I have a serious distaste for modern pharmacology & medical method in the states; my grandfather is a practicing pharmacist, and for several years I swayed between wanting to be a microbiologist, a neurologist with a speciality in brain anatomy, and general practioner.
Ultimately, I didn't even take pain killers the day after I broke my collar bone. I don't like drugs affecting who I am, and I don't trust this country's FDA to decide what is healthful. I almost died once because of blood thinners I was taking being poorly managed & dosed by a doctor (I didn't have a choice on those- this was after the collarbone, due to complications).
So no, no meds. I think modern psych theory & head medicine is completely off-the-wall, as all sciences & medical theories usually are in their infancies. Do you realize we still do manual hemisphere divisions?
I get nausea thinking about someone physically modifying my brain.
(Same people approve of & administer those psych drugs, you know...)
I have been clinically diagnosed with ADHD- that was when I was 17. The guy was very impressed at how well I seemed to have managed it. He offered me speed (basiaclly), but I didn't really want it. I just wanted to understand myself.
As a kid, they gave me Ritalin. I was off it by at least second grade, but my memories are fuzzy any time before that. Honestly, in 1st grade I was unbelievably bored. I remember totally not caring what the teacher said 100% off the time, getting a paper, finishing the work, and then ignoring her, off in my own thoughts. 100's and all A's were the only reality I knew.
So, of course, something was wrong with me. xD
At least I'm really good at swallowing pills, to this day. I can pop 3 horse pills dry, and have done 8 smaller pills at once (vitamins & the like).
That was rambling.