Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
I've noticed a few times that some people have anywhere from a slight misunderstanding to a complete lack of knowledge on how evolution by natural selection operates, and since this is probably the one area that I'm not retarded, I've decided to indulge myself and educate anyone interested in this area. I am writing about the mechanisms of evolution first, and will later make a post on the evidence for evolution. I believe this to be the logical course to take, as the evidence will be more clear as to why it is evidence if one has a better understanding of how evolution by natural selection works.
I will try to make this a broad overview, not getting too far in depth. I will supplement the text with links, which are not necessary for understanding evolution, but supply reading for further inquiry or justification for a claim that I make for people who may find the assertion dubious.
The science of evolution by natural selection does not disprove the existence of God. Whether someone believes in God or not is a personal choice and it falls within the realm of philosophy, not science. Evolution is not concerned with how life came to be; that is a separate field called Abiogenesis. The phrase "On the Origin of Species" simply means that origin of species, ie the diversity of life. The science of evolution does not support an agenda of "social Darwinism", and it is not concerned with the various philosophies based on it's science - anywhere from bioethics to evolutionary psychology, which often refer to evolution, but are not a part of the science of evolution.
Some Things To Know:
Much of the current study of evolution is work done in genetics and biochemistry. In order for this to make sense, it's essential that one knows the difference between what a gene is and what an allele is. Genes are the segments of DNA that a species shares - all humans share 99.9% of their genes across 23 pairs of chromosomes. The differences between us are in the alleles. A gene is what codes for "eye color" while the different alleles of that gene are what code for "blue eyes" or "green eyes" etc. So, when it's said that humans and chimps share 98% of the same genes, it's because both humans and chimps have the same genes (which can be interchangeable, allowing recombinant DNA to be possible) coding for protiens, with only 2% difference in the actual things that our bodies need to code for.
Evolution, in broad terms, is defined as the changes and differentiation in alleles in a population that results in morphological changes over time. Natural selection is defined as a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment.
Selection pressures are the causes in an environment that influence the allele distribution. In natural selection, selection pressures are those things that organisms must survive in order to reproduce and pass on their genes. This includes predators, availability of food, disease and parasite, changes in climate and geography, alterations to the environment (ie a new species moves in, a lake dries up, a species goes extinct etc).
How Evolution Works:
Starting broadly (and I'll get slightly more into detail as I go on), the three precepts that Charles Darwin observed that eventually led to the theory of evolution by natural selection are as follows:
1. Individual organisms within a species vary from one another.
2. Traits and characteristics are passed down to offspring through reproduction.
3. Organisms have more offspring than their environment can handle.
To break this down further, we first must consider the first precept. This seems painfully obvious - I am not an exact replica of my parents, and my siblings are not clones of me. We now know that this is due to independent assortment, random alignment, crossing over, as well as genetic mutation, which unfortunately Darwin didn't have the advantage of studying. So already there is change occurring, even if from this point of view it is nothing significant.
The second precept tells us that there is some relationship between the parents and offspring. Once again, this is very obvious, but the true magnitude of this is easy to miss: we are not independent constructs, but must have had to inherit some fundamental part of ourselves from our parents, so that who we are (physically and mentally) is dependent on our parents.
The third part is more difficult to understand, as far as how it is related to evolution; this is what Darwin observed that allowed him to come up with natural selection. Organisms have more offspring than the environment can handle because it is inevitable that some (if not most) will die. The offspring that did not die are the ones that had the variations (from precept 1) passed down from their parents (precept 2) that allowed them to survive better.
To sum this up, what is happening is that an organism gives birth to offspring that each have variations. Some of these variations will be more advantageous for survival, which will allow these individuals to survive longer and reproduce more. The often cited example is peppered moth in which a species of moth, which had variations between light and dark colored (with the vast majority being light colored, giving them camouflage on the light colored lichens on the trees). When factories moved into their habitat, the lichens died out due to pollution, so that the moths had to live on the dark colored bark of the trees. Because of this, the light colored moths were more easily picked off by predators, with the dark colored moths now having better camouflage. Over time, the dark colored alleles became the predominant features in the moth species, essentially changing the moths from light colored to dark colored.
Variations in individual organisms create changes, natural selection causes the changes that are best suited for a particular environment/ecosystem to survive and propagate those changes to their own offspring. Mutations and variations are like a tree branching out in all different directions, and natural selection is shearing off the branches less suitable for survival and allowing the more fit branches to continue growing.
]This can be visualized:
Where each branch that stops before getting to the dots at the bottom were the lineages that were "sheared off" by natural selection. The split offs happen when a population of organisms becomes reproductively isolated which means that the population essentially splits into two. This causes the two populations of the same species to face different selection pressures. When the two groups are forced to overcome different selection pressures, the alleles and mutations that are best suited for survival will be different between the two formerly homogeneous populations. This causes different traits, behaviors, and characteristics to become more predominate in both populations. After several generations of different alleles and mutations being propagated through the isolated population, they eventually become a distinct species.
This is known as speciation.
Reproductively isolated does not necessarily mean geographically isolated (although this is the way it often happens and is the most obvious example of it happening). Organisms can evolve within the same geography if it is sufficiently large, or if two variations begin to fill a certain niche within the same environment (although the latter is rare).
This was a very basic overview of how evolution by natural selection operates. It is, essentially, a very simple process, but even still it is not intuitively obvious (particularly when thinking about the time scales involved) and there are a lot of misconceptions about it. I will now go over some of the most common misconceptions.
Evolution: Myths and Facts:
1. Evolution = only the strong survive.
In this case, "strong" means smarter, faster, stronger etc. A common misconception (propagated by this popular mantra) is that evolution is the process of making organisms "better". The idea of better is difficult to quantify. Better is true in the sense of being better suited to a particular environment or ecosystem but the popular usage generally suggests the stacking of traits onto an organism, much like an RPG game, where each species is attempting to get to "the highest level". This is untrue in biological evolution, where traits that are better suited, regardless of whether they are more complex or "better" by the qualitative assessment by humans, are the traits that will become predominate in a species. This leads to point 2.
2. De-evolution.
Evolution is not directional. There is no increasing or decreasing of evolution. If losing a trait allows an organism to survive better, it has evolved in that it has changed to better fit its environment. Evolution can explain why organisms can increase in complexity, but it is not necessarily an increase in complexity. There is no such thing as de-evolving.
3. If evolution is true, why are there still "lesser" animals?
This goes back to point number two, but it still requires further explanation. Evolution is not trying to achieve any sort of goal, it is completely passive. It has no foresight and does not anticipate any future changes. The form an animal takes is the product of the selection pressures its ancestors faced. A common question I've heard is "if humans and chimps came from the same common ancestor, how come chimps aren't as smart as humans?" The simple answer is: chimps did not have to face the same selection pressures that humans did to become what we are today. Chimps are suited for their environment; not all animals are stumbling around in the dark on the path to being human.
4. Individual organisms can evolve.
Evolution happens on the scale of populations, not individuals. Once an individual organism is conceived, it has it's specific alleles for the rest of it's life (even epigenetic changes (video on epigenetics) occur within the realm of the organisms genes). Where the change occurs is during reproduction - the offspring has a mixture of it's parents alleles and has accumulated genetic mutations (the rate of genetic mutation is relatively constant).
5. Micro-evolution is happening, but not Macro-evolution.
This is a common and relatively understandable misconception about evolution, since macro-evolution is not something that can really be seen in our everyday life. The simple answer is that macro-evolution happens on timescales that we can't be around to observe, and it can only be seen in the fossil record. Another way to look at it is that macro-evolution is the accumulation of small changes or micro-evolution over geological time. If I start giving you a penny every year, that doesn't seem like much money, but if I continue this for 10 million years, now you have $100,000.
One problem is trying to differentiate between what constitutes micro and macro evolution, which are essentially just terms that biologists just use to talk about the spectrum of change within a species. There is no quantifiable point where a change ceases to be micro and becomes macro, there is no 'force' stopping large changes from happening.
Evolution is a Game of Economics.
To think about this on a more abstract level, one has to remember that a beneficial trait has to have a cost/benefit analysis (by means of natural selection). Thinking about humans, the reason we do not have supercomputer brains is because it would not be economical on in an evolutionary sense. We would require bigger heads to fit bigger brains which a) would be more difficult to fit through the birth canal, b) would require more neck strength and skull protection (more 'recourses' would need to go towards making the bones and muscles in the head and neck stronger) and c) the brains we have are already energy black holes (just our brain uses about 20%~ of the total energy we consume).
So, essentially, natural selection has to do the equation:
Beneficial trait - Cost to body = Total overall benefit.
If the energy cost of having a larger brain outweighed the benefit of having a larger brain, it would make the trait ultimately less beneficial; the person with the smaller brain would actually survive better if, perhaps, there was a food shortage. The person with the large brain would require a lot more food to support the energy needs of the larger brain and the nutrients required for the stronger skull and neck muscles/bones. The selection pressure of a food shortage, or a disease (which would be taxing on the bodies energy), or one had to escape other dangers (being faster or stronger also requires energy), and the limiting factor of the birth canal size all prevent larger brains from becoming a predominant trait.
This can apply to other organisms, as well. Elephants do not become perpetually larger, even though their size make them better able to survive predation from lions. The increase in size would come with an increased need for food as well as oxygen.
In short, natural selection makes sure that organisms stay at a tenuous 'balance' by forcing populations to continually adapt to selection pressures, while at the same time remaining efficient.
Evolution Is A "Messy" Process:
One aspect of evolution, which I just want to mention (I will go into more detail about it in a later installment) is that evolution can only "work with" what is already there. This is why we have suboptimal traits (the reason humans get bad backs and knees is because we fairly recently evolved to be bipedal, and we had to evolve this from being quadrupedal; suboptimal traits is also why we can swallow water down the wind pipe, because the way our esophagus and trachea are arranged is not optimal) and vestigial organs (wisdom teeth, tail bone, gene for synthesizing vitamin C etc).
As can be seen, the Esophagus and Trachea are 'criss-crossed' when it comes to breathing through the nose. Evolution "built" (for lack of a better word) the trachea this way in fish when they first began evolving lungs, then later noses evolved on top of that. In evolution, things are simply "built" on top of each other.
Coming Soon:
Evidence for evolution.
Human evolution.
I've noticed a few times that some people have anywhere from a slight misunderstanding to a complete lack of knowledge on how evolution by natural selection operates, and since this is probably the one area that I'm not retarded, I've decided to indulge myself and educate anyone interested in this area. I am writing about the mechanisms of evolution first, and will later make a post on the evidence for evolution. I believe this to be the logical course to take, as the evidence will be more clear as to why it is evidence if one has a better understanding of how evolution by natural selection works.
I will try to make this a broad overview, not getting too far in depth. I will supplement the text with links, which are not necessary for understanding evolution, but supply reading for further inquiry or justification for a claim that I make for people who may find the assertion dubious.
The science of evolution by natural selection does not disprove the existence of God. Whether someone believes in God or not is a personal choice and it falls within the realm of philosophy, not science. Evolution is not concerned with how life came to be; that is a separate field called Abiogenesis. The phrase "On the Origin of Species" simply means that origin of species, ie the diversity of life. The science of evolution does not support an agenda of "social Darwinism", and it is not concerned with the various philosophies based on it's science - anywhere from bioethics to evolutionary psychology, which often refer to evolution, but are not a part of the science of evolution.
Some Things To Know:
Much of the current study of evolution is work done in genetics and biochemistry. In order for this to make sense, it's essential that one knows the difference between what a gene is and what an allele is. Genes are the segments of DNA that a species shares - all humans share 99.9% of their genes across 23 pairs of chromosomes. The differences between us are in the alleles. A gene is what codes for "eye color" while the different alleles of that gene are what code for "blue eyes" or "green eyes" etc. So, when it's said that humans and chimps share 98% of the same genes, it's because both humans and chimps have the same genes (which can be interchangeable, allowing recombinant DNA to be possible) coding for protiens, with only 2% difference in the actual things that our bodies need to code for.
Evolution, in broad terms, is defined as the changes and differentiation in alleles in a population that results in morphological changes over time. Natural selection is defined as a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment.
Selection pressures are the causes in an environment that influence the allele distribution. In natural selection, selection pressures are those things that organisms must survive in order to reproduce and pass on their genes. This includes predators, availability of food, disease and parasite, changes in climate and geography, alterations to the environment (ie a new species moves in, a lake dries up, a species goes extinct etc).
How Evolution Works:
Starting broadly (and I'll get slightly more into detail as I go on), the three precepts that Charles Darwin observed that eventually led to the theory of evolution by natural selection are as follows:
1. Individual organisms within a species vary from one another.
2. Traits and characteristics are passed down to offspring through reproduction.
3. Organisms have more offspring than their environment can handle.
To break this down further, we first must consider the first precept. This seems painfully obvious - I am not an exact replica of my parents, and my siblings are not clones of me. We now know that this is due to independent assortment, random alignment, crossing over, as well as genetic mutation, which unfortunately Darwin didn't have the advantage of studying. So already there is change occurring, even if from this point of view it is nothing significant.
The second precept tells us that there is some relationship between the parents and offspring. Once again, this is very obvious, but the true magnitude of this is easy to miss: we are not independent constructs, but must have had to inherit some fundamental part of ourselves from our parents, so that who we are (physically and mentally) is dependent on our parents.
The third part is more difficult to understand, as far as how it is related to evolution; this is what Darwin observed that allowed him to come up with natural selection. Organisms have more offspring than the environment can handle because it is inevitable that some (if not most) will die. The offspring that did not die are the ones that had the variations (from precept 1) passed down from their parents (precept 2) that allowed them to survive better.
So what happens when there is nothing to kill off the offspring? A plague of mice in Australia conveys this quite succinctly:
YouTube- Guinness Worlds records Worst Mouse Plague
YouTube- Guinness Worlds records Worst Mouse Plague
To sum this up, what is happening is that an organism gives birth to offspring that each have variations. Some of these variations will be more advantageous for survival, which will allow these individuals to survive longer and reproduce more. The often cited example is peppered moth in which a species of moth, which had variations between light and dark colored (with the vast majority being light colored, giving them camouflage on the light colored lichens on the trees). When factories moved into their habitat, the lichens died out due to pollution, so that the moths had to live on the dark colored bark of the trees. Because of this, the light colored moths were more easily picked off by predators, with the dark colored moths now having better camouflage. Over time, the dark colored alleles became the predominant features in the moth species, essentially changing the moths from light colored to dark colored.
Variations in individual organisms create changes, natural selection causes the changes that are best suited for a particular environment/ecosystem to survive and propagate those changes to their own offspring. Mutations and variations are like a tree branching out in all different directions, and natural selection is shearing off the branches less suitable for survival and allowing the more fit branches to continue growing.
]This can be visualized:

This is the actual pictured used by Darwin in "Origin of Species":

Where each branch that stops before getting to the dots at the bottom were the lineages that were "sheared off" by natural selection. The split offs happen when a population of organisms becomes reproductively isolated which means that the population essentially splits into two. This causes the two populations of the same species to face different selection pressures. When the two groups are forced to overcome different selection pressures, the alleles and mutations that are best suited for survival will be different between the two formerly homogeneous populations. This causes different traits, behaviors, and characteristics to become more predominate in both populations. After several generations of different alleles and mutations being propagated through the isolated population, they eventually become a distinct species.
This is known as speciation.
Reproductively isolated does not necessarily mean geographically isolated (although this is the way it often happens and is the most obvious example of it happening). Organisms can evolve within the same geography if it is sufficiently large, or if two variations begin to fill a certain niche within the same environment (although the latter is rare).
This was a very basic overview of how evolution by natural selection operates. It is, essentially, a very simple process, but even still it is not intuitively obvious (particularly when thinking about the time scales involved) and there are a lot of misconceptions about it. I will now go over some of the most common misconceptions.
Understanding geological time is almost impossible for humans to comprehend.
The time scales involved are so vast that it can really only be grasped by analogy. If one were to stretch their arms out with the fingers extended and used the span of their arms to represent the time the earth has been around, the amount of time that modern humans have been on earth could be shaved off the fingernail in one swipe of a file. If one were to compress all time down into a single twenty four hour day, humans would not have even been around for the last minute.
YouTube- Evolutionary Timescale

The time scales involved are so vast that it can really only be grasped by analogy. If one were to stretch their arms out with the fingers extended and used the span of their arms to represent the time the earth has been around, the amount of time that modern humans have been on earth could be shaved off the fingernail in one swipe of a file. If one were to compress all time down into a single twenty four hour day, humans would not have even been around for the last minute.
YouTube- Evolutionary Timescale
Evolution: Myths and Facts:
1. Evolution = only the strong survive.
In this case, "strong" means smarter, faster, stronger etc. A common misconception (propagated by this popular mantra) is that evolution is the process of making organisms "better". The idea of better is difficult to quantify. Better is true in the sense of being better suited to a particular environment or ecosystem but the popular usage generally suggests the stacking of traits onto an organism, much like an RPG game, where each species is attempting to get to "the highest level". This is untrue in biological evolution, where traits that are better suited, regardless of whether they are more complex or "better" by the qualitative assessment by humans, are the traits that will become predominate in a species. This leads to point 2.
2. De-evolution.
Evolution is not directional. There is no increasing or decreasing of evolution. If losing a trait allows an organism to survive better, it has evolved in that it has changed to better fit its environment. Evolution can explain why organisms can increase in complexity, but it is not necessarily an increase in complexity. There is no such thing as de-evolving.
3. If evolution is true, why are there still "lesser" animals?
This goes back to point number two, but it still requires further explanation. Evolution is not trying to achieve any sort of goal, it is completely passive. It has no foresight and does not anticipate any future changes. The form an animal takes is the product of the selection pressures its ancestors faced. A common question I've heard is "if humans and chimps came from the same common ancestor, how come chimps aren't as smart as humans?" The simple answer is: chimps did not have to face the same selection pressures that humans did to become what we are today. Chimps are suited for their environment; not all animals are stumbling around in the dark on the path to being human.
4. Individual organisms can evolve.
Evolution happens on the scale of populations, not individuals. Once an individual organism is conceived, it has it's specific alleles for the rest of it's life (even epigenetic changes (video on epigenetics) occur within the realm of the organisms genes). Where the change occurs is during reproduction - the offspring has a mixture of it's parents alleles and has accumulated genetic mutations (the rate of genetic mutation is relatively constant).
5. Micro-evolution is happening, but not Macro-evolution.
This is a common and relatively understandable misconception about evolution, since macro-evolution is not something that can really be seen in our everyday life. The simple answer is that macro-evolution happens on timescales that we can't be around to observe, and it can only be seen in the fossil record. Another way to look at it is that macro-evolution is the accumulation of small changes or micro-evolution over geological time. If I start giving you a penny every year, that doesn't seem like much money, but if I continue this for 10 million years, now you have $100,000.
One problem is trying to differentiate between what constitutes micro and macro evolution, which are essentially just terms that biologists just use to talk about the spectrum of change within a species. There is no quantifiable point where a change ceases to be micro and becomes macro, there is no 'force' stopping large changes from happening.
Evolution is a Game of Economics.
To think about this on a more abstract level, one has to remember that a beneficial trait has to have a cost/benefit analysis (by means of natural selection). Thinking about humans, the reason we do not have supercomputer brains is because it would not be economical on in an evolutionary sense. We would require bigger heads to fit bigger brains which a) would be more difficult to fit through the birth canal, b) would require more neck strength and skull protection (more 'recourses' would need to go towards making the bones and muscles in the head and neck stronger) and c) the brains we have are already energy black holes (just our brain uses about 20%~ of the total energy we consume).
So, essentially, natural selection has to do the equation:
Beneficial trait - Cost to body = Total overall benefit.
If the energy cost of having a larger brain outweighed the benefit of having a larger brain, it would make the trait ultimately less beneficial; the person with the smaller brain would actually survive better if, perhaps, there was a food shortage. The person with the large brain would require a lot more food to support the energy needs of the larger brain and the nutrients required for the stronger skull and neck muscles/bones. The selection pressure of a food shortage, or a disease (which would be taxing on the bodies energy), or one had to escape other dangers (being faster or stronger also requires energy), and the limiting factor of the birth canal size all prevent larger brains from becoming a predominant trait.
This can apply to other organisms, as well. Elephants do not become perpetually larger, even though their size make them better able to survive predation from lions. The increase in size would come with an increased need for food as well as oxygen.
In short, natural selection makes sure that organisms stay at a tenuous 'balance' by forcing populations to continually adapt to selection pressures, while at the same time remaining efficient.
Evolution Is A "Messy" Process:
One aspect of evolution, which I just want to mention (I will go into more detail about it in a later installment) is that evolution can only "work with" what is already there. This is why we have suboptimal traits (the reason humans get bad backs and knees is because we fairly recently evolved to be bipedal, and we had to evolve this from being quadrupedal; suboptimal traits is also why we can swallow water down the wind pipe, because the way our esophagus and trachea are arranged is not optimal) and vestigial organs (wisdom teeth, tail bone, gene for synthesizing vitamin C etc).

As can be seen, the Esophagus and Trachea are 'criss-crossed' when it comes to breathing through the nose. Evolution "built" (for lack of a better word) the trachea this way in fish when they first began evolving lungs, then later noses evolved on top of that. In evolution, things are simply "built" on top of each other.
Coming Soon:
Evidence for evolution.
Human evolution.