They say a lot of people are stupid and it's just an inability to comprehend things, especially new stuff, which could change their position on life or what they should do. No one can figure out if the chicken or egg came first, and "both" isn't a deep or surprising answer. As far as the problem goes those people are afraid of people smarter so they try to kill them.
As far as the original thing goes it doesn't have to be that, you just have to say it. Meaning, it might matter whether you don't talk enough or talk too much. They might never understand or have it drive them into even more madness and confusion thinking it's proving their point, no amount of anything could do anything because they're not intent on whatever it could be, they just want to harm and abuse on purpose because it's already over for them. If it's not that then they just need you to communicate the message different, and it's something you can't even see for yourself or you can, and they think you can't do it or don't want is a bad excuse so they have to see if you will, if you don't, they'll swoop in on the chance with the audiences to manipulate it and make it seem it was the worst thing until you break them show them something, hopefully for them it's suicide or a massacre which would be suicide by cop for your ROA of death. That's just one hypothesis though.
Some people can't see that an INTPs viewpoint is accurate. Se is fast. So Ni can be too. Ne isn't just supposed to be a creative function that jokes and is funny with a sense of humor. It's supposed to be paying attention all the time, making connections then comparing it to the past. I shouldn't have made it sound like they'd be stupid but some want to execute their agenda regardless of any new instruction they could get from other sources.
It's mainly the culture. In USA there's a heavy sports fascination with an emphasis on athleticism in the schools so it's Se/Ni. It could also be Si/Ne. They could see what you're doing then try to intervene. So there could be an unwillingness to believe if there's nothing to show for it, even if you're smart enough. It's not just that, you need the right motivation in life or you can't do anything right and be lazy or procrastinate which just means you're too busy for something else at that moment, it's not even that you have to accomplish anything in life to be proud to look back on or leave anything for your new generation of the family whether you have kids or not, just focus on you in the strictest of terms, you help others by helping yourself first.
Some people lie to themselves and say they like or need to talk even if they're introvert or extroverts but if you try to talk to them they won't or don't want then there's nothing left going on between those people. Don't just try to exchange info in any way possible. Some people just want to kill you and others may not, though they can team up to get resources.
It's not a game like when you were a kid anymore. I grew up in the 90's. If you eat magic mushrooms it's like a 90's rave dance party in your eyelids. Then the outside environment is all wavy and looks different like an In-N-Out burger t shirt with the surfboards in California on a beach or way there with the palm trees and sunset. Each moment can be as unique as there are grains of sand at any location, during any season, Christmas in July.
You can actually get so stoned there's no point in having everything look like a claymation video like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer or Gumby with Pokey, stop motion animation, or some strange permeance vaguely cartoon or childlike breaking through a veil. It's a new concept, there's no other way to blow people's mind, people want what you can't give them and they want it now.
Humans are really big man apes a tad more sophisticated and they were designed to figure out more things using tools, so it's inevitable they will learn how to survive longer if given enough time. It shouldn't be a scary journey but we all die alone. We don't particularly ask to be born and thrust into here, you're given your destiny if you can do it. It takes hard work, but that's just how it is if you want your life to be worth it. That's how it is, I try not judge people in bad circumstances situations or in their shoes, the tone is different when you're a kid and they don't teach you it in school.