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Search results

  1. childish_intellect

    What kind of bad

    I'd be a vigilante.
  2. childish_intellect


    I'm tempted to kidnap the person and torture them for an extended period of time but since I would probably finish them quickly due to the uncontrollably emotion known as anger, it wouldn't provide me satisfaction. If they land in jail I am tempted to pay someone to make their life a living...
  3. childish_intellect

    Coincidental Dreaming

    I've had similar dreams but not all pleasant. I woke up to find myself strangulating myself (well not exactly but something of the sort). I wasn't even dreaming. I was asleep when I began to feel a tremendous pressure on my chest. I couldn't breathe and I was as stiff as a rock. The ordeal...
  4. childish_intellect

    The Doctor Query

    A tied life is not worth living. I was born a free man and by hell I will die a free man. I find people to be full of problems and frankly I don't need any more problems on my plate. But since I am currently down in the dumps I would probably choose the second choice when I'm up and high-like...
  5. childish_intellect

    Lucid Dreaming

    Here's some expert advice (yes that is me). I've been at it for quite some time now. It has been so long in fact that I cannot recall the time that I started. There is a time frame that exists right before you fall asleep and much later before you start going to sleep. I'd say it is more closer...
  6. childish_intellect

    Do you save your band-aids?

    Hell the first one is gross. No I just lick my wounds and get it over with :D
  7. childish_intellect


    I find intimacy somewhat repulsive. It's probably due to my aversion of germs and diseases. The most intimate I get with a person is hugging. Other than that there is nothing else. But I don't give random people hugs. That would be a tad bit too crazy. Hugs are reserved only for those that I...
  8. childish_intellect

    INTP Habits ...

    Hell the only thing you have to worry when coming into my room are the stacks of books here and there. My room is also dimly lighted. It glows a dark red. Mostly because of my curtains. I like it that way. If you get on all fours and crawl around, you can pretend that you are in the grand...
  9. childish_intellect

    Vegetarianism and INTP

    I don't think I could ever manage being a straight on vegetarian. The temptation to eat meat is just too great. Currently I haven't sampled rabbit and duck. I wonder how they taste :)
  10. childish_intellect


    I only compete when I feel the need to squash someone else. Aside from that I don't really partake in such little things like that. It sounds cruel yes, but sometimes I'm exceptionally bored out of my wits that I would resort to those means.
  11. childish_intellect

    Hey I thought cats were afraid of heights? Anyways it's a nice, serene scene. (I do apologize...

    Hey I thought cats were afraid of heights? Anyways it's a nice, serene scene. (I do apologize for the lateness of my reply. I was m.i.a.) Thanks :)
  12. childish_intellect

    Who are You? *inside*

    I'd be something like Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son" but without the whole story behing it and replacing the morsel with my own self.
  13. childish_intellect


    I like you already. Welcome aboard.
  14. childish_intellect

    Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~

    I rather die a horrible death than to let others change me. The world is ugly, putrid, disgusting, and plastic. I wouldn't think of joining their ranks. I'm happy with standing out. Besides another "normal" person would make things boring. I like variety.
  15. childish_intellect

    Why do you ask these questions!?

    My parents would praise you. I'm always asking questions. The answers could have nothing to do with my current doings but I ask them anyways. I ask because I want to know. It is not a need. I can tell you that much. The only time it becomes a need is when the solution is needed to satisfy...
  16. childish_intellect

    INTP: The dream shatterer?

    Perhaps but not almost always. It does me a good kick when I see spirited folk talk about their future. The world has been down in the dumps as of late. If anything I'm more of an upper. I am, surprisingly, a grammar tyrant. The English language is beautiful and to butcher it is simply a...
  17. childish_intellect

    Scary pic.

    Scary pic.
  18. childish_intellect

    Do NTs tend to be picky eaters?

    I enjoy all food equally.
  19. childish_intellect

    Dopamine and caffeine

    If you are looking for that “happy” feeling I suggest eating chocolate.
  20. childish_intellect

    Post Idea About Death

    Hell I will not be sleeping happy tonight. A pity but only too real. I think of myself as energy (as are all the other things in the known universe). When I die my body will return to the Earth where it will be reborn into something else. I know I will no longer be whole but a part of me...
  21. childish_intellect

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    The eye is my least favorite organ of the human body. Still I find myself staring at them, often with a wide eyed look and little to no blinking. Teachers would sometimes get nervous or make mistakes while talking. They would sneak a glance or two to check if I was still watching them. I...
  22. childish_intellect

    INTP's and sensitivity?

    It would depend on what I was being judged upon. I always return the favor anyhow.
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