One more:
The very first drawing, of the womens face, is probably the oldest. It's from late 2006, early 2007.
The next one, of the unfinished girl with a tambourine is supposed to be Esmeralca from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which I was reading when I drew it. It's unfinished.
All the hands and feet ones are fairly recent. Hands and feet are not one of my strong points...
The cougar is also from 2008.
Hannibal Lector is from this past summer of 2009.
Probably the most recent drawing is of the women with wings.
The mermaid women with green hair is older too. It's supposed to be a character from Isabelle Allende's book, House of Spirits.
I keep on trying to make it better, and so I ended up messing up the shading.