I feel like I am missing a joke. It's your. "Your" is ownership. "You're" is being something.
Your life
Your wealth
You own those but you are not those.
Yes,your is about possessing something.
So it will be 'your' life.
But in the poll, it is all 'your', which should be you're (meaning you are) as the poll is
about being something (being happy, genius or whatever),
but if we have to judge this really critically, then the whole poll is wrong,
because the questing is 'which you rather be wealthy in?' where 'which' is asking for the form of wealth and so the options must be in noun forms of the wealth in order to maintain coherency. For example:
1) Money.
2) Lots of friends who love you.
3) Intelligence.
4) Happiness.
5) Healthy and long life.
Sorry, if I am wrong, English is not my first language.
I am even worse in my first language. T_T
Without further derailing, I am now going back to the topic.
Among all the choices happiness seems to be the most logical one as we want all types of wealth to ultimately make us happy. So happiness is supposed to signify we already have what we want, or we are content with whatever we have.
Read further, to get a detailed explanation on this matter.
1)We want money, to gain the potential to buy things and other things, to make us happy. We don't really primarily want money, we primarily want happiness and
we choose money as the medium and in doing so many forgets their primary goal and get stuck in a loop of money making.
Money is useless if one does not get happiness from it.
2)Friends and their love for me, is also pointless if those things don't provide me any joy.
3)Healthy long life is effete if it consists of no joy. It rather become a curse than a gift if happiness is absent.
But the gamble between intelligence and happiness is a bit hard for me.
Will I be genius and unhappy or happy but dumb?
Now genius is a broad term, it indicate a lot of things:
a genius in running, a genius in maths or whatever.
But in this scenario, I want to specifically talk about philosophical genius.
Now in philosophy, there can be a dark phase of pointlessness and depression,
but a real genius, must be able to circumnavigate and transcend that phase by rewiring the mind. Fear, anxiousness, depression over anything is absurd and pointless, and a real genius must be able to overcome them.
If that phase it transcendent then with a well defined outlook on life, and a higher understand, a genuine philosophical genius must be able to gain much more consistent and long lasting peace and happiness that exists without much dependence on external simulation.
So, I guess, I should prefer to be a genius.
But as I am not a genius but a rather obtuse kid, may be choosing to be genius can be a bit risky, so to be safe, it is better to choose just happiness, perhaps.