I actually had the same thing, except I'm the younger. My brother told me, 3 1/2 years back when we were on a road trip (lol sounds like he's kidding when typed here, but he was serious), "you're just always right. Always! Well not always... but like 99.5% of the time!" when I shot down one of his little ENFP values he was trying to act by. It took him til he was 20 to admit that I was better at finding out how things really are than he is. We both realized there's just more to what makes a person than that, though, and he started asking my advice on everything.
I think INTPs delegating jobs to INTJs would work well as long as you didn't let them see your inefficiency. The way our society is set up, delegating tasks is a higher position of power over the one doing the tasks, so if they thought you were incompetant, it'd be a disaster. Ever since I was in probably 5th or 6th grade, I thought advising would be the best position for me. I've sense added to that "as long as the one making the decisions takes my advice seriously."
Perseus, I haven't had (much) trouble with ESFJs. I know three in my life... two confirmed, one I'm just guessing. One is a very dear friend. Another is someone I'm on good terms with, as long as she doesn't try to "take care of me" when I'm down. The third is someone you could probably call and enemy and not be too far from the truth (that's the one I'm guessing about). Someone here said that ESFJs are cultural spounges who harden into rocks to defend it. I don't think that's far from the truth. How well I get along with one seems to depend largely on what values they've absorbed in their childhood.