply am incapable of mimicking a different process like Ni, or acting in opposition to that Ti process. I've tried! lol
This all coincides, to me, with Jung's words and how he described the functions as consuming the psyche of the individual. A type of obsession. Remember that Carl Jung worked with psychiatric patients. The patterns he noticed in his patients were often life-traps. Mental prisons. In his book Psychological Types chapter 10, he describes the functions in quite a negative/dark light, as we could expect seeing how the type of people that go to a shrink are presumably ill.
The point being, the people Jung observed were people who were ill versions of their configuration and who, despite whatever inconvenience in life it might cause them, remained always slaves to their mind's mode of processing. Often times our personality type isn't the best suited for the environment we're in (i.e. A feeler in a hostile environment might wish they were a thick-skinned Te dominant and unaffected by criticisms/etc, but the body won't listen. They might find a way to cope, but they will become jaded in a way that Te dominants simply would not: given the same environment)
I went a bit off track.. I'm a bit short on time atm, but I hope that made some sense. I can't say for sure that every person is definitely controlled to a greater extent by nature than nurture, but I notice that at *least* a large percent of the population is moved by these influences beyond their control (to their detriment or benefit)
It takes hard work to become conscious of the things your mind is doing, and much more work to alter them. Most people don't give it much thought.