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All my IQ scores

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
When I was twelve my IQ was 125, today it is 103.

The highest is information 140 and figure weights 130.

The lowest is working memory and processing speed both at 75.

I believe that I have a learning disability. Because my profile is skewed by a 50-point difference google says that the test is an invalid measure of my intelligence. I think that I am using my brain in a different way than most people.




Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
Why do you think the scores are decreasing each year though? Have you taken a new test lately?
Could it be the medications doing the damage?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Why do you think the scores are decreasing each year though? Have you taken a new test lately?
Could it be the medications doing the damage?

When I remember things it goes directly into long-term memory and that pathway was damaged. So it is the rehearsal process that is no longer working.


I never saw my memories nor hear them much. It is all in my executive system.

That means the model part is getting weaker.

I can remember 4 things at a time. But I mostly spend that energy on thinking so I might have been specialized and having burnout so I only use it for one thing.

I spend all day on the Internet because I have nothing else to do. That is all I do is think so I guess it has contracted in what I am able to think about.

I think that if I was an extrovert and thought less then I would have more energy to remember more things outside myself.

So I guess my focus is narrower than average.

A narrow focus means I block things out and am internalized.

My brother I think is extroverted and that men's he does not think hard, he just absorbs things. And that means his focus is external and mine is internal.

My internal focus causes me to not remember things outside myself.


Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
Ah, so the verbal is high because that is short term memory? Perhaps you can take a lot of notes for the things you need to remember long term. They say it takes three separate study times to get something into long term memory, once every week for three weeks, plus, go over your notes. Refresh it once a year after that. It isn't automatic, it really does take repeating to memorize.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
verbal is high because that is short term memory?

Verbal is high because I practice understanding what I am reading. but I cannot remember verbatim what people say. That is my short-term memory is low, really low. I remember concepts not words. my digit span is 5 forward 4 backward. I cannot remember phone numbers because of that. language is recursive so all I need to do is remember the concept and then I can talk about stuff related to that.

In space, I can manipulate things to be where they need to be but I cannot remember the positions of things where I put them if I have more than 3 things to remember at once. That is why I keep things orderly so I always know what it is I need to do. I do not like messiness because I cannot find anything.

I was not able to solve the rubiks cube however I was able to solve this puzzle:



Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
That rubiks cube, I'm pretty sure most people can't do it, I know I can't. I would guess most people can not. It doesn't matter, nobody is judging anyway.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
What I have most trouble with is spatial recursion.

That is that I abstract space poorly.

Abstracting space is what solves the Rubriks Cube.

But I am good with induction. not so much deduction.


Also, I cannot draw faces.

My brain is asymmetrical in how it works. (Neurodiversity?)


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
How Intelligence Works

It is about coordination. The brain perceives and remembers things recursively. That means we have a 4D object of brainwaves interacting with themselves. This is causality, if x then y. I can eat if I get money and money is gotten by certain means. What those means are are dependent on the question of the gaps in the 4D object. I walk to the store and I forget the card. So no card no money. It is hot so I need a hat. Don't forget the bag. The gaps are what brings the whole thing together. If a problem requires you to fill in multiple gaps this requires creating a new 4D object to adjust (fit) in the model. Language is 4D also. The whole object in higher space allows coordination in time.

The core goal is prioritized by all necessary steps and the gaps are all the ways things can go wrong and the solutions are all the paths in higher space we can travel to get A to B the core goal. Some are better than others but depend on what is most important and the paths are limited by the knowledge of the gaps unknown paths. Different paths are tested and combined.

Together the brain sees all possibilities inside the higher object. Solutions are found unconsciously. Memory needs to happen so that recognition is a matter of combination. So it is not all possibilities in reality. But only what is known. Things must line up. They must be compared in parallel and then ordered in what sequence to be put together. The path integration and rotation of higher space.

People can only hold 7 objects in memory at once on average. They can only combine 4 things at a time. But theoretically, 100 objects can be combined at once. Vission does so automatically but it is the front of the brain that needs to do it with conscious control.

Abstraction is a function where rules follow a formula that is extracted from higher space. Simply a set of rules and procedures that create higher shapes using symbols. "Build me a Computer" is an instruction that leads to a product that takes thousands of steps and trillions of parts. But it is compressed into four words. Compression is what happens when the information necessary to do something is fractally recurrent. Meaning more information is created from less information.

Creating all possible combinations is impossible but it is possible to store more information with less information. The number ten trillion is written as (10,000,000,000,000) which is one-tenth the number of atoms in a cell and one-tenth the number of cells in a human. Abstraction is a way of creating higher-dimensional complex objects from numbers. More from less.

Intelligence as perception recognizes thousands of details. But Intelligence as figuring out new things requires connecting what causes what. What can and cannot go together and when. These are dependencies. They require the ability to be controlled by multiple conscious evaluations at once. Language is the highest density of this. This essay is a single thought altogether as one conceptual object “How Intelligence Works”. 538 words.

If we want to accomplish something we must know all dependencies.


Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
You are amazingly good at verbal reasoning, almost everything you quote with your replies puts me in awe at how good your reasoning is. You do have brilliance, everyone has it in different ways is all.

All you need is to tape a checklist to your front door with what you need. I have so many lists, its silly, but they do help me remember, I don't expect myself to remember everything, but I do compile lists for every holiday, shopping, camping, health diaries, what works, what doesn't, reminders about supplements and what they do, gifts that worked well, gifts that didn't work well, airport and travel tips, etc.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
You are amazingly good at verbal reasoning, almost everything you quote with your replies puts me in awe at how good your reasoning is. You do have brilliance, everyone has it in different ways is all.

abstraction is not measurable by IQ tests.

these tests just measure memory span / manipulation processes

that is they measure how much you can carry (weight) vs how good you are at fighting (kung fu)

or in other words how fast / far you can run vs how good tony hawk is at skateboarding.

those are really not the same things

anyone can abstract if they have training

but it happens faster if you connect it to what they already know

like if you are dehydrated you cannot just hydrate one arm or leg you need to do I to the whole body.

too narrow and you forget that your whole brain needs work

and this connects to extraversion, introversion narrows things.

extraversion like the eyes requires you to keep a wide view but thinking blocks it out. like sowing makes you good at details but not skateboarding.

what needs to be practiced is both narrow and wide.
that is we need to do things with all of body and mind.
that makes us grow in all directions faster and not neglect anything.


Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
Live and Learn, its one of the best ways to grow too. But, that bit about punching walls, no.
You've got to find an alternative like a pillow - count to ten - go sprint run around the block, do Qi-gong and say HA three times loud and angry to let the anger out, but don't hurt your hand.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I think it is a little different for men than women regarding anger.

What I experienced was that I had no control. It had to come out. Men need to control external things. If they don't they implode and become murderously psychotic. They need to kill things. And so if they don't they die. So instead of killing myself or killing something alive and instead of saying something mean. I destroy what I know is not that important.

If a child dies for example you cannot kill anything all you can do is kill yourself because no one is responsible but yourself. but if someone killed them you can get revenge. Without revenge you kill yourself. that is why the wall had to die because if not the wall then myself or someone else because pillows can't die and those that hurt me I cannot hurt them in the same way they hurt me because in order to do so I would look like a fool. They made me look like a fool and I cannot make them look like a fool. Killing them would make me look more foolish that is not how revenge works. Pillows lead to suicide. For men anyway. Something needs to break, something needs to be damaged. It cannot stay inside. When it stays inside you get Columbine school massacres. Ted Bundy was abused by his Christian grandfather.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Another thing is that I do not cry.

I feel really bad about that.

But it is all stress relief.

Sadness is something I repress at all costs.

I think that I need to breathe more.



Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
ok. Just know its safe to speak your truth. May the rest of your day be guided and clear and good.


They call me Longlegs
Local time
Today 10:47 PM
Aug 1, 2019
Your mom's house
My IQ also strangely fluctuate, the first time I had my test in grade school it was 113 when, I tested in middle school it was between 121-126, on University I tested 131, I had a test recently for a Law Firm application test, I asked the HRD and she said it was 126.

I'm not sure about the score distribution but I scored really low on number sequence.


The little professor
Local time
Today 3:47 PM
May 3, 2011
When I was twelve my IQ was 125, today it is 103.
Studies show that people who are still being made to study for 30 hours a week in school, have a much higher IQ than those who are not.

Go back to school. Study courses online.

Start going to college for 1 hour a week. Scientific studies show that repeated exposure to the things that seem threatening but aren't in reality, reduce anxiety over time.

I believe that I have a learning disability.
Yes, you do. Your family, your society, is holding you back. Modern society gives you reasons to keep socially isolated. Modern society makes it easy to be socially isolated. Social isolation deprives your brain of the data that most people get, that protects against social anxiety, and keeps your brain working hard enough to keep its IQ high. So modern society is making you behave as if you have a learning disability.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Visual Proprioception

Autistic children are more aware of the internal system vs putting motor commands together with visual stimuli.

So with vision, Autism lacks tracking and understanding of motions that go together.

People move in certain ways and autism does not understand motion well.

Action in Autism - Dr. Stewart Mostofsky, UCLA CART Distinguished Lecture Series​


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
The frontal lobe grey matter determines the memory of items in the head.
The connection between the two frontal lobes controls the speed of combining items.

The reflection between the front and parietal lobes allows motor control.
And this reflection also when introverted, is what allows thinking verbally and visually.

Motion and shape are in the temporal lobes.
Details are about focus (ESFP have the highest conscious focus)

If we can connect what is the meaning of an outcome then we can build up abstractions. Function(z) = function x + function y | a recursive folding.

Function (n delta) = function n2 + function n3 + function n...


a recursive folding

The brain recursively folds at different rates in the areas of the brain where the stimuli interact with the variable plasticity. An asymmetrical landscape profile.

An asymmetrical landscape profile.

autism is just a form of mental functional (motion detection) cerebral palsy

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Scientific studies show

repeated meltdowns cause people with autism to have emotional centers become inflamed. repeated exposure to overwhelming stimuli burns out connections.

inflammation is the cause of many health problems.
can't be solved with further increased corrosive stimuli

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama

Generative AI is experimental. Info quality may vary.

In psychology, disintegration is a breakup or severe disorganization of a structure or system of functioning, such as psychic and behavioral functions. For example, disintegration of the self-structure can be caused by severe trauma, resulting in loss of control of the self-structure boundaries, loss of self-unity, and loss of power to defend disintegration.

The theory of positive disintegration (TPD) is an idea of personality development developed by Polish psychologist Kazimierz Dąbrowski. Unlike mainstream psychology, the theory views psychological tension and anxiety as necessary for personal growth. The theory attempts to describe how personality development can progress as a result of accumulated difficult experiences. Growth occurs through a series of psychological disintegrations and reintegrations, resulting in dramatic change to a person's conceptions of self and the world.

The potential of any individual to develop their personality relates to three factors: genetic attributes, the environment, and the inner motivation to develop one's personality.


Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
TPD, is actually quite interesting! I guess because I'm the overexcitable type and fit this model.

Extra-sensitivity or “overexcitability” that leads them to experience crises in “a stronger, deeper, and more personal manner.
I think I've evolved to level five, -care too much. Anyway, Dabrowskis TPD is super, I like it.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Generative AI is experimental. Info quality may vary.

Disintegration can cover a wide range of states, including a temporary loosening of contact with reality, personality disintegration, and neurosis or psychoneurosis.
Disintegration can be observable in severe fatigue, boredom, depression, stress, mental conflicts, and disequilibrium. Personality disintegration can be fragmentation of the personality to such an extent that the individual no longer presents a unified, predictable set of beliefs, attitudes, traits, and behavioral responses. The most extreme examples of disintegrated, disorganized personality are found in the schizophrenias.

Neurosis, also called psychoneurosis, is a mental disorder that causes a sense of distress and deficit in functioning. Neuroses are characterized by anxiety, depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress that are out of proportion to the circumstances of a person's life. Neurosis typically involves expressions of obsessive behaviors, hypochondria, an intense need for control, dissociative states, depression, or anxiety.

There are various psychoneurotic traits, such as overexcitability, tendency towards internal conflict, and need for solitude and quiet.


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama

Breaking Down Isn‘t “Wrong”: The Potential Of Breakdowns I Positive Disintegration​



The little professor
Local time
Today 3:47 PM
May 3, 2011
repeated meltdowns cause people with autism to have emotional centers become inflamed. repeated exposure to overwhelming stimuli burns out connections.

inflammation is the cause of many health problems.
can't be solved with further increased corrosive stimuli
You only said that "repeated exposure to overwhelming stimuli burns out connections", not "repeated exposure at controlled levels of stimulation that the patient can handle".

In physical exercise, you cannot life 500lbs starting off. You have to build up your muscles slowly.

The same is true of building up your ability to tolerate social situations. You have to build them up gradually.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
controlled levels of stimulation
keeps your brain working hard enough

my brain works too hard.

it cannot solve problems at its level.

when there is nothing to do it tries too hard and fails repeatedly.

I cannot learn anything anymore.

I don't have the capacity to memorize random data.

Go back to school. Study courses online.

I was told my ideas were just repeating old knowledge data structures.

If I cannot create anything new I am just a drone.

A drone that cannot memorize things fast enough to be a data entry unit.


Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
I think you need friends who have similar values and beliefs so you feel safe to let the guards down. Some of us are SO different, that we have to face the fact that we might always be alone. But at the very least, nerds should know to allow for quirkiness in other nerds. And, recognize how cool it is in a way. Just you be the first one to accept yourself entirely and don't worry what others judge.
So often, those that judge others don't even like themselves! Pfft. How can you trust them to like you or anyone else if they don't like themselves.

And, one of my biggest pet peeves are those tv evangalists - because they create people that make it normal to hate others. That is despicable set of double standards. The truth is, your spirit is a million times more amazing and beautiful than you can even imagine. Its awesome. Just unlearn all that religious junk and replace it with self love first, then spread it where you can as you feel it.

And, didn't I see somewhere that there is something that is trying to erase our memories? Its possible that is why.

I don't know if this is true or not, but the Mandela effect is something to consider. The most important thing to take away is everyone is experiencing different realities! And that Cern or Hadron colliders might be altering things and erasing memories.


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
atomoxetine - (ADHD)
oxcarbazepin - anticonvulsant
aripiprazole - antipsychotic
mirtazapine - antidepressant

Generative AI is experimental. Info quality may vary.

Here are some effects that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have on the brain:
  • Hippocampus
    Can be smaller and less active, which can cause memory and problem-solving issues
  • Emotional regulation
    Decreased activity in this area can lead to difficulty with emotional regulation and impulse control
  • Cortisol and norepinephrine responses
    Patients with PTSD show increased responses to stress
  • Prefrontal cortex
    This area of the brain plays an important role in PTSD and includes emotional regulation as one of its key functions

And, didn't I see somewhere that there is something that is trying to erase our memories? Its possible that is why.

I don't know if this is true or not, but the Mandela effect is something to consider. The most important thing to take away is everyone is experiencing different realities! And that Cern or Hadron colliders might be altering things and erasing memories.

They have a hypergraph supercomputer.

What happens is that they have multiple timelines in that graph.

They merge timelines and this creates the discontinuity in memories.

So multiple You(s) exist that merge in those timelines.

They do not change the past though. They only have a merger function to find things. They don't cause brain damage that was there from the beginning.


I think that the front of my brain has degraded.
I think it has reconfigured to operate in a different way than normal brains.
Without most of the front parts. The back parts had to take over most functions.


A cat has an IQ of 10 a mouse has an IQ of 5.
Elon Musk said that the human would be a cat to the A.I.
That means the A.I. would be 190 IQ compared to IQ 100.
My estimation is that Stephen Wolfram has an IQ of 190, mine is 103.
He said that cats have super fast processes in their bain not necessarily strategy.
He said that he was trying to invent a chess game for cats.



Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Catitonia is a sub-symptom not necessarily a complete diagnosis but part of many other mental illnesses. Generally, people call this zombification and is a common mental illness symptom. It can be extreme or mild. Both I and my mother have it.


Catatonic Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments​

Schizophrenia is a category of neurodegeneration.



Local time
Today 10:47 AM
Oct 7, 2021
On the Hadron collider, it may be affecting memories magnetically.
In highschool a neighbor I knew (I had many friends back then) had catatonic sz, -was much less coherant than you seem.
He had a notebook full of his musings, and his last name was O'Connor (Irish!). But, he did some crazy things like thought he could fly off of an overpass into traffic and he survived the jump.

He used to come over at 11pm to watch the Phil Silvers show and the 1959 tv series the Untouchables with Robert Stack as Elliot Ness, was up until 2am to watch those two classics. It was entirely platonic and just short lived until he needed to be admitted to a hospital. So, I've met a catatonic, I found it interesting. Its just that he could be a danger to himself, not something I could handle in the long run.

I can only imagine what a nightmare those medications must be though.

But I haven't seen either the Sgt Bilko show or Untouchables since 1972 when it used to air every night.
This is so tacky, but classic. I'll check out Awakenings.


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:47 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
On the Hadron collider, it may be affecting memories magnetically.

Drinking water can change memories just as much as magnetic waves.

It would need to be a targeted magnetic field (tesla scalar microwave) to affect people in specific ways as to the Mandela effect. Those only come from specific devices. Because people believe differently than others, very specific things random waves/water won't change. (I saw a video by linkin park that changed/original is no longer available)


In highschool a neighbor I knew (I had many friends back then) had catatonic sz, -was much less coherant than you seem.

My diagnosis changes from doctor to doctor.

Catatonia is a sub-symptom I had.

Dementia is another degenerative illness. my grandmother had it.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 3:47 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
I study trauma for my own sake.
I learned that your working memory gets taken over by trauma unconsciously.
You might be very smart.
If you were traumatized your IQ scores are probably higher than what you measured them at.
You RAM does not work. Your processor is good, but without RAM you can forget being smart.
I am dealing with my own bullshit emotions now, and I can tell I am getting way smarter, every time I deal with my emotions.
I was getting stupid by not having access to 100 percent of my RAM, that was in defensive survival mode due to trauma.
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