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Search results

  1. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    God dammit, fine. Look what you've done, Admiral... Yet it is a cycle One so, by nature, That it can be spoken of in poem FearDunn or has fear just begun? Is this the correct manner of action? Should we retain a semblance of pretentiousity? Or use real words, in a real setting? We, as INTP...
  2. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    Yeah, no formation. Each poster can rhyme how he/she likes or not at all.
  3. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    The irony in this is heavy, dripping, and poisonous. A meta-poem on poems? I commend your skill in writing this, but let's scratch it from the poem that's being worked on... Most recent excerpt is: Now standing in canyons of convolution You call out for solution Only echoes, resounding...
  4. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    I KNOW! Hey, to be fair, I kept it light right after you, but then it got dragged down again. I showed this to a friend, who immediately questioned the sanity of you people. Oh, for future reference, normal posts are fine - just put poem additions in italics. EDIT: Moving on: Sweet in body...
  5. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    Thus far #1 So, here's what we have thus far: ~~~ In the beginning Some kind of fortune Some wild and blue-eyed reason Gave no explanation Words of hope brought no comfort Praises of life and love meant nothing And so, the way of kindness faded Until there were nothing left but darkness...
  6. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    And as music lies in a feeble qualia Of near-incomprehensible nature He can't help but fall Into loneliness, into a hell of reason
  7. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    It rises in frequency and wonder Like tinnitus, but beautiful, a mistiest haze The hint of something grand For this note of hope to save
  8. Wolfpine


    Same. This reminds me of a quote from Voltaire, "To the feeling person, life is a tragedy; to the thinking person, it is a comedy". I also agree with all else you said (to a great degree). Idealistically, of course, I wish people as a whole could grasp the importance of perspective, and were a...
  9. Wolfpine

    iNtuition as a Decision-making Process

    Care to elaborate? You're right, if you mean that it isn't how Ne works. It's more like Ni, in my case, for some reason.
  10. Wolfpine

    iNtuition as a Decision-making Process

    In classical typology, T and F are the "judging" functions. They discern how and why we make decisions, whereas N and S are simply the ways in which we perceive information. As far as I can tell, though, I make my decisions based on my iNtuition rather than Ti. When ordering food, I mentally...
  11. Wolfpine


    It actually makes perfect sense. It's like making a poem out of how you present yourself to others. Subtly affect them, but do not try to explain yourself, as this never works (I also know from experience). Good idea, definitely. Impress your impressions in a way that conveys the impression you...
  12. Wolfpine

    A Never-Ending Poem

    Respond with a stanza or two that you feel complements the poem in the post above. You may, but do not have to, look at previous posts to get an idea. Just write whatever comes to mind; feel free to be random, as long as your post and the one above can be related. I'll start. In the beginning...
  13. Wolfpine

    Refugee from INTPc

    I don't hate INTPc, it was just frankly boring me. Some things are good, but I'm looking for new opportunity. I think I may have been banned for starting this thread... can anyone else actually go on INTPc? Either their website has been taken down/hacked, or I've been banned. Huh...
  14. Wolfpine


    It sucks. It pervades nearly every aspect of your social life, at worst ruining friendships and at best existing in and of itself as a frustration. Language is fallible. People are subjective, and most can't even communicate reasonably. Judgments solidify, and values differ. That's only good if...
  15. Wolfpine

    Do you ever get "vibes"?

    Celtic music. Ireland itself. Full moon. Apples. Oh, and pagan rituals.
  16. Wolfpine

    An approximate number sense test

    You had a score of 88% correct on this test. Based on the results we have so far, the average person who takes this test scores 76% correct. Your percentile score on this test was 93, meaning you scored higher than 86% of people who took this test It took you an average of 0.48 seconds...
  17. Wolfpine

    Refugee from INTPc

    I withdraw into subjective aesthetics, where my world remains mine and yours remains a fictitious idea.
  18. Wolfpine

    INTP vs. ADHD

    Your mom whatever you just is dumb.
  19. Wolfpine

    Refugee from INTPc

    You have no idea - the other day, I saw a thread where the OP was "I'm lost. My life has no meaning, I hate my job." and all the responses were along the lines of, "Yeah, I'm in the same position. Just keep doing your job, and try meditating." or "Yeah, life sucks, as do most of the people on...
  20. Wolfpine

    INTP vs. ADHD

    I have ADHD. It's fairly serious for me, though; without my medication, it takes about 125% of my willpower to do something I WANT to do, and about 500% to do something I don't want to do. I'm not sure how much it really has to do with being an INTP. I mean, it naturally contributes, but ADHD...
  21. Wolfpine

    Refugee from INTPc

    Hey, I'm looking for a community that's NOT full of a hundred bitter, middle-aged, miserable people who will generally respond with "clever" one-line insults or self-absorbed commentary to anything one posts. I am an INTP, of course, but I'm frustrated at INTPc for 1) the infrequency of...
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