This person has done some things that I would not accept, but now I have (bias,forgiveness,understanding,the ability to see past) something that lets that be ok. this person helped me in a way that no one else could, and they have borderline personality disorder, and I read about it and it breaks my heart to know that. its curable with therapy, and i asked if they would let me try and help if i did a massive amount of research, but they wont. I completely understand why aswell. so now idk. i was actually thinking of socially withdrawing and focusing on other things. i got hurt about a week ago and have not left my house or done anything other than think about all this. the whole question was how did i change, i suppose the intp condition is a mix of things, and my variation was curable. being human fucking sucks, just like I thought it would. yay to life
Edit:I think we are still friend things, so very complicated. i never actually dated this person