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Big forehead=more inteligence?

Ex-User (8886)

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Sep 11, 2013
As a child I had complexes about my big forehead, I though that it isn't good, isn't beauty. Now, I regard it like something special, because people with big heads, looks more intelligently.
However, do they really more intelligent?

What are yours foreheads, are they big or small, or normal?
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Aug 1, 2013
Assuming a larger forehead corresponds to a larger intracranial volume which is occupied by an equally disproportionately large prefrontal cortex (and not just a result of a thicker frontal bone of the forehead):

my personal theory is that it could be indicative of a higher capability in the pre-frontal cortex (the part that makes one a full fledged human ("I think therefore I am") as opposed to just another bipedal mouthbreathing zombie out for food, sleep, sex, and taking shits). Correspondingly, I would also posit that should any research into high functioning sports athletes be done, their cerebellums would be correspondingly higher in size and/or more innervated relative to others.

There is empirical research demonstrating that higher brain size (measured in terms of intra-cranial volume) in general DOES in fact correlate with higher IQ*. Of course, who would have thunk it that all the social activist morons out there have found everyway possible to try and prove the research wrong (vested interest of course: they are all stupid, have small brains and don't want their feelings hurt).

*AND NO THIS IS NOT PHRENOLOGY. All the top morons out there have framed the first level of the 'debate' on the idea that this is 'phrenology' as a red herring. If that doesn't work of course they have secondary, tertiary etc strategies to try and obfuscate the truth.

Also, generally, I forget the numbers off the top of my head but the female brain is inherently of a lesser intracranial volume than the male brain so of course, there is inherent bias to prove all the research wrong from the overpowering 'modern' feminist perspective. Something like 10-15% less intracranial volume or something like that.

But, we are living in a day and age when "feelings" trump hard science (indeed to the point that 'science' itself has been contaminated by political correctness...don't believe me pick up the latest issue of "Scientific America" and/or "Nature": all compromised by the so-called social 'sciences') so what else is to be expected. In fact, I would argue that it has ever been so, at least as long as there has been the 95% of the population as Es and Ss and Fs (in terms of MBTI) corrupting the pursuit of truth. The same people arguing against empirically proven truths are the same morons 500 years ago who were emphatically attempting to disprove the arguments against the earth being flat and that it does not revolve around the sun. Yes, 'modernism' is the defacto religion/ religious belief of our times. Their science is as deep as their social networks on their cell phones and Hollywood gossip websites/ Hollywood. Their god is a deaf, dumb, blind and dead god getting increasingly deafer/ dumber and more blind.

*whew* rant over.

bottom line: All the hard core empirical research into brain science has been systematically defunded over the years at a rate directly proportional to the rise of the cult of Freud. Which is frustrating because with the tools available today, the possibilities are limitless: and the findings would inevitably benefit the same morons who oppose such truths from being discovered.

Oh well...NASA isn't developing any new frontiers in their realm either**. All part of the same general pattern imposed by the Idiocracy.

**it seems NASA's new assigned 'mission' is to preach the social 'science' of diversity and tolerance??? WTF WTF WTF



just george

Bull**** Artist ENTP 8w7
Local time
Today 4:39 PM
Jan 20, 2013
That madhouse planet in the Milky Way
I have read some stuff referring to larger heads resulting in more brain function, but I just don't buy it.

For a start, the brain isn't the only part of your body that has a lot of neurons in it. Your spinal cord and enteric nervous system (nerves in the abdomen) contain more neurons than the brain.

If your capacity to think is spread throughout the body, then brain size, let alone forehead size, is only a small part of a larger whole.

Then you think about the architecture of those nerves. It stands to reason that well formed, balanced neuron clusters are probably going to be more effective than large, yet irregular/unbalanced clusters.

On top of that, I don't think that we know how to properly measure intelligence anyway. We can't properly define or describe what thoughts are. No one knows how much weight to ascribe to different functions when measuring intelligence eg spatial recognition vs memory recall

Lastly (just to break balls even more) - how do you measure a forehead? What if you have a receding hairline? Is your forehead overlapping the bridge of your nose, or is the bridge of your nose overlapping your forehead? :D

Soooooo I think that the only thing you can say about people with big foreheads is that...they have big foreheads.
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Aug 1, 2013
I have read some stuff referring to larger heads resulting in more brain function, but I just don't buy it.

For a start, the brain isn't the only part of your body that has a lot of neurons in it. Your spinal cord and enteric nervous system (nerves in the abdomen) contain more neurons than the brain.

If your capacity to think is spread throughout the body, then brain size, let alone forehead size, is only a small part of a larger whole.

Then you think about the architecture of those nerves. It stands to reason that well formed, balanced neuron clusters are probably going to be more effective than large, yet irregular/unbalanced clusters.

different segments of the brain are responsible for different neural functions. That is, e.g. the pons does not "think" while the prefrontal cortex et al does. The pons is one of those segments that merely supports the biological activity of the typical zombie-humanoid:


compared to the prefrontal cortex:


Additionally, do some research for your self into the research of IQ tests: language, culture etc has been controlled for.

Furthermore, if you know anything about calculus and MRI machines, it is extremely simple to calculate brain size. Just because one claims they can't measure something doesn't add evidence to that thing not being true.

Ex-User (8886)

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Sep 11, 2013
Your personal theory is very subjective, but for me, it make sense and is logic
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Aug 1, 2013
Link to evidence plz!

Oh go find it yourself! Its all out there. And the appropriate keywords to google are on the tip of my proverbial tongue.

Of course, the moron's oversupply of anti-evidence is also out there as well: like so much elephant sh!t piled layer upon layer in the attempt to justify the feelings and other assorted sh!t which has itself vested in burying the truths of it.

Not going to waste my time trying to get you to sort through the crap to get to the truth. Its there, like a gold nugget hidden underneath endless piles of elephant sh!t...but you are likely in a position mentally, emotionally, and illogically where you won't value my directions even if I gave you them (won't be able to distinguish between the sh!t and the gold even if you were set along the proper path anyways)...much less value what you'd find there.

So: do the work yourself goddamnit I am tired of all the morons who BELIEB in this defacto religious/ superstitious BS of equality which has overpowered earthly zombie-logic at this point. I'd be more interested in taking seriously one who professes to believe in the ancient Greek god mythologies. At least their belief is generally understood for what it is: a myth.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:09 PM
May 9, 2013
will start photoshopping bigger forehead on Facebook photos ASAP will send results


think again losers
Local time
Today 3:39 PM
Mar 17, 2011
Oh go find it yourself! Its all out there. And the appropriate keywords to google are on the tip of my proverbial tongue.

Of course, the moron's oversupply of anti-evidence is also out there as well: like so much elephant sh!t piled layer upon layer in the attempt to justify the feelings and other assorted sh!t which has itself vested in burying the truths of it.

Not going to waste my time trying to get you to sort through the crap to get to the truth. Its there, like a gold nugget hidden underneath endless piles of elephant sh!t...but you are likely in a position mentally, emotionally, and illogically where you won't value my directions even if I gave you them (won't be able to distinguish between the sh!t and the gold even if you were set along the proper path anyways)...much less value what you'd find there.

So: do the work yourself goddamnit I am tired of all the morons who BELIEB in this defacto religious/ superstitious BS of equality which has overpowered earthly zombie-logic at this point. I'd be more interested in taking seriously one who professes to believe in the ancient Greek god mythologies. At least their belief is generally understood for what it is: a myth.



...got nothing. I can't even...

I'm going to bed. Goodnight.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
OK lets say a pin sized head vs sun sized head. Who can make more connections in the brain.
Now lets say that we have two people who have just about the same size of heads, but one of them simply has some extra neurons. Arent those extra neurons that connect an advantage?

just george

Bull**** Artist ENTP 8w7
Local time
Today 4:39 PM
Jan 20, 2013
That madhouse planet in the Milky Way
OK lets say a pin sized head vs sun sized head. Who can make more connections in the brain.
Now lets say that we have two people who have just about the same size of heads, but one of them simply has some extra neurons. Arent those extra neurons that connect an advantage?

Depends where they connect.
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Aug 1, 2013
OK lets say a pin sized head vs sun sized head. Who can make more connections in the brain.
Now lets say that we have two people who have just about the same size of heads, but one of them simply has some extra neurons. Arent those extra neurons that connect an advantage?

Another variable you are alluding to here is that of neuroplasticity. Indeed many intelligence researchers believe neuroplasticity is actually one of the primary common denominators running through measures of IQ.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:09 PM
Oct 13, 2009


...got nothing. I can't even...

I'm going to bed. Goodnight.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
There is little doupt that it is about complexity, yet you can never get such complex structure as is our brain in to a smaller space. To put it simply. Small library has less books.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Jan 30, 2013
Wrong, we used to think that head or skull volume was proportional to intelligence. Then we found that they were just slightly correlated.
One counter- argument against null hypothesis was that females had smaller mean skull sizes, and yet some girls were substantially more intelligent despite having smaller brains/ skulls.

One may think that big skull= big brain. Possible but no causation relationship has ever been demonstrated. But being a med student, I can tell you that their are many things in a brain and many factors can come in play when it comes to brain size. Second to that, the brain is made not only with neurones, but with interstitial cells( glial cells )... SO a big brain almost doesnt mean anything. A big skull don't mean a thing at all. See hydrocephalus, they'v got big skull but low intelligence :p

I'll Add to that that intelligence is generally a strange mix following factors: number of neurons, number of neural connections(synapses), number of dendrites, pace with which inter-neuronal connections are made...

So, perhaps, certain people have few neurons but with astonishing number of connections between cells or vice versa.

In fine, I'll say that intelligence is like sex; It's not about the size, it's about how effectively u can use it... :p


Local time
Today 1:09 PM
Feb 9, 2010

Backing up WALKYRIA there.


But there is some correlation as Edward H Rulloff has the second largest brain on record. He was so smart that they couldn't get him to jail for murdering people. They needed him to continue studying. That's according to Wikipedia though.

You have to also count on your brow bone and frontal bossing. So I don't think forehead matters at all. I can tell I have a big brow bone with lots of bossing. Just evolutionary stuff so I could headbutt a saber tooth tiger in balls.

That's as far as it goes.

I haven't seen a genius with a fucking wall above their brows. In fact in stereotype scientists always have small receding foreheads. Half-Life and Tekken (Dr. Boskonovitch (whatever)) are pretty good examples. Albert Eisteins forehead looks average size but it recedes and I think he could look like has a small forehead if he just let his hair forward.

I don't think it has any purpose it's just a facial feature or flaw depending on your society. Everyone must have one. But I don't have sources for that.


Local time
Today 1:09 PM
Oct 17, 2013
I have large forehead to the point it cover 1/3 part of my face. I hate it. But I don't think it has something to do with intelligence.


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement


One atom of me
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls

It is interesting that our heads are getting smaller and our brains are shrinking. So are we really getting smarter or are we getting dumber. Keep in mind this has been occurring for 20,000 years. I would seem like we are smarter now than back then so how is it affecting us?

Yeah, but the brain has a lot of neurons. What realy matters is neocortex thickness and the way it gets connected. If you want more connections you need more space to connect different parts of brain. Also if the skull is smaller you need more ridges and more twists and turns so more of neocortex can be crammed up in the smaller skull. We are getting smarter and probably the brain has to adapt to smaller skull. The main reason is probably that big head has hard time getting through the small exist during birth and therefore in grand numbers the smaller skull size has higher chance of surviving the birth also most likely smaller brain saves more energy. Its well known that people with higher IQs use less of brain matter during completetion of task. Its interesting, but the fact is that the better adept brain the less neurons are used, yet other type of research points to the fact that it is quiet contradictory and in fact people who are smarter and more intelligent use more of the brains, but the part of brain part that is related to completing the task.

The problem realy is space and the smallest of neurons are inside the skull. They are not only smallest neurons, but also smallest of cells for a good reason and during evolution this probably is the reason our brain can be shrinked and still retain the quality of connectivity of a larger brain. However the brain is realy growing in size and the fact is that the bigger head simply is going to provide more space.



Local time
Today 6:09 AM
May 18, 2009
If true, it would mean the average man is more intelligent than the average woman.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:09 PM
May 9, 2013
If true, it would mean the average man is more intelligent than the average woman.


if true, it would mean the average thinker is smarter than the average feeler

I have firm ground on this slightly inclined slope


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
My forehead is concave and squishy like a hacky sack. Does that mean I'm dumb?

It means your mind is ready to be expanded and it is amendable and ready to be molded. I would recommend some Buddhist mantra for a properly shaped head.


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
If true, it would mean the average man is more intelligent than the average woman.

Or since we sexist pigs know that men are smarter it is evidence that larger heads indicate intelligence.


Local time
Today 6:09 AM
May 18, 2009
Or since we sexist pigs know that men are smarter it is evidence that larger heads indicate intelligence.

Not quite, because an elephant's head is far larger than a human's :p


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Yeah, but the brain has a lot of neurons. What realy matters is neocortex thickness and the way it gets connected. If you want more connections you need more space to connect different parts of brain. Also if the skull is smaller you need more ridges and more twists and turns so more of neocortex can be crammed up in the smaller skull. We are getting smarter and probably the brain has to adapt to smaller skull. The main reason is probably that big head has hard time getting through the small exist during birth and therefore in grand numbers the smaller skull size has higher chance of surviving the birth also most likely smaller brain saves more energy. Its well known that people with higher IQs use less of brain matter during completetion of task. Its interesting, but the fact is that the better adept brain the less neurons are used, yet other type of research points to the fact that it is quiet contradictory and in fact people who are smarter and more intelligent use more of the brains, but the part of brain part that is related to completing the task.

The problem realy is space and the smallest of neurons are inside the skull. They are not only smallest neurons, but also smallest of cells for a good reason and during evolution this probably is the reason our brain can be shrinked and still retain the quality of connectivity of a larger brain. However the brain is realy growing in size and the fact is that the bigger head simply is going to provide more space.


I have read about this before and found it interesting although partly speculative. I wonder how the brain in the gut relates to this. How much mind power to run body functions is being diverted to the neurons in the stomach area?


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Not quite, because an elephant's head is far larger than a human's :p

There is an idea of there being a ratio between body mass and brain mass as an indicator. It is even more complicated than that even. Animals have a large amount of brain power being used for sensory like dogs and smell or birds and their eyes. It is likely why intuitives are smarter than sensors. ;)


aka Noddy
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Jul 14, 2008
Houston, TX
It means your mind is ready to be expanded and it is amendable and ready to be molded. I would recommend some Buddhist mantra for a properly shaped head.

Sometimes, I take my mind out of my skull, mold it into a face, sit it on top of my head, and wear a turtle neck to hide my real face. That way, I can take a nap and no one suspects a thing.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 1:09 AM
Sep 25, 2008
i wish Monstresor was here

I haven't seen him since he took that drunk clown in the basement a few months ago and never came back upstairs.

EDIT: MonSTRES(S)or? haha. I see what you did there.


Local time
Today 7:09 AM
Jan 15, 2008
As a child I had complexes about my big forehead, I though that it isn't good, isn't beauty. Now, I regard it like something special, because people with big heads, looks more intelligently.
However, do they really more intelligent?
I have wondered about this as well. Physical research on brain is often on volume. You should do mri scans to get more accurate. So researchers is of the opinion that size matters. White and grey matter. Size of corpus callosum, thalamus etc. I don't know if it does matter. There are animals with larger brains? Sure, Sperm whale have 8kg brain, elephant 5kg, Dolphins 1.6. Humans 1.4. There is a powerlaw between brain size and body weight/surface.

It says on wiki
There has been a gradual increase in brain volume as we progressed along the Human timeline of evolution (see Homininae), starting from about 600 cm3 in Homo habilis up to 1500 cm3 in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Thus, in general there's a correlation between brain volume and intelligence. However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, women have a brain volume slightly smaller than men (see before) and the Flores island hominins (Homo floresiensis), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 (considered small for a chimpanzee) about a third of that of H. erectus. It is proposed that they evolved from H. erectus as a case of insular dwarfism. With their three times smaller brain the Flores hominids apparently used fire and made stone tools at least as sophisticated as those of their ancestor H. erectus. In this case, it seems that for intelligence, the structure of the brain is more important than its size.
It appears the conclusion is that intelligence does correlate with size, although it is not the only factor.

If you remove the top part of the skull on an infant. Replace it with a flexible skull. So the brain is allowed to grow freely. What happens then?


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
If you remove the top part of the skull on an infant. Replace it with a flexible skull. So the brain is allowed to grow freely. What happens then?

Some races have put things on their head as they grew up so their head would grow flat. The brain still grew to it's normal size and the skull made room for the brain by pushing out the back. If this is an indication that the brain will maintain size regardless of the skull then I would say nothing would happened.


think again losers
Local time
Today 3:39 PM
Mar 17, 2011
There is an idea of there being a ratio between body mass and brain mass as an indicator. It is even more complicated than that even.

Babies have a much greater head to body ratio than adults, are they more intelligent?


Local time
Today 7:09 AM
Dec 4, 2010
i have a big forehead, looks kinda stupid like i don't belong. makes me have emotions.

slight correlation seems reasonable.

pjoa09 i love the "evolutionary stuff" bit.


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Babies have a much greater head to body ratio than adults, are they more intelligent?

I can think of a few adults that make the cut.

There has not been time for the synapsis to form but it may account for how they learn much faster than most 50 year old overweight adults. I bet if you gave one of them a new Phone and the baby a phone the baby would learn how to use it faster, Yah it may take a few years because they first have to learn how to use their fingers but they would probably be reprogramming it before the adult even learns how to dial the tech support.


Besides those are government funded scientists that where paid to come up with that. I am just repeating what they said so that it sounds more true.


think again losers
Local time
Today 3:39 PM
Mar 17, 2011
See how you think of real reasons such as experience to explain the difference in intelligence? That's useful thinking that is. Now if you could only keep thinking along those lines and drop this big head bullshit...


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 10:09 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
See how you think of real reasons such as experience to explain the difference in intelligence? That's useful thinking that is. Now if you could only keep thinking along those lines and drop this big head bullshit...

One would think that the larger the brain the more experience one has, but what about the regulatory part of the brain that determines what is memorized and what is garbage?

What of the brain's organization as far as the layout goes? I am most curious about how to trick the brain into storing data. I would think there would be some studies on this... *gets google fingers ready


One atom of me
Local time
Today 6:09 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
Big head does not have to correlate with IQ. I did read however that the parts of brain we use the most are bigger. It is possible to say that to certain degree a bigger head can store more information depending what parts are used.

For example someone may have talent for something. That brain part coresponding with the talent will in some way be bigger than normal humans. This is strictly speaking of correlation of brain part size and the particular use of brains.

Also I do not realy understand why people are against brain size theory. If the brain shrinks it means less space for neurons and also may mean that smaller brain in totality has less neurons. If we consider that on grand scale as I already have posted at some point the critical size becomes a problem and the brain will have to have less of those important neurons that may corespond with IQ directly. That being said size of brain is relative to usage and connectivity. That means the used neurons are most likely become the neurons that in evolution will grow while other neurons that are not used will not connect so much and during evolution will be lost.

That being said large brain may simply be better for those who use different brain parts a lot. A scientist does not necessarily have to have a bigger brain since the sientific mind can specialize. That being said a scientist may have some disproportionate brain patterns and some parts that are not used so much will be smaller. That being said the individual IQ is probably linked directly to the neurons that connect and make the IQ structure. A mathematician for example will have more developed left hemisphere that is important in calculations, while creative person like an artist will have lots of neurons connected on the right hemisphere.
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