Dung Beetle: Poo is awesome, it is the epitome of existence!
Me: It's just poo.
Dung Beetle: How can you be so dismissive, do you have any idea what poo smells like, feels like, the aesthetic of it, have you truly experienced the glory that is poo?
Me: It's just poo, you're a dung beetle, it may be the epitome of your existence but to the rest of us it's awful stinky stuff that one's best to avoid steeping in.
BAP: Poo on you.
Dung Beetle: Thank you. Have some.
BAP: No thanks. I'm holding my nose.
Dung Beetle: One man's poo is another beetle's delicacy. Is your nose getting heavy?
BAP: The atmosphere here leaves something to be desired. You can have my share.
Dung Beetle: Shall I save some for Cognisant?
BAP: I don't think he's into poo.
Dung Beetle: I look for what comes out, not in.
BAP: Then you look out. Many of us are full of it.
Dung Beetle: Tell him it's an acquired taste.
BAP: Don't hold your breathe.
Dung Beetle: I won't. It ruins the experience.
BAP: Gotta go walk my dog now.
Dung Beetle: May I follow you?
BAP: You won't be able to keep up.
Dung Beetle: Your business is my business. I'll catch your drift.
BAP: When a cow drops by aren't you afraid you'll get smothered?
Dung Beetle: Heck no. I just eat my way to the surface.
BAP: Happy daze. Roll on there lil' fella.