Is the fact that our brains are for the most part collectively the way they are an indicator for that general default state to be the most optimal for experiencing the world?
Certain exclusive situations would have foreign substances disrupt and alter the activity, which most people would report gaining some type of insight & experience although what is reported tends to be what life seems to be about in the first place. Some say interestingly enough that we weren't designed to comprehend the inner workings of life so that would imply we are adept at witnessing it which is what we should mostly be concerned about in the first place. Essentially, one would be able to be sober forever after and be good, unless they got bored and wanted to experience any alternative moments for the thrill. Alternate moods may entice one to put forth effort toward a manifestation they may or may not have been more interested in if they were in a different mood or would have them to be more likely to do so during a different period in time.