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Search results

  1. hasen

    Biggest flaw in the MBTI?

    All the dichotomies are not very well defined. The worst one is T/F dichotomy. Most of the questions in online tests that are supposed to test T/F are actually testing Te vs Fe. At least I've seen several INTPs (myself included) think they are INFPs .. until they discover the functions and...
  2. hasen

    Faces by Type

    so podlair is your invention?
  3. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    I propose an alternate theory of VR. Well actually just a hypothesis. It should not be said that every function is strongly associated with a set of visual signals. Instead, I propose that there are certain gestures/facial-expression that, if present in a person, would strongly suggest the...
  4. hasen

    Basic understanding of MBTI

    This reminds of the underground INTP group where any serious discussion quickly degenerates to silly jokes.
  5. hasen

    Basic understanding of MBTI

    What an incredibly ridiculous analogy. I'm new to the forum, but I'm not new to MBTI. The only way your analogy can make sense is if you were in charge here and no one was allowed to argue with you. Which can't be true if this was an INTP forum.
  6. hasen

    Basic understanding of MBTI

    You guess correctly ..
  7. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    The process of refinement implies that you have something that gives you "rough" estimates/results/predictions. It's not difficult to come up with a system that gives definite results which are wrong. For instance, relating physical bodily features to cognitive functions (blond hair = Ti, big...
  8. hasen

    Basic understanding of MBTI

    What point are you trying to make? More importantly, what do you think my point was? What type are you btw? I'm assuming INTP, right?
  9. hasen

    Basic understanding of MBTI

    I disagree with the notion that we all have all 8 functions but prefer some more strongly. As if one consciously "prefers" to use Ti + Ne. If it was simply a matter of preference, I would want to sometimes choose to prefer to use Te and shutdown my Fe, so that I can have better control over...
  10. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    How can you refine the methodology without first knowing the types of your VR targets? Without knowing the types (via other methods) it's not refinement, it's just presumptions and conjectures and making stuff up out of thin air. Of course you can never *know* the type of any target for sure...
  11. hasen

    Type this baby, please

    I approve this message. The first time I heard of Pod'Lair was when they carpet bombed NFGeeks on youtube. I thought it was some kind of an april fools joke or something (but it wasn't April). I mean who the !@#$ would spend a whole hour talking to the camera about nai jee yan tak what?
  12. hasen

    Li XingKe (Code Geass) INFJ? INTP?

    Are you saying INTPs are not into Anime?
  13. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    Well, it's not that I don't appreciate that goal, but how can you refine your methods if you don't engage in verifying your results? It's not about Feynman per se. I used Feynman as one example. If I was developing my own VR method (which I'm not) I would try to check the results I get from...
  14. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    It's not falsifiable in a scientific way but at least there's some substance that can be used to make a case. Auburn doesn't even attempt to build a case for the correctness of his readings in terms of the personality of the person being read. There's a huge difference between: A) Our...
  15. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    Auburn, I think you're too married to your theory. And, do you? That's exactly what you're basing it off: your impression of what your type is and the types of the few people you know in real life. What if you're infact FiNe, for instance? There's a much easier test: Take a few...
  16. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    What? It doesn't matter how nice or consistent your theory is. If it doesn't produce the right results; it's *wrong*. Of course you can argue that we can't prove that your results are wrong, and if that was really the case then your theory is simply not falsifiable...
  17. hasen

    Visual reading

    I've been interested in Visual Reading ever since DaveSuperPowers (on youtube) mentioned how N and S eyes are different. All the theories of visual reading sound nice and consistent, but I've yet to see a system of visual reading that actually matches reality. For instance, the VR methods of...
  18. hasen

    Li XingKe (Code Geass) INFJ? INTP?

    http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120101065021/codegeass/images/thumb/f/fd/Li_Xingke.png/1000px-Li_Xingke.png Unlike Lelouch who works alone and leads others with charisma, Xing Ke works *with* others, without leading them. So perhaps he has Fe rather than Te. Other than that, I'm...
  19. hasen

    What am I Auburn?

    If you want him to type you according to his methods, you've got to have a video. You can send to him in a PM (post on youtube as unlisted, and remove it after 2 days) and tell him not to share the link. For what it's worth I did just that and he typed me as ISFJ. (Needless to say I took that...
  20. hasen

    Introverted thinking and intuition

    I see, you've just taken a test and that was the result then. Let's go back to your original question; I will take the liberty to butcher it: It means the online test you've taken is bullshit.
  21. hasen

    Introverted thinking and intuition

    What makes you think you have these 2 functions as the top 2? Could you explain what Ni means to you? What Ti means to you?
  22. hasen

    An entire personality type must disappear - which one should it be?

    ENTJ has more potential to cause evil and/or stomp on people for their own gain.
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