Magos Biologis
Summer is here again so it's time for young boys to start turning into young men through circumcision. Nothing beats gesturing a karate chop and saying "TSAK!" to make the young ones cringe and make their mothers chuckle.
Medical advancement have made the operation rather painless and hygienic so I guess the proving part goes to the post-op recovery. In older times the practice is more ummm... simpler. It involves a blade of unreliable sharpness, thoroughly chewed guava leaves and alcohol (for the medicine man of course).
So anyways how does your culture value circumcision? Do have other rites of manhood in its stead?
Medical advancement have made the operation rather painless and hygienic so I guess the proving part goes to the post-op recovery. In older times the practice is more ummm... simpler. It involves a blade of unreliable sharpness, thoroughly chewed guava leaves and alcohol (for the medicine man of course).
So anyways how does your culture value circumcision? Do have other rites of manhood in its stead?