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Search results

  1. Socionics Testing >.<

    I settled on the sociotype.com test, it looked a little more comprehensive. ILI, LII quite close secondary. From descriptions I found via the webpage, these seem a bit different from MBTI. Does anyone have any good, thorough resources on socionics?
  2. High IQ Society

    Parent did enroll me in Mensa for a few years and I never really participated. I got invitations for things from them in the mail every so often, but it didn't occur to me to respond. In the end, it seems to have been just a resume builder.
  3. Hi.

    Hey, I thought smilies were appropriate for expressing those times when I'm making an odd joke, and if I don't people will fail to get that there's a joke there. I run into that situation kind of often, and I'm not even sure the ":P" always gets it across. :confused: But, :P
  4. Do you have pervasive doubt about yourself?

    I doubt, too. I try not to doubt myself so much, but it seems to go in a pattern.. Get question -> dissect question -> respond confidently -> doubt response -> dissect to make sure I got it right -> doubt -> dissect more... and it doesn't usually happen all at once, it tends to take place over...
  5. Empathizing quotient

    I also dislike the fact that there is no middle answer. a lot of those questions I could honestly have gone for a 'neutral' on. Some, because, like with the question about making lists, they seemed to have little if anything to do with the topic. Others, because they were just poorly stated. I...
  6. recommend me anime.

    Code Geass is awesome. I'm surprised nobody else mentioned it.
  7. A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    I thought about manipulating the system, but I would want to make it so I don't have to. So here goes: 1. Complete knowledge of every aspect of existence. (My original wording was 'physical aspect', but just in case that gets limited to the things the genie perceives as 'physical', rather than...
  8. Influence of parents on functions

    My INTP father was a mental refuge, to me, from my (most likely) ISFJ mother. I liked (and still like) talking to him and doing things with him. However, he was pretty uninvolved with the practical aspects of my life, which went on non-stop. My mother would rule over me to do what she wanted me...
  9. INTP and Parenting

    I'm not a parent (yet, may never be), but I have an INTP father. He wasn't hands on, but he was very interested in communicating about ideas. When I was younger, he would spend time with me explaining to me how anything I would ask about worked, or showing me how I could do what I wanted to do...
  10. Account deletions.

    You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
  11. Philosophical Personality Test

    ...Huh. "Neuroticism" and "openness" at equal percentages. How did they determine that openness was dominant?
  12. Types who you find influential?

    Yep, I could've come up with a ton of better ENTP examples if I'd been thinking about it when I posted, whom I've also been inspired by, but Q will always be one of my favorites. I admit to some god envy. I guess other INTPs also strike me personally, but I wouldn't call it inspiring. I simply...
  13. INTP Socializer's Remorse

    Sometimes it seems like I wasted my thinking on a conversation if the other person didn't really care, unless I started it knowing that it would be that way. That's not really true, of course, I get a lot out of it for myself, but it kind of makes me regret extending myself to socialize at all...
  14. Types who you find influential?

    ENTP; I don't think I've ever known one personally. But I can't help but be thrilled with such characters when I find them in fiction. (I'm thinking of an exemplar omnipotent entity from a certain continuum...) Maybe also an INTJ, which is another character outlook I enjoy when I encounter it...
  15. INTP Socializer's Remorse

    I'm kind of stunned.. I've always had socialization "remorse" like this. I come up with things off the top of my head in conversation, then I'll go back and rethink them over and over to see whether I could've/should've expressed myself differently, whether the other person understood what I...
  16. I...

  17. The art of an INTP

    I write. I guess it's not quite accurate that I don't have any finished pieces, so maybe I should've chosen option 3, not 2. I have written pieces that I finished, short ones, but none on hand to share. I exercise my writing ability for some assignments and other things, also, and I generally...
  18. Do you like your type?

    I've thought about myself enough to realize that I like me and my own capabilities and sense of existence, and wouldn't trade this life for anything. I have a never-boring, deep inner life which I augment with my understanding and experience of the world, and I am as intelligent/mentally...
  19. Why put yourself in the little box

    Exactly.. but try telling that to one. :-P As to putting oneself in the little box, it just serves as a starting point for self/other-questioning with an interesting system, I think, from which I personally will gather my own understanding and eventually move on to a new fascination. Doesn't...
  20. Typing by facial features

    ISFP 46% Extroverted, 58% Sensing, 39% Thinking, 62% Perceiving You are quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind, enjoying the present moment and what’s going on around you. You like to have your own space and to work within your own time frame. You are loyal and committed to your...
  21. Functional Development Test

    I was surprised at that too. My own results seem to correlate: extraverted Sensing (Se) 20.4 limited use introverted Sensing (Si) 30.2 good use extraverted Intuiting (Ne) 45.5 excellent use introverted Intuiting (Ni) 27 average use extraverted Thinking (Te) 29.4 average use introverted Thinking...
  22. INTP and procrastination

    I need to do mental dances sometimes to get myself to work, planning out key elements in my own head or figuring out how I can have fun with the task before I even start. Or I need to wait until the last minute. I've started trying to gauge my own abilities, and make myself aware that I have to...
  23. Simple psychological games/tests

    I can't draw for beans, so I drew some stick figures. First came a cat. Then came a human, in particular one with a black hat, a la xkcd. Then for the third picture I decided I'd try something less sticky. I drew a wavy line, then I looped around and made it into a wavy tubular thing, then I...
  24. How do INTPs express emotion?

    I used to be more this way also, though I think I still am sorta. What I find humor in is apparently strange, too: I've had several teachers confront me with the suspicion that I'm not paying attention because I'm chuckling to myself at different times in class (usually lesson content/stray...
  25. Fear of looking like an idiot

    To get out of a fear, you have to face it. Prepare before you speak, if it helps you. Asking questions, in particular, is a good thing to get used to. Sometimes you aren't going to know everything, and as someone already mentioned, I also think some people are happy to answer questions because...
  26. How do other people see you?

    <-- Probably looks oblivious. Otherwise, I got told recently that the general consensus (among people I know outside of the 'net) is that I'm on a different level from everyone else. I guess that's how I'm "seen". That is a beautiful metaphor. I don't know if it's upsetting you, but screw...
  27. You know you're an Intp when...

    You can also just have firefox start in a private browsing session/set to never remember history? No matter, whatever works.
  28. You know you're an Intp when...

    This is page 32 by the default format. I read up until mid-page 22 until I finally realized I just can't read any more. I assume that most people after that point posted things that held a lot of the same underlying ideas, even if they match different personal traits (I noticed, and even...
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