Re: Bird
I cannot speak for everyone, nor am I trying to change who you are. Just giving the perspective of an outside observer. I get it, you rationalized to yourself that it was a good idea to post this thread. You are your own person, do what you gotta do. All Im saying is, removed from the situation, it is absolutely ridiculous.
removed from the situation" anything removed from all context is ridiculous. I still fail to see how my actions are ridiculous though. I will admit (and have realised from the beginning) that I lack the patience that some others on this forum do. It's difficult for me to "roll with the troll" or however it was put. Especially when it came to this point. Not so much because of bestiality (which is actually legal in my country) because I accept that we all have different 'tastes' I really want to meet a zoophilic (I guess that's the word?) person. Because to my understanding they are genuinly in love with the animal, which is interesting to me. My point is that I did not lash out because of the beastiality, I don't really care about that. I lashed out because (like I've said several times by now) I did not want to potentially alienate even more people than I have already done myself. People who are not okay with zoophilia and might completely cut me off in the light of what Bird claimed me to be.
Yes, we all have emotional baggage, the difference is in how one deals with it. Do you honestly believe that people would not talk to you on the forum because they think you want to fuck Bird's dog?(she doesnt even have a dog). I took the liberty of seeing how old you are. I hope this does not come across as offensive, but you are only 19. Life will get much harder and you will run into a lot of people that get under your skin. Learn now how to deal with it, and relations with others will go a lot more smoothly.
No, I did not honestly believe it. I believed that there is a potential for people not wanting to talk with me. Hence I've said "
potentially aliante" every single time I brought it up.
Why would I be offended by you checking my age? I did after all, put it on my profile.
And yes, I know there's still a long road ahead, trust me. But what people are getting from this thread (and the CoryJames thread as well, like you mentioned) are snippets of what I am. It's coincidence that things like these happen. They are things I am rigid about. Just like EVERY person has something they are rigid/defensive/emotional/'tirading' about. And what has happened to me is that the things I'm am rigid about have been brought up. I react. And now people have this naive belief that it's the way I am. As if I am this towards every damn topic.
Now it's my turn to ask you(a plural, you. Not only you) Do you honestly thing I am this emotional about EVERY topic? It seems to me like a lot of you do as many people are judging me. Many think I'm annoying. But they still don't know me. I doubt anyone on this forum truly knows anyone else on this forum.
To be blunt, you go on tirades. One only has to look at the CoryJames banning thread to come to this conclusion. I imagine people would be more hesitant to interact with you on the basis of these tirades than this nonsensical bestiality. Dont make it you against the world, or you against the forum. It will only cause undue stress in your life.
I still believe in what I said in that thread. I don't understand why he was banned. And I don't care if this forum is not a fucking democracy. That's off topic though.
I never intended for this to be a Me vs. X though. I don't know where you get the idea that that is what I'm doing.
Also. I want to tell you that I really appreciate your(anyone's) perspective.
"Just giving the perspective of an outside observer" so you do not need to excuse it, at all. perspective, feedback and differing opinions are some of the things I treasure most in this world.