So I watched the movie when I was sick using.. non-theater means, but the impression I got from the movie wasn't completely positive. Maybe it was due to the fact that I was sick and that I was in a shitty mood, but I didn't really enjoy the movie as much as I should have.
There was a lot of problems I had with the movie so I'll just list them in no particular order: too much deaths without much return value- whether emotionally or plot-wise. This goes for both the bad side and the good side. *SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY* Like for example what they did with Loki... yes it sets the motivation for Thor's revenge consequentially but on screen this emotional exposition doesn't seem to be stressed enough for the audience to really sympathize with. How about Maw? Parker and Tony just blows up a hole on the ship and he freezes to death? A complete waste of a superb character plot and action wise, and plus on a plot element level they don't even pick up his axe-wielding friend from Mt. Everest or wherever to go back to Titan. (And why rendezvous on Titan anyway?) The same could be said for the other characters from the Children of Thanos. I felt like the movie was trying to build up a great fight between Cap/Black Widow with Corpus Blade/Proxima Midnight but both characters seemed to die in a less than epic manner (or maybe because the quality of the film wasn't so good >_> but anyway). Like I would have expected the Children to die in a manner what would be sacrificial for Thanos (like in some way that would put their lives and one of the gems in the way for Thanos, and that they would sacrifice themselves for the stone during battle). In no way did the movie try and set up a scene where you would develop an emotional connection with the 4 lieutenants. Also for Thor.. how on earth did he know where to Bifrost to? (and wasn't he just on the verge of death due to opening the forge..? and at least put some effort into having the Stormhammer being able to teleport with a little more exposition rather than a single "uhhh and well in theory it can use the Bifrost" line) Also Tony Stark getting stabbed and not seriously being injured was just insulting to the audience, because a stab in cinematic lingo usually means mortal injury or some kind of indefinite out of status/operation status (but nano healing spray f*** yeah..?)
Next if they're really trying to go for the 'sacrifice' theme at least make it consistent. I mean what did Starlord do for the movie? No development there whatsoever besides the fact that he was the f*** up character (I felt... neutral when he turned to dust). Moreover if they really wanted to highlight Dr. Strange's 1 in 14billion chance or whatever MAKE IT CLEAR IN THE DIALOGUE. (like, was Stark continuing to live a must? at least say something like, you are the key, Stark, or something along those lines).
I feel like the directors where trying so hard to mold the antihero-postmodernity narrative so hard that they broke so many unwritten rules of cinematic film. Like what kind of emotion was I supposed to feel when Thanos was finally able to rest and look at the sunset? What kind of development did they emphasize and was that emphasis good enough for us to actually experience what the directors intended us to feel? If that sunset is supposed to hinge on Gomora's single sacrifice and Thano's fight on Titan I say the directors did a shit job on it. I mean look at the Watchmen for an actual superhero film that had a superb postmodernity narrative. With Infinity War... not so much. Really disappointed and I would expect something equally as cheap for them to try to redeem themselves for the second part. For me I give it a C+ at best.
Also if they were trying to highlight Spiderman's spidy senses before his death like the comic nerds are pointing out to, at least make the line into something like, my senses are going wack, or something that doesn't overlap with his humanistic side/sense of death.
On the flip side I did enjoy the fight on Titan, though obviously the ending kinda sucked. The fight on Wakanda... not so much. I really hope the DVD will have like an hour more of exposition because they really failed on screen.