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Search results

  1. Perseus

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    Dressing, speaking, or acting in an odd or peculiar way They get used after awhile and it is very common locally. It is only the Horsemen (ESFJ) and they throw their cigarette butts in the gutter instead of the bin. Being suspicious and paranoid They get caught out in their lies and are...
  2. Perseus

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    Fraudian is a comglomerate name of Fraud + Guardian (SJ). They have a vested interest in supporting the Freudian wordlview which probably works OK in the family environment, and even in today's society with family break-up. In their world, the non-conformers are often called bastards as they do...
  3. Perseus

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    This is a true story. When the Police did the investigation into the local drug smuggling of hashish form Holland into England (the Artisan twats did not know they were being followed around looking to bust the mules or fool guy who housed the drop) it was interesting to note that the English...
  4. Perseus

    Shadow Processes of Deceit and Devilry

    Shadow Processes of Deceit and Devilry The new thing about these web pages are the shadow processes. e.g. http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/esfp.html (Panther) Evaluation is by deceitful processs. I think that these are not open to scrutiny which may occur with other types. The Idealists...
  5. Perseus

    Animal Type

    The idea was to sound out a new idea. Thanks for the comments.
  6. Perseus

    Animal Type

    I am using intution. Research is more important than the tests to me. My thinking has four components. Resolution is the one I lack almost completely. Lots of head and heart problems. Not much i it. Thinking leads in the day, Feeling at night. Extraversion is subdued because ENTPs are not...
  7. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Thanks for the input. I used a different intuitive rather than systematic method to arrive at the animal types. Intuition would be the way of an INTP. A lot of my decisions were arrived at not by systematics but by observations of the types in practice, or myself. I do not see many Panthers...
  8. Perseus

    Animal Type

  9. Perseus

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: Which type of INTP are you? Odds on Golden Boy marries a Pony girl (ESFJ). These can be a nightmare. The cynical realist has morph-shifted to INTJ. The religious one has morph-shifted to INFP. The Nerd and Liberal are not aware, the N scores are lowish or at aspect is denied. I expect...
  10. Perseus

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    Do you find that Fraudian worldview does not work for you because you failed to get on with either of your parents? XSTJ & IXFP so me. Engineer and a non-thinking Puff the Magic Dragon as near as dammit. Children of the Damned For that matter I could not get on with almost all the school...
  11. Perseus

    (Cosmic Jokerman mode) Really a Phoenix

    Shoreham http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Shoreham.html
  12. Perseus

    Favorite Beer

    Don't like beer. Cider, Red Wine and Calvados. Home-made beers that have not stopped fermenting and not too strong and not too weak can be drinkable.
  13. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    It may be that the Ferret (ENFP) is the worst match, being the Queen of Hearts! Nor sure, The Dragon may be the Queen of Hearts and it is small morph-shift from the Ferret.
  14. Perseus

    Arguing with an extroverted feeling type

    If you see a Dragon* (Could be the Queen of Hearts) with a Silver Cross pendant, you know there is a Horseman somewhere in her life. Beware! It is only when they are stressed out by other Dragons at Inferior Function is murder a possibility. Eagles are OK cause they can think it out. Highway...
  15. Perseus

    Arguing with an extroverted feeling type

    I have been ambushed and attacked and kicked unconscious so I was nearly dead, by these ESFJ bastards. I have been banned from pubs, lied about, even had girlfriends raped by these ESFJ monsters. I fucking hate them! I hate working in sales, I don't go in taxis .....
  16. Perseus

    Female INTPs

    Cruelty exists. Not always female.
  17. Perseus


    Have a go on Stan's Chess. I can recommend opponents if you are bit rusty. I think the general idea of the INTP is to become proficient rather than expert in Chess. There are much interesting and far more complicated things to do, like girls (which treats them a bit like a commodity and I did...
  18. Perseus


    No, the ratings are inflated by about 450. Mine would be about 1915, and even that is probably much too high. I have won 110, lost 44 and drawn 19.
  19. Perseus


    e.g. (Stan's Chess) I swapped a Rook for a Bishop and a Pawn earlier, and it looks like it was the correct decision, but I had no idea it would end up like this! http://www.stansco.com/cgi-bin/nc_game.cgi?442684??black?large -----------------------------------------------------------...
  20. Perseus

    The Illusion (Transcendence)

    Hello, If you care to do it (and I do not) and you can break through your self (past inferior function) and all personality types are mere impostors, your Perception level is 12 out 12. I maintain 11 out of 12, where psychiatry and personality disorders are impostors on a spinning top, you are...
  21. Perseus

    The emotionally-invulnerable INTP

    On my Feeling-Thinking border, there are aways Heart or Head problems. I veer between the two and it takes the Other to make it work right. I think it would take an above 75% thinker to become unemotional and to choose mates for rational reasons. I am about 60% Thinker, which is emotional fools...
  22. Perseus


    I have preferred openings. Strategy or tactics? Intuitives should have better strategy than sensors but lose on tactical mistakes and straight blunders.
  23. Perseus


    I clicked on XAT but it looks a bit confusing to me. I am under too much stress to handle the details right now, and my computer does not like the forum. My computer is not set up properly to run some Internet facilities.
  24. Perseus


    I just get to a standard that is acceptable in intellectual circles. Or down the pub. I will try your link, but Stan's Chess is really user friendly. Its free.
  25. Perseus

    (Cosmic Jokerman mode) Really a Phoenix

    Also, Perseus, I don't believe you've ever properly introduced yourself in the Introit section have you? There's a few questions there that help us get to know more about other members. Here's a list: What is your name? ANDY Where are you from? Shoreham, England How old are you...
  26. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Got a shade of ENTP last night. It is not so much that Snakes cannot hear (this one can) but to put it bluntly, we don't shag models (or ghosts). Somebody is trying to work an oracle on me and succeeding to the point of me thinking about suicide. Hope is still in the box. Don't even fancy...
  27. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    No complaints, I was just being mischievous. I would like a separate group for relationships though. Andy http://soredragon.blogspot.com/ There's a Hole in Reality through which We Can Look if We Wish
  28. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    PS: ENFP stress comes to journalists. "Get a proper job" says the Earthling. This a direct attempt to belittle the Ferret. They only understand the pay packet and writers do not get paid very much, cause Earthlings do not read much.
  29. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    In a typical INTP manner, I am unable to accept the above analysis as wholly accurate, and I am prepared to accept that at the Critical Stress level (sometimes called PTSD) that the above would actually apply. And it did do at one time, but I have adapted (especially regarding basic...
  30. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I am definitely an INTP, but very close to a XNXP. Thinking (Rational type by the David Keirsey book) is low because the resolution component is not high (sometimes negligible) like proper Thinkers. This is experience and deduction and might not be in the books. Lack of resolution has made me...
  31. Perseus

    INXP Girls

    Hello, There is not real way of telling just my looking of the girls are INFP or INTP, although the latter is suspected, with a touch of ENTP. INTP Girls They stand out a mile in a crowd. The rest are just baggage despite their looks. But the Earthlings (S) are not instantly attracted...
  32. Perseus


    Hello, Awake at night (I have a horrid stalker). Surely, somebody must play chess on this group? Recommended is http://www.stansco.com/ Andy
  33. Perseus

    Famous Intps

    The first two INTPs I think of are Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein.
  34. Perseus


    It is too long ago since I read Hermanne Hesse. At the feeding grounds and watering holes, can any high-flying types outwit the Wolf (ENTJ)? To snag is the earner has to be an Extravert as nobody is going to come along a put the meat on the plate of an Introvert unless he was born with a...
  35. Perseus

    Famous Intps

    God is XXXX morph-shifting through all types. Exist does God. (In Erewhon it is ISTJ).
  36. Perseus

    End of dream

    A lot of problems today. Almost all of them are in my head. And the rest are in other people's heads. The Dragon tries to remove Desire to achieve the spiritual position. I don't intend to do this. Its boring. A Pony (ESFJ) girl said she wanted to get spiritual. She is going to get a...
  37. Perseus

    Lucky Charms

    I expect it would not work. A Horseman (or Pony girl on the D train) do not take any notice of body language on a conquest/mission so I doubt if an amulet would stop the rape.
  38. Perseus

    Thank you very much for your Suggestion

    I have posted a reply with links on Introit. It has to go past the Moderator.
  39. Perseus

    Thank you very much for your Suggestion

    I am not up to filling in forms. Relationships are in flux (whatever that means) the word came out of the blue. Pen Picture http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Andy.htm Home Town Shoreham-by-Sea (West Sussex, England, UK) http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Shoreham.html Blog Phoenix XNXP from...
  40. Perseus

    Thank you very much for your Suggestion

    Its my own invention but it is just re-inventing the wheel. It is much more complex than I have explained and confirmed by observations. The psychiatry which I have moaned about have something about the Monkey (Ape). They know much more than I do through the text books. I know it through...
  41. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Change is Now I am now making sensory observations (that I have overlooked before) and I am putting in the context of my MO, and also it requires thinking. In this way both by Sensing and Thinking are increased. Introversion and Perception are also increasing. No energy expenditure involved...
  42. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Because I am stressed out, I think I am acting more like ENTP & INFP, Snake which spooks the Horses (ESFJ) and causes very big trouble, and Dragon which annoys all the Guardians (SJ). The ESFJ want to kill me and they have tried once, and the SJ Guardians just intimidate and threaten me. The...
  43. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Somebody else's (the Moderator) Judgement Call after secret messages, probably. Welcome to the shadow world of the devil and deception of the INTP.
  44. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Summary Analysis of Profile By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFP Lead (Dominant) Process Introverted Feeling (Fi): Staying true to who you really are. Paying close attention to your...
  45. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Ne, Fi Ne, Fi (clear leader) so Ne, Fi it is. But I am functioning under stress. Looks like I am Ferret at the moment. This may be an aberration because of most unusual relationship cirumstances.
  46. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Do Wolf (ENTJ) Ladies exist? Perhaps, I should say female Wolves? Career list: program designer attorney administrator office manager chemical engineer sales manager logistics consultant franchise owner new business developer personnel manager investment banker labor relations management...
  47. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I am using Ne and Ni mostly. Intuition instead of Sensing. However, it is my Perception (ahead of Judging) which is getting me into trouble, stress-wise. I take in too much information (by the ENTJ & INTJ standards) and relate it to arcane knowledge. Well, this is to be expected, as they...
  48. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    On the second test, I came out as INTP. Thanks for the links. I found the choices difficult.
  49. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    First test: I am running at Critical Stress level right now and I came out as ENFP (Ferret). I am not currently running true to type. True type is XNXP so it is not far out. INTP is definitely my type though, it is just the extraversion and Thinking are not much above average.
  50. Perseus

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    I have a bit of a problem using the Ti and Ne terms. I have read somewhere, with the auxiliary functions etc, but I am running high stress on inferior function right now and I have been for 18 months. Have you got a web page where I can see how it works please? I am reading from Quenk, and...
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