Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Many Christians are also astrologers on the side, which traditionally is pagan and frowned upon as witch craft.Would I be Christian if I believed I am Christian, but not actually believed in anything Christian?
In that sense its possible lots of people are not Christian, but call themselves that.
A kid is atheist because dad is atheist is question of memetics.
I do think imposing beliefs on kids is somewhat dumb, but society imposes everything on us one way or another.
This isn't like looking at unit of measurements, where we know exactly what a kilogram is because there is an object that weighs a kilogram in space and time.
If someone says that such object has the property of weighing one kilogram, we can easily test that. With something like belief system, it's much harder to test an object/subject for those properties. Even if we had a sound methodology, I'm betting there would be much disagreement on such matters.
Meta-Identification I guess if we want to be pretentious is what I am getting at. Self-identification is not enough. I guess when it comes to atheism, if someone says they don't believe in any Gods, then I guess you can take their word for it. But even the word "God" carries with it so much cultural baggage, that I'm not sure most atheist are equipped to have that discussion.
We can certainly embody and manifest certain traits. I would say we are at least free to do that, however our unconsciousness tends taints that so be it. There is no "god" of categorization that will magically say (appoint) that we are X or Y.We become agents of choice when we can freely choose.
Freedom of choice is a big problem.
Because can we actually have such freedom?
There's this common thing that some Doctors experience when they first begin practicing. Kinda like imposter syndrome, what really makes you a "Doctor" besides being able to apply skills and knowledge that you have used for years? Some sort of socio-political endorsed paper I suppose.
I'm not suggesting we should have such strict criteria for something like atheist, but really, it's something that would personally kill me because you could for example say that a laveyan Satanism and an Atheist intersect on many beliefs, but you'd think that they are very different people. For example the satanist would be more attracted to spiritualism.