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Search results

  1. About you?

    What is your name? Call me tepellian. Where are you from? I haven't figured that out yet. I was born in New York, but I don't think I have a home. How old are you? mid-twenties What's your gender? male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I've taken a few tests, all...
  2. The Mental Illness Quiz

    ^ You don't have to actually sign up for it. Just click "Show me my results" and don't answer any of the questions. Bipolar disorder (Amusing/doubtful.) 34% Depressed 23% Obsessive 34% Delusional 46% Anxious
  3. Machivelli Test

    Only 56/100, "low mach". Not even going the speed of sound. I ended up neutral on most of the questions also. There were some I could take stronger stands on, but I found that too many of them seemed subjective and context-dependent, vague, or maybe I am lacking in data to answer.
  4. Intros right? Hope this is the right forum. Not very organized!!

    Huh. How long were you a member for before they decided to oust you for age? :confused: Welcome, too.
  5. こんにちは (Trying my best to be original)

    今日は。日本語が勉強したか、それとも母国語か。 Welcome, Interesting non-typical Person.
  6. Types you attract romantically/sexually?

    Purely because of the mention of "feeler intellectuals", seemingly related to INFJ-ness (feeler, intellectual). Did not mean to leave in the second line.
  7. Dread Thread (The Hair, not Despair!)

    The forum needs a source to get them from. Off the top of my head, the solution would be to post your picture somewhere and tag the direct link to it here. Haven't noticed whether or not you can upload pictures to the forum. Dreads fill me with drea.... no, never mind. I get why someone might...
  8. Types you attract romantically/sexually?

    The one person I've ever attracted, I was aware of, and I liked, was most likely an INFJ. And quite the intellectual. Other than that, that I know of, I've attracted a probably-ESFJ nightmare, and an INFP. I don't seem to attract many people, not that I'd realize it if I did and they never...
  9. Vegetarianism and INTP

    Thenar eminence...well, it does have a cool name. What's that chart?
  10. It's Useless

    My bet is that the partner is getting some amusement out of it. Amusement is not useless. Truisms are useless.
  11. INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    Ti 57.1 -> Ne 45.8 -> Te 40.6 -> Fi 31.5 -> Si 21.4 -> Ni 18.2 -> Se 17.8 -> Fe 7 Ti/Ne highest as always. I last took this test in September, since which my reported Te use has gone quite up. I've thought before that I might be an INXJ, which I actually wonder about a lot, but then I think...
  12. It's Useless

    Teaching color to someone born blind is not useless, especially if they are curious about the way people with vision perceive the world. It probably can't be taught too well on a personal basis (i.e. what the performance of the sense is literally like), but it can certainly be approached from...
  13. INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    What does "distinctly" mean? Does this mean it is expressed extremely strongly? Typically the order of functions for an INTP will be Ti-Ne, but the archetypes here seem like different modes an INTP can be in, based on what functions they are using most strongly. So it depends on what...
  14. Dining out and going to cinemas alone

    I usually will go to the movie theater alone, if I go, because I don't have any great friends around here that I'd want to go with. I tend to like the experience better alone anyway, especially if it's a movie that I'm serious about watching and want to enjoy. As for restaurants, I often avoid...
  15. INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    You mean such as Ne, I suppose? The big letter stands for which function it is (Sensing, iNtuition, Feeling, Thinking). The small letter indicates whether it is introverted or extroverted.
  16. Obligatory introduction?

    Welcome. I like your dream. (It's a big step above mine at this point, which is just to live off in the mountains somewhere alone with basic tools for creativity, obviously including computer, and an internet connection.)
  17. Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    The test results include a website in IMG tags. If you copy/paste that to the text box here, it will put in the image of your result.
  18. Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Cool pattern. I'm somewhat sure I'm not an aspie, though the test begs to differ: Your Aspie score: 115 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 77 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie
  19. It's Useless

    Nice. Hadn't considered it, might be fun. Attempting to run the mile in 3 minutes 30 seconds is not useless, for if you succeed you are going to evade Godzilla or the cops that much longer...or shorter, if you already could go faster but want to get caught. Smiley face icons are useless.
  20. It's Useless

    Something that exists but can't be known is potentially not useless, for it could be playing any number of roles in the world that help support it but go unacknowledged. Cat slings are useless:
  21. It's Useless

    Fool's gold is not useless, because it probably does fool some fools. Meowing at people is useless.
  22. Your thoughts on google

    I don't know if that's such a flip-side. Evidence/information gleaned from an online database is potentially very circumstantial, in my opinion, since anyone could write anything under whatever information (true/falsified) they choose to provide. (Though perhaps the need for an actual phone...
  23. Need some piano.

    How's this for sad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8OOvbZ74RA (I'm not always great at gathering what feelings are implicit in music, hence why I'm asking if it matches what you were looking for, but I am familiar with quite a bit of classical music.)
  24. Need some piano.

    Also on the mechanical side, perhaps some of Bach's Inventions would be good. Bah, no time to see if any of what's available on youtube is of decent quality.
  25. Need some piano.

    Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but here's my stab at it for now. It's not purely mechanical, but it seems like a decent combination of mechanicality with other elements: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UnJBqayE9s I'll try to find other things when I'm not in class.
  26. It's Useless

    Spammers on forums are not useless, since they make for funny things to read or lots of space to skip over, which gives my middle finger good exercise on the scroll wheel. Lucky numbers are useless. :P
  27. Fashion?

    Fashion sense.. I wear whatever fits in a way I like. I prefer loose-ish blue jeans and dark colored shirts/sweaters, most often gray and blue, sometimes a dark red or dingy white. Not really any things with icons or stuff on them. When I was a kid I had a bunch of eclectic, nerdy shirts...
  28. Negative you!

    I want things to happen in my life, and am not audacious enough. Instead I will come up with many half-baked ideas for getting them in the future, which I don't even know if I'll solidify and take the logical steps to put in place, never mind execute. Somewhat relatedly, I'm still pondering...
  29. It's Useless

    (Side note in return: it's clumsy on both hands. I was trying to think of what the opposite of 'ambidextrous' would be. I have a pretty good balance of dexterity between hands too, can and often do write with either, and so on.) Consistently harassing the opposite sex until you "get your way"...
  30. It's Useless

    Your cat Sammie is not useless because s/he can provide amusement with jumping, playing (with you?), and maybe listening to you talk out loud to yourself, if you do that sort of thing. Ambisinistry is useless.
  31. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Great interplay of harmonies. Perfect for a mentally active 4 AM. Easily 9.5/10. Maybe 10. After that I've kind of lost track of what I'm listening to, but this is what was on my playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8HoK44Eudw
  32. Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    Read any other Eoin Colfer books? If so, thoughts? Am curious; haven't explored his other work myself.
  33. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    6/10; fun listen if not something I could get captivated by, video fit the song pretty well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2G-JHmiNhw
  34. Share your thoughts

    That would be a frustrating answer to an honest self-assessment. My response would be something like "Brains don't work that simply." We optimize our brains to do different things over life. Depending on the situation, I might ask how they would do it, or explain further what I mean, or..I...
  35. Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    That count as a children's series? Read it awhile back, quite good. I somewhat recently finished reading through Artemis Fowl.
  36. INTPs and MBTI obsession?

    Pretty much, this is why I've kept my interest mostly to myself. I try typing everyone in my head and understanding their (or our) interactions, and I've shared with my INTP and INFJ friends, who seem to be the only other ones interested. I definitely have it on the brain because it's an...
  37. Ways to "convince" Fi (and all our opposite functions)?

    Ti on Fi - seconded. I use this sort of tactic naturally, trying to get to know their system of values and check it for internal consistency as I go, but it's more challenging when the person's not online. Strong emotions in person turn me off a bit.
  38. Calling Classical Musicians/Classical Music Lovers?

    I'm pretty sure I don't obsess over classical music in general, but one of my first choices is certainly Ravel, and I think I like any piece of his I've ever heard. The complexity and brilliance make his music amazing to listen to, and sometimes a good challenge to understand all its components...
  39. Hello... My name is Don and I "think" I might be an INTP..

    Nothing wrong with good mental organization. What does your friend know about your mind, anyway. Welcome.
  40. Pedobear on American News

    Logic? News stories like this? I never thought those two went together much.. I got a kick out of it, though.
  41. Being an INTP

    I derive happiness from my internal mental workings. I enjoy using my mind in the ways I do, and the outer world feeds it nicely. I get misdiagnosed as depressed a lot by people, who have a model of happiness that doesn't match mine. As for stability, I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by it...
  42. OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Responding "k" to this would be too predictable anyway. I end up saying "k" because I'm not really paying attention, like when someone's repeated themselves on the same point time after time. When less dismissive it's not what I say, I think I say "alright" instead. And maybe offer input.
  43. "Not paranoid, it's perfectly logical"?

    ^ 42 posts, must have stopped there for a reason. >_> Just kidding. I don't tend to get influenced by substances enough for true instances of this, where I come to believe what I am thinking about, but I often entertain the possibility of the patterns I've found in reality being meaningful in...
  44. INTP's Under 18

    Hmm.. I was not aware of the "INTP" designation at that point. Being how I am, however (INTP or whatever, I am quite introverted), effected a relative lack of social life for me. I didn't want more than a few friends, and I was practically oblivious to most of the people around me and their...
  45. OK, Ok, or Okay?

    'k. though I often type okay.
  46. INTPs' friends types

    I don't tend to go much for extraverted types in general. I enjoy their company at times, especially if they are types who have lots of ideas, but they can be somewhat intimidating. I have four best friends, I'd say, an INFP an INFJ with whom I have really interesting conversations an INTP I...
  47. Socionics and INTPs

    I also tested ILI at sociotype.com. My second probability was LII, not too far off. Just to confirm, I took the test three different times on three different days, and behold: ILI, secondary probability LII. A few other tests also put me at ILI. I had a superficial understanding, before, of how...
  48. Editing Posts after a day or two

    I've been somewhat conditioned in this direction by experiences in the past. If I'm really unsure, the webpage stays open, or maybe I even cut-paste into a notepad for perusal until I'm satisfied. Funniest thing is when I go back later, and the entire discussion has evolved in my absence, once...
  49. Learning a new language

    Korean (some), Japanese, Chinese. I became interested in them because of their grammatical systems, other linguistic properties, and probably just that they appear quite different from English at first blush. I learn a language best on my own by thinking about and dissecting grammatical...
  50. Confidence

    I just got here, and I'm already done for? *ducks under table and pops up intermittently to throw sentence chunks at the launcher in an attempt to jam it*
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