Ducky: "-Is there a way to bring out your true self to your friends? (opening up more, spending more time with them? Trust?)"
I really like this question. I have the same one.
When I began trying to make more of an effort to stop mirroring people in that automatic way, to my surprise, I began noticing that some of the people I socialized with were doing it with me (as mentioned, it's not exclusively an INTP trait). Mostly, I noticed the hand gestures, head positions, and other physical mirrors. But, then I began wondering to what extent did others do it with me, and do we swap back and forth, like a tennis match? I think with some friends, that is the case. These friends, I think, may be the ones whom I admire most and those whom I have come to care about more deeply. A fear exists that if I reveal more of my true self, I will "turn them off" and lose them. I wonder, now, do I really care for them or just who they present as themselves, and is the converse true, as well? Also, I figure that it is possible that they can sense my admiration, which can contribute to any fear they may have of revealing themselves. Ha, ha, if they are mirroring me, then I'm only admiring myself and the converse is perhaps true, as well. Seems pretty narcissistic, when I look at it like that.
Sometimes, especially when I meeting someone new and I catch myself doing it, I suddenly worry that they will or have noticed the mirroring and will sense insincerity on my part. Of course, mirroring may not be wrong, and instead a more natural way of learning, as suggested earlier in this thread. But, if sincerity, and a general desire to be more myself and less someone else is what is important to me, then I want to continue to socialize and begin developing relationships with people without being the chameleon. I mean, if they want to look at themselves, or in some cases, only a mirror of the image they're presenting, then why would I want to know them for that only? And, how could I even begin to know them? If I desire relationships with sincere people, they may just feel the way I do about it, so I will have blown an opportunity to meet someone worth knowing, if I continue to hide behind the mask.
It was suggested earlier that by mimicking, I can use my Si to then digest and interpret the information, but without knowing what their real values are, it seems to me that I can only partially disseminate within me their feelings, opinions, attitude or whatever. Any conclusions would include assumptions I've made based on my own principals, values, etc... wouldn't it?
Here's the trouble. Since I have stopped mirroring, for the most part, I am even worse in social situations and even in some more familiar relationships. Now, I'm not saying I've made a mistake in "condemning" this action for myself, yet. I guess I'm just wondering if the laying down of one tool that may have worked to accomplish the initial goal has now left me without any tools to accomplish the next goal.
Now I am much more aware of how nervous, shy, and just scared I am when I meet people. The anxiety manifests itself in all these weird behaviors, where I'm trying on all these different hats at once, flipping through the Rolodex of personalities I've actually worn, because I don't know how to wear my own outside of my immediate family (and even with some of them I can't). Additionally, I don't know that I ever got any better at understanding people or knowing them or their "type" all the years I mirrored them. I have next to no discernment when it comes to people, as despite a general distrust of them all, I usually give the benefit of the doubt, because I distrust my feelings of distrust for them. That sounds CRAZY, but it makes sense to me. Thus, assessment is difficult for me.
So, two things: Like Ducky asked, What are some of the tools, methods, tricks for ourselves, understandings, etc... that can be used to make a more concerted and successful effort at becoming known and really getting to know someone else who wants to be known. And, is it even wise to do that, unless one can first assess the risk? Okay three: And how does one assess without judging someone too quickly or over testing them? Any more socially adept INTPs who may have experienced this or others out there that want to take a crack at this? Perhaps there is an existing thread?