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  1. final-dimension


  2. final-dimension

    Annoyed with yourself?

    Oh yeah,or when I talk and think that I have talked too much.I get depressed when I think I talked too much...
  3. final-dimension

    I just found out I am INTP

    welcome to the forum,nice to meet you too.^^
  4. final-dimension

    Giving too much information.

  5. final-dimension

    The Brutally Honest Personality Test

    Oops,sorry my bad.:o
  6. final-dimension

    so you didn't hear my voice after all?

    so you didn't hear my voice after all?
  7. final-dimension

    Don't worry I was just kidding^^

    Don't worry I was just kidding^^
  8. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    socializing is tiring believe me you are not the only one who thinks that!
  9. final-dimension

    The Brutally Honest Personality Test

    http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-brutally-honest-personality-test And again scored INTP.I have tried so hard to convince myself that I was lying to myself when I take personality tests,and that I am trying hard to be an INTP. People I am honest, I answer honestly why is the answer always INTP...
  10. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    But I don't think that socializing is one of your priorities. My mom tells me that I should live like people in my age and that I should have more fun,and go out more often * what if I don't want to?*. I think INTPs just don't want to socialize...
  11. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I didn't get what you exactly mean,but I think you mean you are not in the position that allows you to answer that question,because you are an INTP your self?
  12. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    What do you mean?Do you mind to clarify?
  13. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    me : the person I am today... is this okay?
  14. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I think you should stop caring about what society wants from you,and focus on what you want from your life. I am sure some of the habits you had in the past you didn't want in the future,I mean when you change something about your behavior should be for the sake of personality improvement not to...
  15. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I said I generalized and that those are just observations on some forum members,and again it is a subjective thing *those were my observations*and as I said before sometimes I do myself make such drama *although it is just between me and myself,well I did that because I am an INTP or because I...
  16. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    That is what I think too,yes at the beginning you have a problem,you are different,most people don't accept you,but after you find out you are an INTP,you actually discover that it isn't a problem and that you are not the one at fault. You discover that you actually have some qualities others...
  17. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    This sure explains a lot,thank you for this post...
  18. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Well a lot of INTPs do have that problem *I think* ...
  19. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Yes,I did. And I know that.
  20. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Oh yes I totally agree,I am a weirdo myself and I am proud of it!
  21. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Don't worry, I won't. Because I need that excuse myself ^^.
  22. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Yeah,finally. I just wanted to hear that from you guys,I thought I was the only one who makes a big deal out of it... But with that said I think we INTPs were honest today about this issue... Yes we do make a big deal of it,but it is fun:D And yes it is the perfect excuse,that is why I used "us"...
  23. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I totally agree with you, and that is what I mean,some INTPs make a drama of it... And I don't think being introverted or being an INTP is not okay I just don't understand why some INTPs talk about it that much,I sometimes get the feeling they try to convince their-selves and others that they...
  24. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I just want to make sure you get it right, I am not with nor with society and the same for INTPs.I just want to know what all this drama is about...:D
  25. final-dimension

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Actually I noticed that people look at INTPs as if they were the weirdest thing they have ever seen. And some INTPs who know they are INTPs use that name as an excuse for some actions like not being disciplined,being unorganized and irresponsible at times. I also noticed that sometimes some...
  26. final-dimension

    I posted my voice you happy now?Wow I was really nervous and I even stuttered,but I think it is...

    I posted my voice you happy now?Wow I was really nervous and I even stuttered,but I think it is good enough.
  27. final-dimension

    The INTP voice.

    Here it is I changed my mind, it is not like you provoked me.It is my own free will!* puts the usual bored look*.So what do you think? And BTW I admit I am not confident,so what? I am going to change that soon enough... I changed my mind...
  28. final-dimension

    Why I Hate Facebook

    Well my INTP friend got rid of his account you could do the same,I will soon enough...
  29. final-dimension

    The INTP voice.

    nope I won't do it...
  30. final-dimension

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Haha that is funny. ^^
  31. final-dimension

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Kindergarten: I didn't have any friends *except for those my parents made me befriend* always played alone with puzzles or tried to start conversation with the teacher *or what do they call them?*. School: Reading books the whole day about animals and the human body even at home I wouldn't stop...
  32. final-dimension

    Children of divorce?

  33. final-dimension

    I am so lonely

    That is exactly what I feel,I can't help it...
  34. final-dimension

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    I said " I have ever seen" I didn't say the weirdest thread in this forum...
  35. final-dimension

    I am so lonely

    I feel more lonely when I am actually with others. I don't feel lonely when I am by myself which is just weird...
  36. final-dimension

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    This is the weirdest thread I have ever seen ...:confused::rolleyes::borg0::kilroy:
  37. final-dimension

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    don't know yet :p
  38. final-dimension

    INTP Habits ...

    Yeah, it makes you look insane. THAT smile is huge, it is just impossible to hide, and when you are supposed to smile you can't.
  39. final-dimension

    INTP Habits ...

    Do you have this habit that when something really serious is happening, and then you think about the situation or something funny pops into your head, and you try to cover that smile,but fail... I hate that one it happens a lot.
  40. final-dimension

    INTP Habits ...

    I once had the same problem,you see I was supposed to take an English exam and I was really nervous * because I usually don't study for English exams,but still get the highest marks,that day I thought what if I can't do it this time?". I was kinda scared, when the teacher handed me the paper I...
  41. final-dimension

    The He-Man Woman Hater's Club

    All I am saying is that,I didn't command anyone to do anything I just said what I was thinking. And to be honest at the beginning I thought that thread was funny, and I even laughed a lot,but when I saw those pictures I just wanted to say that they don't present all women...
  42. final-dimension

    The He-Man Woman Hater's Club

    Do whatever you want to do.And you are right,not all women are "beautiful creatures",but it is like you are saying all women are that way,or most of them are horrible monsters. And don't forget about bad men who abuse women physically and mentally ...
  43. final-dimension

    INTP self-improvement: developing theories and axioms

    I think I will try this theory ...
  44. final-dimension

    The He-Man Woman Hater's Club

    Well I didn't see those pictures , and honestly I don't like them. Women are beautiful creatures, but some of them think they are not beautiful enough or that society won't accept them the way they are. People society expects too much from women really.
  45. final-dimension

    The He-Man Woman Hater's Club

    Same here * serious side talking*,well most of my female friends think I act tomboyish or that I am a little childish.I think they are too girly and I have even wrote a story about them being in a football team and they were like" I do say this stuff but it can't be that I care too much about...
  46. final-dimension

    INTP self-improvement: developing theories and axioms

    I like this theory,but it depends on the situation of course...
  47. final-dimension

    What makes you feel depressed?

    ESFJ father...
  48. final-dimension

    Understanding Made Simple

    I am not sure,but I think the three of you mean the same thing,I think this tool is mostly used by kids,because of their lack of basic concepts the world around them uses. They make their own definition for words or concepts they don't understand *they use their beautiful imagination* then...
  49. final-dimension

    Understanding Made Simple

    I think I understand what you mean.
  50. final-dimension

    INTP self-improvement: developing theories and axioms

    When it comes to studying I usually try to make a story where I am the main character and where studying is fighting,but in the end *sigh* I keep thinking about the story and stop studying... So this technique is a failure.I know that it isn't a theory,sorry.
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