I would like to ask an ESFP!
Theory: ESFP is the personality type most prone to having troll-like behavior, or behavior that can be misinterpreted as troll-like. Do you agree?
ESFPs thrive on attention in the present external world due to their dominant functional preference, extraverted sensing. They are interested in experiencing stimula through interaction in their current social world, which may lead them to creating the circumstances for them to receive attention (ie: being overly melodramtic).
In my opinion, it is probable for an ESFP to manipulate people into providing attention when they are dependent on it for enjoyment with life and it is their primary interest. The methods they utilize to obtain this attention will depend on their character and morals, I think. My morals are low, and I am willing to be ruthlessly seek any attention that I crave.
People have to understand that each type have requirements, and the requirements of a type may seem unusual or wrong to other types. There will be exceptions, of course, but I am referring to the norm I would expect to observe.
An average ESFP may gain attention through an activity at which they are talented, such as acting or poltiics, but other ESFPs might resort to other techniques that could be classified as 'immoral'. Attention is their natural need. It is possible for an ESFP to be intelligent when their other functions are adequately developed, but their motivations will typically revolve around pleasing extroverted sensing (present stimula from the external world) due to it's their dominant process.