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Book about INTPs

Anna Moss

Active Member
Local time
Today 6:52 AM
Jun 27, 2012
The Secret Lives of INTPs e-book is out, finally. :p You can check it out here. (Yeah, it does cost $$. Sorry, gotta eat.)

I was going to ask for volunteers to review it before I published, but I didn't have time. Nonetheless, if you have any suggestions, critique or even just typo nitpicking, I'd be glad to hear it all.

Length: 247 pages
Format: PDF (will be adding more formats later)

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Table of Contents[/FONT]


  1. A Dark Confession
  2. Cautions about Research; Citation Notes
  3. Notes for Type Junkies
  4. A Better Alternative
  5. Example: An NTIP
  6. Example: A TNPI
  7. Non-Preferred Functions
  8. Strong Preference(s)
  9. Conclusion
1. General

  1. The Universe Within
  2. Weird Sense of Humor
  3. Argumentation
  4. Politics
  5. Religion
  6. Spiritual Life
  7. Church
  8. An INTP Church Culture
  9. Cults
  10. The Lazy Rationals?
  11. Useful Inventions
  12. Fake Social Skills
  13. A Nice Little Chat
  14. The Death Glare
  15. Systems Design
  16. Practice Makes Perfect
  17. The 16PF
  18. Leisure Habits
  19. Reading
  20. Games
  21. Customer Loyalty
  22. INTP Writing Style
  23. Pitfalls
  24. Editing
  25. INTP Holiday Spirit - Or Lack Thereof
  26. An INTP Christmas Tale
  27. Cats
  28. Were INTPs Burned as Witches?
  29. Cats and Liberty
  30. Cats and Egypt
  31. Truth and Lies
  32. Stress
  33. Coping Mechanisms/Responses to Stress
  34. Smoking
  35. Drugs and Alcohol
  36. Quitting
  37. How Many INTPs are There?
  38. Percentages by Sex
  39. Percentages and Mistyping
  40. How do INTPs Mistype?
  41. INTPs - A Rough Population Estimate
  42. I Want to Meet Other INTPs!
2. How to Tell INTPs Apart From INTJs

  1. Judging vs. Perceiving (General)
  2. Various
  3. Stress, Sickness, Bad Habits
  4. Jobs
  5. Values
  6. School
  7. Recreation
  8. Religion
  9. Areas That Are Too Similar to be Used as Diagnostic Criteria
  10. I Still Don’t Know My Type
3. INTP Clothing and Hygiene

  1. INTP Fashion Statements
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Thomas Jefferson
  4. James Madison
  5. Albert Speer
  6. The Author
  7. Clothing, Hooray
  8. The Smell
  9. Hot Beauty Secrets for Female INTPs
  10. Prudishness
4. INTPs in Love

  1. Problems with Studying Type and Love
  2. INTP Matches: Research and Theory
  3. What Do INTPs Want in a Relationship?
  4. INTP/Idealist – “The Soulmate”
  5. Most Important Values
  6. Least Important Values
  7. Average Weight (1 – 7) Placed on Each Most Important Idealist Value
  8. INTP/Rational – “The Mindmate”
  9. Most Important Values
  10. Least Important Values
  11. Average Weight (1 – 7) Placed on Each Most Important Rational Value
  12. The INTP – INTP Pairing
  13. INTP/Artisan – “The Playmate”
  14. Most Important Values
  15. Least Important Values
  16. Average Weight (1 – 7) Placed on Each Most Important Artisan Value
  17. INTP/Guardian – “The Helpmate”
  18. Most Important Values
  19. Least Important Values
  20. Average Weight (1 – 7) Placed on Each Most Important Guardian Value
  21. What Do People Love About INTPs?
  22. INTP Courtship Behaviors
  23. INTP Marriage, Marital Satisfaction, and Divorce
  24. Those 3 Little Words
  25. Giving Emotional Support
  26. Fighting For Principles
  27. Children
  28. Housework
  29. Contracting
  30. Hypermindfulness
  31. Recommendations
5. INTP Identifications

  1. Historical INTPs
  2. Fictional INTPs
  3. Advantages of the “Mirror of Fiction”
  4. Problems with the Mirror of Fiction
  5. Notes on Type Identifications
  6. Process
6. Walter Bailey – Hero Busboy

  1. Story
  2. Analysis
  3. Discussion
  4. Application
  5. Conclusion
7. INTPs in Charge

  1. Why INTPs Do Not Seek Command
  2. The Preferred INTP Role
  3. Characteristics of INTP Leaders
8. Aramis - A Swashbuckling Schemer

  1. Analysis
  2. An Honorable Plot
  3. An INTP Who Specialized in Intrigue
  4. How Aramis Joined the Musketeers
  5. Those Half-Finished Projects
  6. Friendship
  7. The Secret Emperor
  8. Those Exact Words
  9. Grief response
  10. The Abbe Faria and Aramis
  11. Where it All Went Wrong
9. Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President of the United States

  1. The Effect of a “Soft T” on the INTP Personality
  2. The INTP Renaissance Man
  3. What Would You Save From Your Burning House?
  4. Farming
  5. Marriage
  6. Relationship
  7. Founding Documents
  8. An INTP President
10. James Madison - 4th President of the United States

  1. General
  2. Marriage
  3. Dolley Madison
  4. Somber vs. Playful
  5. Old Age
  6. An INTP President – Part II
  7. Conclusion
11. Albert Speer – Nazi Minister of Armanents

  1. Building the Chancellery: A Perceiver Approach
  2. The Empire Builders
  3. Moral Questions
  4. Slavery and the Holocaust
  5. The Nuremberg Trial
12. INTPs in Prison

  1. Hardships of Prison and INTP Responses
  2. Harrelson - A Unique Perspective on Life in Prison
  3. INTP Complaints About Prison
  4. Do INTPs Go To Jail a Lot?
  5. Escape
  6. The Count of Monte Cristo—A Brief Portrait of an INTP in Prison
  7. The Count of Monte Cristo—An INTP Escape Plan
  8. Conclusion
13. INTPs at Work

  1. INTP Careers
  2. Working Conditions Amenable to INTPs
  3. Interviewing Issues
  4. Scenario 1
  5. Scenario 2
  6. Job Satisfaction
  7. Work Related Miscellanea
  8. E-mail
  9. Showing up on time
  10. Obeying the dress code
  11. There is No INTP in Team
  12. Following the Rules, Bureaucracy, and Other Silly Notions
  13. Burnout
  14. Attention to detail
  15. Increasing Efficiency
  16. How to Select Your Next Summer Job
  17. Assembly Line Job
  18. No Brainer
  19. Customer Service Job
  20. Miscellaneous Occupational Notes
  21. INTPs in Medicine
  22. INTPs in the Library
14. INTPs and the Intellect

  1. I.Q. Testing and Type
  2. Artisan Tactical Intelligence
  3. Idealist Diplomatic Intelligence
  4. Guardian Logistical Intelligence
  5. Rational Strategic Intelligence
  6. The Value of I.Q. Tests, Continued
  7. Giftedness
  8. Discussion
  9. INTP Geniuses
  10. Child A - IQ 187 - 191 (As tested by the Stanford-Binet, 1920s version)
  11. Discussion
  12. Child F - I.Q. Unmeasurable (Tested by the Stanford-Binet, 1920s version)
  13. Discussion
15. INTP Parenting Style

  1. General
  2. Discipline
  3. Pygmalion Projects
  4. Conclusion
16. INTP Children

  1. Early Learners
  2. Play
  3. Games
  4. Designing as a Form of Play
  5. Engineering
  6. Logical Play
  7. The Design of Play
  8. Art
  9. Thoughts and Fears
  10. Fitting In
  11. Curiousity Killed the INTP
  12. Whyyyy?
  13. Blunt Statements of Truth
  14. Lack of Role Models
17. INTPs in the School System

  1. The Elementary School Experience
  2. The High School Experience
  3. What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate
  4. Busywork—And Other Scholastic Activities
  5. School Will Socialize You
  6. The University Experience
  7. GPA Per Major
  8. Other Notes on Course/Major Preferences
  9. Languages
  10. Engineering
  11. Scholarships
  12. National Merit Finalists
  13. Judging Teachers, Perceiving INTPs
  14. What About Unsuccessful Perceiving Students?
  15. Conclusion
18. INTPs in the Military

  1. NP vs. SJ (Again)
  2. Autonomy vs. Control
  3. Privacy
  4. Other Drawbacks
  5. PTSD
  6. Positives
  7. Conclusion
19. INTP Environments

  1. “North to the Future”
  2. An INTP Family
  3. Conclusion
20. Intipiland - Ethnography of an Insular Utopia

  1. A Brief Geology Lesson
  2. Climate
  3. Lifestyle
  4. Speech and Body Language
  5. Language
  6. Sports
  7. Architecture
  8. Government
  9. History
  10. 1st Occupation, 180 BC to 340 BC - "The Evil Time"
  11. 2nd Occupation, 616 to 956 AD - "The Oppression"
  12. 3rd Occupation, 1220 to 1256 AD - "The Tyranny”
  13. Prehistory
  14. Childrearing
  15. Industry
  16. Holidays
  17. Final Words
21. INTPs As a Minority

  1. Female INTPs
  2. Male INTPs
  3. A Fieldtrip Through the Wonderful Land of Cultural Bias
22. INTPs and Psychology

  1. Childhood “Problems”
  2. The Crummy Life Scales
  3. The Big Five (NEO-PI-R)
  4. Positive and Negative Affectivity with the PANAS Scales
  5. Coolidge Axis II Inventory (CATI)
23. INTPs and ADD

  1. ADHD and NPs
  2. How to Diagnose any INTP with ADD
  3. Disorganization
  4. Forgetfulness
  5. Easily Distracted
  6. Losing Important Items
  7. Not Listening When Addressed
  8. Has Difficulty Staying Focused on Tasks or Play
  9. Does Not Follow Instructons or Finish Tasks
  10. Doesn't Pay Close Attention to Details or Makes Careless Mistakes
  11. Avoids/Dislikes Activities That Require Prolonged Mental Effort (I.e. Homework)
  12. Discussion
  13. Can We Prove the Existence of ADD?
  14. Why INTPs Tune Out
  15. How to Daydream Without Suffering For It
  16. Techniques
  17. Bird-Dogging
  18. How to Avoid Being Asked Pop Questions
24. INTPs and Asperger's Syndrome

  1. ASD and the Big Five
  2. Type and/or Disorder?
  3. Conclusion
25. Frankenstein

  1. Summary
  2. Commentary
  3. Count Dracula - INTP?
  4. Conclusion
26. INTPs in the Future

  1. Rise of the Introverts
  2. Accelerating Change
  3. Computers
  4. The Internet
  5. Education
  6. For the Good of All Mankind
  7. Cloning
  8. Robots
Appendix: Type Bigots, the Scourge of the MBTI Community

  1. 7 Ways To Combat Type Bigotry


Local time
Today 3:52 PM
Jan 3, 2013
Just bought this book today. Looking forward to reading it soon. :)


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 7:52 AM
Mar 24, 2011
Will you post some excerpts aside from just the table of contents?

Like a "look inside" bit?


Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 3:52 PM
May 31, 2012
Oh wow, some1 bought your book. Seems someone does care about your silly book.


Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 3:52 PM
May 31, 2012
Don't take it personal. I just don't see how this book is amusing.
You have my respect for writing it though, must have been tough.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 2:52 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
I'll purchase it. I think it's the least I can do for all the free entertainment I received through your comics :)


Local time
Today 9:52 AM
Dec 24, 2012
It's probably a funding issue but I'd prefer paper. :( I can't stand reading a screen for too long. I might get it anyways... hmm.


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 8:52 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Somebody post a review of it here.


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 8:52 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Has anybody read this book?


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 8:52 AM
Dec 25, 2010
Thanks. Funny, the author gave us a fairly detailed discussion of the book but neglected to tell us their conclusion of how good it was!


Local time
Today 10:52 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Thanks. Funny, the author gave us a fairly detailed discussion of the book but neglected to tell us their conclusion of how good it was!
I laughed out loud when the reviewer quoted the INTP talking about recycling and arguing against himself. Funny.

As to how good it was, perhaps the reviewer preferring to take a "P" attitude after presenting such a long review assumed the reader would decide for themselves. He did end by saying he wasn't finished reading and had to gather his thoughts. What? He didn't gather enuf thoughts?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:52 PM
Aug 2, 2012
Note to self : Buy this


a who
Local time
Today 3:52 PM
Dec 24, 2012
Far away from All This
Frankenstein? How long is this?



Active Member
Local time
Today 3:52 PM
Sep 14, 2012

Started reading it, it's funny and quite an easy read...

Download PDF here:
Last edited by a moderator:


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 4:52 PM
Jan 4, 2009
I removed the download link. Have a lil bit of respect to the fact the author is a member of this board and doesn't want to distribute her work for free.

Ex-User (9062)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:52 PM
Nov 16, 2013
So, this looks like an interesting read.
Does anyone feel like writing a small review?
[agrees on the piracy issue]


Local time
Tomorrow 4:52 AM
Mar 10, 2011
Download PDF here:

Whut. You sir, need to go see a doctor, a... what do you call it... now, let me see... a head doctor, you know? A doctor head, who heads doctors. Or is it doctors heads? Hoctors deads?

Have some respect.

Well, I now have, have now I do, some reading. Thanks Anna!
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