Interesting perspective, i've never met a fan in the flesh, well, not since being into it at least, so I have little to contribute from a sociological perspective. maybe in the cities here?
But yeah the examples you name sound like a bunch of unimaginative hicks.
I don't care much for politics or fandom or whatever. dont know if ill ever have enough money to buy and play with the models, or the inclination for that matter. maybe as an idle curiosity?
Been into solely the lore for about a year(or two? memory shite) now, I like the scope of the universe and the vast amount of visual art and literature that has been created for it. There are interesting planets and scenarios, interesting characters... concepts such as lawless asteroid ports and the underhives have great fictional scope, and as a writer, I like stealing ideas from wherever I can like a greedy vulture pecking at a pig's innards.
the mechanicus in itself is a very interesting idea, an org based on tech that is fundamentally retarded by religious doctrines. ORKS. The drukhari are sadistically creative. the tyrranids sufficiently alien. the squats are extinct, alas, but one can always play Deep Rock Galactic for some space dwarf action.
well, ofc it gets corny, and the ceramic mutants can be quite predictable at times.
I have recently started reading the warhammer fantasy side of things, and they prove to be interesting worlds in and of themselves, especially the skaven.