Ever performed a heroic act, whether by your definition or the definition of another (to your surprise)? Did you (needlessly) save Old Mrs. Turner's cat from that nasty old tree? Have you grabbed someone as they lost their stepping, slowly leaning into what would have been a fatal 200-foot drop? Have your actions (to your knowledge) indirectly saved a life?
How did it make you feel? Do you feel guilty? Did you seek recognition or did you hide? Do you think your acts heroic?
Likewise, has anyone saved your life before - and how did it feel? Did you feel as if you owed them something (how can you measure the worth of another's life)?
Really...what in the world makes a hero? Does it matter? Is anyone that manages to find reason to be alive a hero in their own right?
I have a feeling I may have asked a few too many questions...
How did it make you feel? Do you feel guilty? Did you seek recognition or did you hide? Do you think your acts heroic?
Likewise, has anyone saved your life before - and how did it feel? Did you feel as if you owed them something (how can you measure the worth of another's life)?
Really...what in the world makes a hero? Does it matter? Is anyone that manages to find reason to be alive a hero in their own right?
I have a feeling I may have asked a few too many questions...
Do you think I've asked too many questions?!