Starting in January (well....February) 2008, I have been a consistent gym-goer. I've always had a very lean build, was about 150 lbs at 6'1" when I started..can't keep fat on if I desperately wanted to but...I have managed since then to put on nearly 40 lbs...actually, 42 lbs of muscle at my most prime season. The first 4-5 months of training, I managed to shoot up to about 175 lbs. That was my initial goal and I was somewhat satisfied, but I knew that it wasn't enough; I've never thought it cool for my body to look like I eat entire animals for sustenance, but....and you may think this silly....well I'll say this: Have you seen the Prince of Persia character from the 2008 PS3 game? Well, I happen to think he's effin awesome looking and I've aspired to be similar physically. Some of my weightlifting buddies initially laughed when they knew this (and you may too), but there was a time, only a short 4 months ago or so, that I was pretty damn close to it. I reached about 195 lbs, 7% body fat....Squat 500+, bench 345 (most I've ever done.) I was pretty good..
Since then, I've lost around 20 lbs or so, probably mostly in the last 6 weeks. I don't have too much of an appetite and when I do, I obviously don't notice it when engrossed in things so it's pretty easy for me to lose weight. On top of that, since the semester started, I've been moving around the city a ton, catching buses and trains (while going long periods without eating), and walking to and from places completely at random to study. Funny now that I think of it, because I've been wondering where all my money has been going lately (I have a U-pass. Free public transit.) and it has mostly gone to the many restaurants I end up in with my study partner/new chick in engineering physics I find cute and have been incidentally developing something with....
....We do get work done, dammit!...
Anyway, I'm trying to find some balance between my near-overwhelming amount of studying per week, and the regimen I fell out of a month ago. I'm still in good shape and still have a lot of my strength and physical stature (wouldn't think you could lose it all that fast...otherwise I'd just find the whole thing pointless..), and I did find a new program I want to try: High density training (HDT). One of my associates, a licensed dietician and competitive bodybuilder, is in the process of designing a diet tailored to my lifestyle of being away from home 90% of my waking hours, and new training program. I'll be happy just getting back to where I was but maybe I can finally reach that goal.