Chief complaints from group 3 about the foreskin etc.
So I can assume that the basis of this data is comparison, since obviously if people didn't have experience with people who both were and weren't circumsized they'd just consider an uncut penis as normal. Not to mention all evidence of this sort will be inherently culturally bias to a large degree.
In any case, the importance of these things is up to the individual to decide. I couldn't care less about any of the, "complaints" you bring up here. It's baffling to me that anyone could actually care enough about things like these that it would motivate them to be mutilated, but then again that's why I said the decision should rest with the individual. If someone really wants to be circumsized because they've got a hangup about the aesthetics of their phallus, more power to them.
Base Groove said:
I always laugh at the way the world works. Nobody is ever happy, everybody has a cause to fight for.
Intact males only want to see it disappear. Mutilated males only seem to want to have it back. Here, take mine.
Huh? As far as I can tell, there's both uncut and cut people who are perfectly happy with their willies.
Bullying is so diffuse that it's pointless to mitigate it in specified problem areas??? Bullshit.
Not what was said at all. The point is that if someone is being bullied, you don't mutilate the victim - you deal with the bully. I mean, you said that being circumsized is good because it deters bullies.
So I wonder then if a teenager is being bullied for having an uncut dick, should we just circumsize him? As far as I've noted in the typical trends of bullies - this probably won't stop the bullying. They're just as if not more likely to continue bullying him
for getting his dick cut after they made fun of him, as they are to actually stop. Either that or they'll find something else to bully him for, because they now have concrete proof that what they say really does affect him.
All I can say is that it's completely backwards to imply that it's the victims of bullying who need to change their behaviour, as opposed to the actual bullies. Especially considering that the majority of things people are bullied over, are related to things that the victim has no direct control over. They're a different race, religion, have different musical tastes or simply look a certain way. It's a deliberate move by bullies too, that they target qualities in people that they know can't be defended.