I want to be careful about generalizing.
Then it might help you to understand, if I set out some basic ground rules, under which my post was written:
1) I was trying to be satirically humorous. I thought people here would find it somewhat funny.
2) I was speaking to INTPf. So I was talking as if the INTP-run society was populated in proportion to the INTPs here. Most of them show the attitudes of extreme lack of self-confidence, or the rare bouts of extreme over-confidence, that is typical of a young INTP, who is still trying to come to terms with his identity.
Under what circumstances would I or could I want to be in charge? For example, I'm in charge of my own post. I am responsible for its wording, high quality or low, but I don't want anyone else writing my posts. (They can ask for clarification though.)
I'm in charge of my entire
life. I have to be. I used to think I was incompetent. I've put others in charge of things. Then I saw what they did. It took me decades to wise up, and a lot of pain and suffering. I have massive anxiety, panic all the time, suffer with indecision. But all in all, when I am making decisions, compared to when others make decisions, I make almost everyone, even INTJs, look like freaking monkeys.
Even the friends that I trust to give me sage advice, would say "You've been advising others very well, in your opinion and ours. Why don't you take your own advice?" So I have found that others put great store in what I say, because in their view, it makes sense.
Leadership? If I thought someone was going down the wrong road, I think I'd want to pull them off the road before it was too late. I would have to have some power to do that, wouldn't I?
I may shout a lot. But really, I want a world where everyone can live, be happy, and get along with each other, and I manage to get along with almost everyone. 5 people like me running things, and the world would be a very nice place to live. But then again, I know myself only too well. That's only so long as I don't get power-hungry. So I have to not want it, to be good for it.
I don't like being in charge. But I'd bite the bullet, if it was the only way to stop everything going South. But then again, I'm 42, and lived through some pretty hard learning experiences. I seriously doubt that I'm in the majority on INTPf.
Because he's an ESFJ? Hell what if he were going down a bad road? Why can't an INTP be in charge? Tell you what I would do if I were. The very first thing I would do is grab bunch of INTPs to discuss policy. Assuming we came to some conclusion, I hire that ESFJ and other E's to carry it out.
If we are talking the rational, serious thing, then I'd put myself in charge in the interim. Then I'd hold a voting system, to decide who shows clear and consistent competency for what skills and what roles. I'd have to do the same for electoral voters for each role, as different people are good or bad at picking people for roles, depending on their personal knowledge, their skills, and how seriously they are taking the elections. Then I would let them vote, and abide by the elections, but with the proviso of keeping an eye on things, just in case things go differently to as planned.
No. Why put someone in charge we hate? Especially if the ESFJ has got it wrong!
Yes. The U.S. President always has a spokesperson to speak to the public. I'd hope that person would be an E. Let them handle the public.
Provided he was a dumb mouthpiece, yes.
If he starts to think he can do better than us, let him try, for all of 3 seconds. He won't know that his nuts have an implanted electrical shock system, with a small explosive in his heart. Say the wrong thing, and his nuts are electrocuted for 3 seconds.
Say a really bad thing, where we have to get rid of him, and it looks like one of his heart valves gave out. Shame we let him all that red meat.
Personally, I think once he gets electrocuted 3 times, he'll play ball.
I'm not sure how to handle control. For example the U.S. Constitution is not a person. Yet it exerts control. There are various kinds of control ... not sure what to say here.
I am. I've had extensive experience with it. People need to be supported, both physically, and emotionally. The one issue that always rears its head, is that people get arrogant, and when they get arrogant, that's when they come up with ideas that sound give inside their heads, but are ill-thought-out and a total disaster.
I find that if I keep nagging them, eventually, they get worn down, and they tell me their true intentions. Either they know, and it makes sense, or they don't know and they are just riding on hopes and dreams, or they know, and they are trying to screw you. Only the first has any chance of happiness for everyone. But people won't accept it, until they admit it to themselves.
In the meantime, if you let them go ahead on anything which MIGHT cause a big screw-up, chances are it will. While they are still not admitting to reason on some issue or other, they are like sparklers. Best to not let them in the room with the dynamite.
Hmm. I'd go for that if the idea was intuitively believed to be right. That's why the INTP committee for discussion. THIS thread is a discussion! 7even has this idea. INTPs have a virtue. They can think the right path and check it out with intuition.
Yes. But when WE get arrogant, we're positively unmoveable, far more so, than INTJs. We have to VERY, VERY careful not to go there, or we'll probably come up with some kind of new bomb that will blow up the world, and blow it up as well.
Horrific? That's a special situation. If tough decisions have to be made ... well it's necessary to bring up what those are and take them one at a time ... I suppose. Killing E's goes too far from a real solution for me. It goes against my intuition and experience. Even 7even has rescinded that idea.
The point is. he MADE it. The whole point of MBTI, is that
INTPs think alike. So if 7even thought of it, we all probably did as well. If 7even could suggest it in fun, then in such a society, there would be real incentive to come up with ideas, and 7even and we all probably would entertain such ideas, very seriously indeed. That's why I said horrific. I could easily see us doing 7even's suggestion, at least, as INTPs are generally behaving here on INTPf.
A danger that we would HAVE to protect against.