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Search results

  1. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Relativity problem puts the whole system into a different world view. Its a game/illusion and only measured by its usefulness. And it has proven to be useful. Are you fake, to be other than you are not. Or just trying to get along in the world?
  2. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Upside Down in the Custard African or Indian. Elephant :elephant: is Irish slang for somebody who throws their weight around. They are slow witted, experienced, and have long memories. In other words: horrid! They are also not so much greedy, but they purloin things for themselves and...
  3. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Sticking my Neck out of my Shell Introverts have to "go to the watering hole" for sustenance and they may chose to transform themselves with a temporary E component and INTP Eagles can transform to Turtles. They can transform to Snakes but this unfamiliar territory can be very dangerous (as...
  4. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Ents were a silly muck-up by Tolkein. You only have to ask the Wind Troll Kajsa. The colliers hardly dare sleep.
  5. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Snow Leopards are sophistated members of the ESTP but they are still Catty. They may very well be nearly true to type in the Celtic world where Lynx was the only Big Cat in the native fauna. In the Perseus Solar System, ESTP are the Earthlings and they would be leaders of the Terran Empire...
  6. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    ENTJ Wolfman. They need to boss. INTPs usually don't want to be boss, unless they want to make sure their plan is not a gigantic cock-up. For the Wolf, being Top Dog is the meaning of life. Is that you? Wolves are very difficult to get on with.
  7. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    I am gonna change Bully to Bull. My error. I will change the Horsemen to Horse as well. Meercats I think might be near EXFX. Not sure yet. All animals are good and bad. The Bull that hauls the plough. The Cow that gets milked. INTP Eagles are not interested in Mice ESFJ.
  8. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Must be Liger or Tigon offspring. Does not fit any pattern though. IN = birds Big Cats are ESTP. Little Cats are ISFP. Polecats are ENFP. INFJ are Skylarks. INTP I have as Eagles or other birds of prey including Vultures. Legal Eagles are just one of many types of INTP. I think...
  9. Perseus


    I mist have picked up on the pharmaceutical lead and then went off on a tangent.
  10. Perseus

    In search of the dominant Jungian functions of Narcissists (NPD), Borderliners (BPD) and Histrionics

    In the Perseus System the Schizoid Personality Disorder is relabelled the Information Deficit Syndrome.
  11. Perseus


    Try playing chess and see how all drugs, e.g. cannabis, alcohol, CNS stimulants impair performance. It may well be that caffeine, pseudoephedrine, strong analgesics may also detract from the ability on a level playing field. If subject to distractions, chemicals could conceivably improve...
  12. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    The Perseus System indicates if the INTP is extroverted enough to go to the watering holes, he would shape-shift to Turtle or Tortoise. Certainly not Hare (ESFJ variant)-brained.
  13. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? Yep I expect INTPs annoy most sorts, but mostly ESFJ of the same gender.
  14. Perseus

    Can an INTP understand emotions?

    I get into a horrible mess with emotions. Mainly to do with irrational hatred from others. It gets obscured and I cannot see the danger. :elephant:
  15. Perseus

    Are you a Sponger ?

    The difference between J & P types. http://www.personalitytest.net/types/definitions.htm With a thorough knowledge of the subject is through experience, not sponging but incorporating to the manifesto if you are PN.
  16. Perseus

    Are you a Sponger ?

    Spongers are more J than Architects or Collectors. :evil: :king-twitter::smiley_emoticons_mr
  17. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? Good call. The research has progressed since the original post 18 months ago and now the Turtle has been allocated XNTP.
  18. Perseus

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    I spent most of my life acting out of type due to the demands of work etc. Then I got a head injury and I had to act according to my type which was very difficult, stressful. and bewildering.
  19. Perseus

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    I am a PNIT Context Jumper. 24 different types of INTPs.
  20. Perseus

    INXP Girls

  21. Perseus

    The Fabulous Team

    Sociology: The Fabulous Team The Fabulous Team: ENTJ as Boss, INTJ as Deputy, INTP or ENTP as Architect of Ideas/Legal Advisor, ESFJ as Salesman, ISTJ as Security/Line Manager, ENFP as Researcher, ESFP as Performer, ENFJ as Teacher/Graphic Designer, INXJ Messenger, two ISFJ helpers...
  22. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    Sorry, there is a mistake in the terms. I should have said FS are capable of murder when they Feel that somebody is opposed to them. If you think this is harsh, it can be an understatement. In severe cases they will Feel somebody is opposed to them if they do not wholeheartedly support them. If...
  23. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    I did not say that! I could be tempted to say that! FS are crazy, PN are mad. PS are stark staring bonkers. FS are capable of premeditated or spontaneous murder on the flick of a cognitive switch in their brain, PS are rapists by nature, and PN sometimes can find the world very difficult to...
  24. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    I really cannot disagree with Alice and Lewis Carroll and they are Architects or at least Healers, but the Perseus System says the Cat ISFP is Crazy and not Mad at all.
  25. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    I think he was an out and out Wolfman (although he is an actor) ENTJ and I suspect the TP may be an idea he stole from an Eagle. They say he has a presence :airplane: But I might not be able to see through his masquerade. He may really be a Snake and I had not seen the "rattle" before. His...
  26. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    I was thinking of Jimmy the First. In England the show is a cause for celebration.
  27. Perseus

    The military is studying why some soldiers are good at detecting IEDs

    Some types are touch-feelies. I know somebody who can unfasten combination padlocks by touch without fail. I can do it by thinking but the failure rate is high (it relies on laziness by the padlock setter or guessed knowledge and information). .
  28. Perseus

    Disagreement with Government Policy English Medieval

    Brainstorming Dialogue I am not interested in problems, I have got solutions: Guido (ISTP). A Rattlesnake ENTP (TP Projector: could be a Lion ESTP) came disguised a a Wolfman (ENTJ)
  29. Perseus

    Depression and Intelligence?

    Freda Spirit he says. The mind is genderless. But the Horsemen ESFJ with their twisted logic will never see this.
  30. Perseus

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    ISFP Cats are dangerous people for INTPS. I know this from bad experiences. They perceive at the same level but interpret in a competely opposite way. HELL!
  31. Perseus

    Animal MBTI type

    Man gave names to all the Animals: http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Perseus.html
  32. Perseus

    Women in the Workplace

    Yes, it is all true. But women in the workplace when they have an intrinsic interest in the job are better than Men. Money and circumstances rear their head.
  33. Perseus

    Simple Quiz Question for INXPs

    I like your Avatar. The Eagle and its Feathers Most all North American Native People attach special significance to the Eagle and its feathers. Both Bald and Golden Eagles (and their feathers) are highly revered and considered sacred within Native traditions, culture and religion. They...
  34. Perseus

    Simple Quiz Question for INXPs

    Gravity pulls us down to Earth. Newton.
  35. Perseus

    Simple Quiz Question for INXPs

    Does it move? is the Engineer's answer to the glass question. Crocodile tears cannot be seen. They are all inside. This is the INXP explanation. Also, the INTP Extreme Logic rather than the Horsemen ESFJ fanciful distortions.
  36. Perseus

    Depression and Intelligence?

    My observations are that the INFJ males seem to have the worst time of it. ENTP males can get very isolated and this could lead to suicide, unless they can rise above (introvert) unfortunate circumstances. INTPs should avoid ISFP Cats under all circumstances. It is easy for me as I am adverse...
  37. Perseus


    The Perseus System basics have been uploaded to: http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Perseus.html
  38. Perseus

    Women in the Workplace

    My experience of women in the work place has been: 1) often poor as they see their children as priority and the customer is left short changed 2) can be evilly manipulative and use their skills to exclude men 3) can fawn to the boss and get jobs that men are more skilled at doing 4) willing...
  39. Perseus


    All the Dogs ISTJ are slaving away, so if you are lazy they think you a Cat ISFP, and that is an insult.
  40. Perseus

    INTPs on TV

    I got invited for another TV appearance recently. I did not exactly turn it down, but I wanted the bottom line sorted, i.e. dosh. Maybe, you should do it for intrinsic reasons, but then it means for virtually nought and a lot of work is involved (i.e. choosing clean clothes and travelling).
  41. Perseus


    http://www.millon.net/taxonomy/schizoid.htm The Perseus System calls it Information Deficit Disorder
  42. Perseus

    The way girls walk

    Wiggle, wiggle He also proved he could carry on a decent conversation, you share some common interests, and he is socialized and not weird. http://www.learnbodylanguage.org/female_flirting_4.html Secret: all NPs are weird like Santa Claus.
  43. Perseus

    Not much interest in sex

    I've got a headache!
  44. Perseus

    Do you use the word probably, or its variations, a lot?

    Yep, and it is easy to miss out a letter, probably is for everybody, but I would not need "proably" cause it is near darn certain it is one of those nuisance words to type.
  45. Perseus

    Sacred Home of Dragons

    Tiger Dragon http://travel-hounds.com/dragon/quiz.html In the war between good and evil, Tiger Dragons take the side of the noble and good. When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one. As far as magical tendancies, a...
  46. Perseus

    Sacred Home of Dragons

    A Messenger (FJ) sends you this link: http://travel-hounds.com/dragon/quiz.html http://personalitycafe.com/personality-test-resources/1894-inner-dragon-quiz.html
  47. Perseus

    Sacred Home of Dragons

    A Messenger (FJ) sends you this link: http://travel-hounds.com/dragon/quiz.html http://personalitycafe.com/personality-test-resources/1894-inner-dragon-quiz.html
  48. Perseus

    Are you a Deviant (Vegetable Test)?

    Banana list. Oral consumption through the mouth was the only thing I considered. I was not broad-minded/creative to think of other possibilities. How prudish of me!? I prefer to mash the bananas and put them in a sandwich with caster sugar. Or sliced as an accompaniement to a curry. Most...
  49. Perseus

    Are you a Deviant (Vegetable Test)?

    I had a list of possibles, but all were oral consumption. List later.
  50. Perseus

    MBTI character typing and criminal tendencies

    The Perseus system recognises that all can have a dark side. Most trouble I have experienced are from Crazy Horse* and Pony girls (ESFJ), Cat Weasels (ENFP), Spiders (ESFP), Wolfman (the Sheriff ENTJ), Owlers (INTJ), Cats (ISFP) and Bullies (ESTJ). Also Black Panthers (ESTP). Perhaps, aso a...
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