atomoxetine - (ADHD)
oxcarbazepin - anticonvulsant
aripiprazole - antipsychotic
mirtazapine - antidepressant
Generative AI is experimental. Info quality may vary.
Here are some effects that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have on the brain:
- Hippocampus
Can be smaller and less active, which can cause memory and problem-solving issues
- Emotional regulation
Decreased activity in this area can lead to difficulty with emotional regulation and impulse control
- Cortisol and norepinephrine responses
Patients with PTSD show increased responses to stress
- Prefrontal cortex
This area of the brain plays an important role in PTSD and includes emotional regulation as one of its key functions
And, didn't I see somewhere that there is something that is trying to erase our memories? Its possible that is why.
I don't know if this is true or not, but the Mandela effect is something to consider. The most important thing to take away is everyone is experiencing different realities! And that Cern or Hadron colliders might be altering things and erasing memories.
They have a hypergraph supercomputer.
What happens is that they have multiple timelines in that graph.
They merge timelines and this creates the discontinuity in memories.
So multiple You(s) exist that merge in those timelines.
They do not change the past though. They only have a merger function to find things. They don't cause brain damage that was there from the beginning.
I think that the front of my brain has degraded.
I think it has reconfigured to operate in a different way than normal brains.
Without most of the front parts. The back parts had to take over most functions.
A cat has an IQ of 10 a mouse has an IQ of 5.
Elon Musk said that the human would be a cat to the A.I.
That means the A.I. would be 190 IQ compared to IQ 100.
My estimation is that Stephen Wolfram has an IQ of 190, mine is 103.
He said that cats have super fast processes in their bain not necessarily strategy.
He said that he was trying to invent a chess game for cats.
In 2009 I came up with the idea that a real-time loss function could be formed where a network is pumped with energy and would need to reconfigure to maintain homeostasis. I found that by including a hypothesis fractal testing structure it could reduce loss by anticipating multiple possibilities...