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Search results

  1. gilliatt

    New Communism

    Have you ever bought anything made in Russia? Not me..
  2. gilliatt

    The late 80s & early 90s was the Peak of Human Civilization

    That is BS!
  3. gilliatt

    What's your philosophy on money or wealth?

    I believe in a free economy. In a free economy, the supply of money and credit needed to finance business ventures is determined by objective economic factors. A banking system acts as a guardian of economic stability. Its an invisible hand principle.
  4. gilliatt

    What's your philosophy on money or wealth?

    The first question to answer. The rest is not important. The basic issue is only: Is man free? In mankind's history, capitalism is the only system that answers: Yes. All these other systems are physical force, they do not recognize individual rights, rights are violated only by means of force...
  5. gilliatt

    Make a point. Woman's instinctive & unconscious gestures are towards herself, man's are away...

    Make a point. Woman's instinctive & unconscious gestures are towards herself, man's are away from himself. Something about difference in functions etc.
  6. gilliatt

    New Communism

    The first point is everything I write will not be perfect. My second point is I am working on learning to write. It is not a mystery. This thing can be learned. I figure I can speak English, you get the point. There is plot, plot, plot...clarity, clarity, clarity. Henry Adams said,"The result...
  7. gilliatt

    What's the nicest truth you've found?

    I would say nature law, laissez faire capitalism, invisible hand. These things work, they are universal. Intervention does not work-the false. Here is another untruth: 'Iron Law of Wages' means the price of labor is equal to its cost of production, the value of anything is found in its cost of...
  8. gilliatt


    The point is that the collectivists from Plato to Dewey are wrong, wrong on the deepest level, wrong metaphysically. Men exist, fragments or cell about which they write do not exist. Only man exists, man the rational being. And a rational being's tool of survival is-not "should be," but "is"-an...
  9. gilliatt

    There is no 'I'

    For the coming of that day shall I fight, I and my sons and my chosen friends. For the freedom on Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor. The battle cannot be lost, its the spirit of Man's freedom. The only way freedom can be taken away from Man is other men. To be free, a man must...
  10. gilliatt

    Your favourite coding fonts?

    Another point, Dr. Faucci is a Chinese spy. Nobody believes that, right. Its true. I do agree with Burned Out, I am off course. Maybe we need to change INTP Forum, make it like Twitter etc. This is a work in progress!
  11. gilliatt

    Is progress necessary?

    To succeed is better than failure, to live is better than to die. Progress is happiness, failure is devouring the soul, devouring the world, a zero soul might choose failure. A happy man, life, wealth, is better for the mind. A poor, ragged man is not a pretty site!
  12. gilliatt

    Your favourite coding fonts?

    Do not own a lot, about one share. But why ban anyone, you will be next. My philosophy is, be consistent, fairness to everyone. A corporation is a union of human beings in a voluntary, cooperative endeavor, the principle of free association, an expression of the right to freedom. Individual...
  13. gilliatt

    FAQ: Why Are My Messages Being Marked As Spam?

    I am an extreme advocate of 'Free Speech'. Say anything you want to, anything!
  14. gilliatt

    Your favourite coding fonts?

    I am a stockholder of Facebook. I never voted to ban President Trump from his account. Same with Twitter. The stockholders never got a say in this despicable, undeserving act. This is not the role of a Corporation. We are totally neutral on these matters, are should be...
  15. gilliatt

    ideas that doesnt work

    These government schools, bad idea. They are all political, about brainwashing, indoctrination, poisoning the minds of our youth. My point of view, opinion that they are anti-man, anti-mind, anti-life, anti-freedom, anti-capitalism, pro-collective, pro-communist/socialist/fascist. It is true...
  16. gilliatt

    Ways in which you are not an INTP

    I threw my mask in the swamp. Total nonsense! Ignorance at its highest. Let's try hard not to be stupid.
  17. gilliatt

    ideas that doesnt work

    Probably electric vehicles. They are too small, too light, get you killed and Americans like their large, powerful pick-up trucks, cars, I for one, not giving up my lovely gas burning vehicle. Love oil/gas! Besides, what are you going to do with all those worn out batteries, pollution...
  18. gilliatt

    Is progress necessary?

    A laissez-faire economy of active competition has a built-in regulator that protects and preserves it. The regulator of competition in a free market is the capital market. So long as capital is free to flow, it will tend to seek those areas which offer the maximum rate of return. When one...
  19. gilliatt

    Is progress necessary?

    The first question to answer, is man born in bondage, an indentured servant who must keep buying his life by serving the tribe but never acquire it free and clear. Does man have the right to exist for his own sake? But all the questions, the basic issue is only: Is Man Free? In mankind's...
  20. gilliatt

    First jump into the stock market - shocking

    And a good idea, practice trade first, imaginary capital before you venture into real capital. Also study the Richard D. Wyckoff method of Stock Market Science & Technique on Technical Analysis. That might be your answer...LOL!
  21. gilliatt

    Truth - Subjective or Objective?

    The only mind that you can project completely is your own at its most consistent, clearest level of functioning. Writing here, I am trying to convince myself. The process of clear, clarity in writing is the opposite of subjectivism, a complexed difficult responsibility. 'If I write for myself...
  22. gilliatt

    First jump into the stock market - shocking

    I say never, if you buy a stock at say 50, it drops lower than your initial purchase, never, never ever buy any more of it. That is playing a losing game, it might work occasionally. And if you hear of your stock going to reverse split, sell it as quickly as you can. See, the operator wants to...
  23. gilliatt

    Truth - Subjective or Objective?

    This might be off subject...What is Reason? It means 'Order'. I always think more than I have said....tends to be an INTP trait.
  24. gilliatt

    Truth - Subjective or Objective?

    Subjectivism is the belief that reality is not a firm absolute, but a fluid, plastic, indeterminate realm which could be altered, in whole or in part. This is irrational, emotional....Objectivity-a relationship of consciousness to existence. Metaphysically, it is the recognition of the fact that...
  25. gilliatt

    What is space really?

    Space, not exactly empty. It contains particles(low density), plasma of hydrogen and helium, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, cosmic rays. Maybe more. There is this law of mass, conservation of mass, burning, dusting etc, nothing is lost, created or destroyed.
  26. gilliatt

    "We are undeserving of this planet"

    The basic question to answer, the basic issue is only: Is man free? Are is he born is bondage, like an indentured servant who must keep buying his life by serving the tribe. Does man have the right to exist for his own sake? Capitalism recognizes individual rights, property rights in which all...
  27. gilliatt

    Successful INTP's, what career has made you happy?

    Anyway, I was from the country in North Carolina & I joined the Air Force, liked airplanes, flying, adventure. I left Raleigh airport at 6:30 PM one evening, flew to Atlanta International, landing around 9:00 PM after going through a bad thunderstorm. Had a 30 minute lay over, picked up a few...
  28. gilliatt

    Making Money

    Laws on monopoly, antitrust laws? I would like to bring this out into the open. Its the penalizing of ability for being ability, the penalizing of success for being success. Its the old envious, envy thing. They want mediocrity.
  29. gilliatt

    The World's Smallest Political Quiz

    Regulation means control, anti-freedom. Economic freedom, you do not have some tzar ruling you, telling you how to live etc. I believe in the individual man, right or wrong, let him decide, not some government man that don't know his ass from third base. And rather than a few people thinking in...
  30. gilliatt


  31. gilliatt

    Philosophy in Storytelling

    So, how did you survive to this day? You survived because you decided against quitting, when the battle wasn't much fun. A professional trader, etc., whatever, is simply an amateur who didn't quit. 'I see myself as an unquitting amateur'. I read that somewhere.
  32. gilliatt

    I believe so that I may understand

    Here is the brief common-sense rationality: The essentials are: in metaphysics, the 'Law of Identity'--in epistemology, the 'supremacy of reason'--in ethics, rational egoism--in politics, 'individual rights(i.e., capitalism)--in esthetics, 'metaphysical values'. This way you can recognize...
  33. gilliatt

    Philosophy in Storytelling

    Philosophy studies the fundamental aspects of the nature of existence. Studies everything that exists.
  34. gilliatt

    "We are undeserving of this planet"

    Let's move forward, let's not dig the soil with our bare hands.
  35. gilliatt

    important skills and values for outside world that are not taught in school

    In Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", Dagny follows John Galt into the sunrise, this is symbolism. Point is, all through the story, Dagny has been in the dark, but now she is about to see the sunrise, the first light comes from the wings of Galt's plane. Symbolism needs to be very clear, defined. One...
  36. gilliatt

    Hello there

    I am an Objectivist. We have two choices in this world. Objectivism or Communism. Take your choice... I am an INTP, although do not like labels.
  37. gilliatt

    what is impossible to prove and know

    Motion, this circular motion, has no efficient cause. It seems that motion must have a 'reason why.' Why motion at all? Its excuse for being. Cannot find a beginning of motion, like time. 'Infinity'. Like an unending chain, neither beginning nor ending. Same with man, he beget a son, cannot go...
  38. gilliatt

    there is no such thing as meaning

    This thread sounds of Kant where he is out to destroy reason. Everyone knows that the world is in a terrible state and it cannot continue on its present course much longer. All I ever hear is meaningless generalities and shameful evasions from intellectual leaders. Philosophical publications...
  39. gilliatt

    what is impossible to prove and know

    I will try to say this. What is, in this world, came from what is not. It was a kind of filling a void. Genesis: The primary form of change. For it is more reasonable that what is should cause the coming-to-be of what is not, than that what is not should cause the being of what is. Now that...
  40. gilliatt

    important skills and values for outside world that are not taught in school

    The individual child, this idea, method, the child becomes the focus, the center of education. The teacher, a director, guides the child's own self-learning. Freedom for the child in education, so important. The Montessori Method, it is the simplicity of the method.
  41. gilliatt

    What is real

    The consideration that the things of this world simply are what they are what they are in themselves independent of what we think about them.
  42. gilliatt

    there is no such thing as meaning

    You have to recognize differences between knowledge as by the senses and that which comes through the intellect. Take, for example, the color red. As a form that is the source of that determinate feature that is present in any and all red objects, the redness of any particular red object can be...
  43. gilliatt

    Why do you think that in capitalism it is so important to erode the person?

    There is only one issue that is important: Is man free. Under Capitalism man is free, its up to the man, his choice. I find that the majority of the world, people were, is the past, slaves, peasants, and can't get over it!
  44. gilliatt

    what is existence?

    Existence: what is real in the world that one perceives. There is a difference between existence and man-made, there is the 'primacy of existence.' It means existence exists, that the universe exists independent of consciousness, that things are what they are, that they possess the specific...
  45. gilliatt

    universe cosciousness

    Existence and consciousness, you cannot escape it, these are the primaries for every action you take. Think of nothing existing, there is no consciousness in that case. Existence is Identity, Consciousness is Identification. Really, consciousness is like any other existence, it possesses...
  46. gilliatt

    Two Paths to Utopia

    In man's conscious: reason, mind, values, concepts, thought, judgment, volition, purpose, memory, independence, self-esteem. All these exist, they are not illusions, myths, superstitions. These are man's inner world, that inner world, very important. In "Atlas Shrugged", there is two variants...
  47. gilliatt

    Climate change and capitalism

    Climate is primarily a scientific problem, not a political problem. If say your neighbor damages the climate, we have courts, laws against that. You can hold him responsible for messing around with the environment. Laissez-faire capitalism, only a social system based on individual rights, it...
  48. gilliatt

    Hacking Covid

    Is this coronavirus man-made or a metaphysical given. A metaphysical given, it cannot be changed. Man-made did not have to exist, but once made, does exist. Nothing made by man had to be:::it was made by choice. The metaphysical given cannot be true or false, it simply is...
  49. gilliatt

    Why do you think that in capitalism it is so important to erode the person?

    Well, capitalism protects our survival. And it is all about human freedom, freedom is the fundamental requirement of man's mind. Why would a person like to go back to the Dark Ages, slave labor, executions without trial, torture chambers, concentration camps, mass slaughter...capitalism...
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