But did the people meet your expectations? Were you surprised, delighted, disappointed or just chilled? Did you get on like you thought you might? any conflicts? How did you organise the event? Tell us all!
Oh geez.
1. Did the people meet your expectations?
No one really surprised me, except I thought the ENTP was years older than he was and he ended up being 19 and very Puck-ish in look and feel.
The two INFPs came with me; I had met them a number of times. I had seen a few pictures of others, but had not talked or met them directly before.
The ESFJ was more playful than her forum persona (she tends to be a hardass online), in person she was just much warmer than I imagined although still very casual.
The INTJ also was much nicer in person, she comes off as ascerbic online. She was very cordial and not really cold... but I know how her mind works.
The one INTP (her husband) was MUCH funnier in person than you'd expect. But I'll talk about that more later. The other INTP was also exactly as he appears online, just utterly what I imagined him to be.
2. Were you surprised, delighted, disappointed or just chilled?
Mostly delighted and very happy I went.
A little disappointed because I felt like an outsider at times because I had no good 'role' to play in the group, someone was better at each of my social strengths than I was. (The head INTP and the ENTP pretty much took over the entire humor section and you couldn't get a word in edgewise, especially in the dry/zany way, they were always one step ahead.)
I ended up feeling lost at times, got quiet more than a few times, and tended to float so I could sit next to different people and at times have private conversations. That quiet Fe-ish thing is mostly what I ended up doing, and laughing a lot at other people's jokes.
So I don't feel bad. I just know that socializing is hard for me depending on how large the group is... the larger, the worse it is.
3. Did you get on like you thought you might?
Everyone pretty much got along fine, and i would meet with any and all of them again. I really like them. Just as I did before I met them.
And they seemed to like me, although I felt a bit duddish.
4. Any conflicts?
No, not really. Everyone got along.
5. Organized how?
We kept a running thread for weeks, to select the dates and locations to meet up. The ESFJ managed most of that.
On meetup day, we (the INTP and 2 INFPs) ended up driving rather than taking the metro, which meant we didn't come out the metro where the ESFj was waiting, we came from behind. Luckily I recognized her from her picture; otherwise it could have been ugly because we forgot to give cell phone numbers out.
The INTP/INTJ pair blew off the meeting time and got there late, and we didnt have THEIR number, so we couldn't connect until the second meeting point for dinner.
We wandered around most of the afternoon just doing what we wanted and playing things by ear.
The bill was the worst -- the waitress had all the orders on one tab (including drinks) and it took people close to 40 minutes to figure it out.
(I think it was all the drinking... but see, here is the issue: I could have resolved that issue WAY early by just telling people to go through the list, write down what was their's, and then we'd all just tally up -- rather than having one person try to figure it all out -- but I am not really assertive in person and so the more vocal people got their hands on the tab first, and the others were being polite and not wanting to interrupt.)
6. Tell us all.
Well, there was no torrid love affair, but I heard later the remaining group might have seen a dead body on the street right outside the bar at 11:30pm.
And the ENTP was underage but had his first three drinks ever (tequila shots) and never got carded; that was interesting.
And the tequila was $10/shot. We didn't know that up front. Ugggh.